>there are no patrician game criti-
There are no patrician game criti-
eh could be better.
>soyboys don't exis-
>makes 40 minutes essays because he's butthurt at buzzwords
I like Previously Recorded, although they don't do enough reviews.
this man suffers from legit autism.
Is that Ben Moore?
hbomberguy is based.
Sup Forums hates him because he shits on their world view.
fuck no, did you watch his DS2 video?
>invents words for concept already known
>talk shit about how other people play
>praise a series about having a wide range of options and praise the sequel for removing that because 'people played the game wrong'
He's done some good stuff but can also be a bitchboy (DaS2).
>Smug cunt that doesn't do any research and despite being a critic he's too autistic to know the difference between subjective and objective
inb4 people post Joseph "word count" Anderson
1) Sup Forums is not for e-celebs.
2) Why talk about this soyboy? He is just a more SJW version of Jim Sterling (which is an achievement). All you can say is that he is deeply contrarian and lets his politics dictate his thoughts on games. That's it, that's all you can say about him.
His politics videos are alright.
His videogames videos are not.
mauler's response to this smug retard was goat
Unironically this.
>9 hours of video responding to someone else's opinion
How butthurt can someone be?
I can't believe he actually triggered PJW so fucking hard. You'd think the Right would be big on facts, turns out they love to lie just as much as the Left.
his Sherlock video hit the nail on the head too
>Smug cunt that doesn't do any research
even when he does the bare minimum google searching he is doing more research than the people he roasts lmao
i dont like his way of making arguements
they come off as over the top and try hard funny
the only word i can use to describe it is "cringy"
blocks your path
No but he's just as bad.
This is the face of weaponized autism and it absolutely destroyed hbomber
>NINE HOURS response
fuck off mauler, his DS2 vid was bad but holy shit that was straight autism
Kinda sad Mauler didn't destroy this little bitch on twitter. Soyboy didn't even bother to watch his videos what a little bitch
Hey Paul, go shill your soypills somewhere else
It's almost like there are retards on both sides...
His Sherlock video is the only one I enjoy, though it's far too lengthy. His politics videos are honestly a bit exhausting to me, mostly because I already hear about the garbage discussed from a million other places. Can we just ease up on this whole gender/patriarchy/soyboy shit?
gynarchy when?
semperfi knackerfrank
>weak jawline
>pale skin
>prey eyes
>patchy beard growth
He's everything wrong with modern "men"
>tfw no wife to bully me into submission and force me to do the house chores while she goes to work
He's like that little kid who's frail as fuck but still laughs in your face with smugness and delusional arguments without anyone actually punishing him physically or mentally for it because you just feel bad for him or think he is not mentally healthy. I can imagine he was bullied a lot growing up so this is his way of acting out his repressions.
As much as I like the guy's videos, he's the spitting image of the "soyboy" Sup Forums always talk about.
I like his video game videos and this videos where he shit talks the BBC.
I just ignore his politics videos.
This isn't video games op kill yourself sage
pale skin is good though
more attractive
t. girl
Someone left the projector on.
That's awfully specific, user...
he's pretty good, yeah
Nice try
I grew up relatively well adjusted physically and mentally
Don't tell me I'm the only one who had this kid in my class
Hbombers reaction was pretty pathetic. Mauler never had intention to insult him or humiliate.