Why aren't you playing Elder Scrolls Online?

Why aren't you playing the best Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall/Morrowind?

Game was terrible at launch but I tried it a year later and now it's my most played game by far.

>fuckhuge map covers almost all of Tamriel and we're going to Summerset Isles in May
>horizontal progression system that diversifies your play style without "numbers going up" meaning all content is relevant at "end game" like Guild Wars
>ala carte business model, buy what you think is worth paying for
>steady stream of content
>1 boxed expansion a year, 2 PVE DLCs and 2 dungeon packs a year
>Dark Age of Camelot-inspired three faction PVP with thousands of players on a single map
>moves away from the class system (somewhat)
>best combat of any elder scrolls game
>spellcrafting coming this fall
>has all the features you'd expect from a TES game
>feels like you're playing a huge TES game

Summerset Isles (newest boxed expansion) youtube.com/watch?v=sCdHwOC0lLE

Clockwork City (2017 PVE DLC)

Morrowind (2017 boxed expansion)

One Tamriel (2017 progression rework)

Dark Brotherhood (2016 DLC)

Thieves Guild (2016 DLC)

Orsinium (2015 DLC)

Imperial City (2014 DLC)

Gold Edition is $20 (base game+dark brotherhood/thieves guild/orsinium/imperial city)

Morrowind expansion can be had for $10-15

Clockwork City is $20

Summerset will be $30
Total: $85 for everything, nearly half of a yearly FFXIV/WoW subscription

/vg/ has nice ESO threads come play with us

Free trial until Monday on Steam btw
not a shill i swear on me mum

Attached: summerset isles expansion.png (1264x881, 2.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Videos look nice

> Why aren't you playing the best Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall/Morrowind?
No mods no fun.

Only reason I modded TES is because the experience was lacking in the base game. This doesn't need mods. It's already a solid Elder Scrolls game, something we haven't had since Morrowind and Daggerfall

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>shitty classes
>lame faction system raping lore left and right
>awful MQ
>bad armor design
>poor graphics

The quests are boring as fuck.
The combat is worse than skyrim.
The atmosphere is pretty but lacks the same charm of TES, especially in cities where it matters most.
Multiple players on one map ruins immersion.
No funny engine related quirks and glitches.
Can't just pick up and manipulate any and all items in the world.
Each province is a watered down simplified version of its TES counterpart.
The storylines are dull and the characters are all very forgettable.
Terrible generic armor, terrible generic weapons.

TES 6 when.

>I need muh gamebryo glitches to post on reddit for massive upboats xD
opinion discarded

>Todd is God fedorafag plebbitor detected

Tried it and the combat felt awful. Felt so weak that it put me off right from the get go. Wasted my time downloading nearly 88gb of trash.

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Can you have maids/servants for housing in this game? Important question.

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Elven supremacy is the future!

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i'll wait for the private server scene to pick up some steam. the ones that do it right are better than official servers sometimes.

Good luck. This has EVE-like server architecture.

You'll be waiting forever. The business model is already good. Just cosmetics, XP boosts sold to whales and idiots and actual content DLCs that are worthy of being called expansion packs.

Take your youtube links and leave Todd

What's wrong with posting trailers for each piece of content? People should know they gave a lot of attention to dark brotherhood and thieves guild along with Morrowind and Summerset

well if any of my rl friends tug my dick the right way to get me into it i'll consider it just cause i'm an elder scrolls fanboy but otherwise i don't into mmo's very often, last one i played was world of tanks when it first launched, so a forever wait isn't a big deal for me :^)

You can have NPCs do certain tasks like be your banker/merchant/fence for stolen goods in your house

No, it's actually super boring. The devs dont' add any more weapon skill lines like unarmed, magical weapons, weapon and magic. Some dungeons have bugs that have been there for 2+ years. All they do is pump out DLC and not fix a damn thing. They also nerf absolutely everything and PvP is completely ignored. Not to mention how PvE's level scaling makes it so that you're basically as strong at level 1 as you will ever be because every enemy scales to YOUR level.

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No, the base game is not good in ESO. Still needs to make combat feel alive and not absolutely fucking braindead. You NEVER see anything as a threat. You always know you will kill whatever it is you're fighting.

Combat is dreadful

i am. clockwork city is my favorite story content throughout the entire series. and ive played EVERYTHING besides arena

my main gripe when I played was that it was just kind of boring
also the factions seemed shoddily put together lorewise

Because I don't want to pay money for shit I can't modify to my taste

>Summerset expansion
>Won't be an option to go on a fucking genocide
No interest.

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Since you are the current shill, can you explain to me how the armor design is so god awful in the game?

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>summerset isles
>no glass structures

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Because it manages to feel both populated and completely barren at the same time. There's no community interaction. The gear is all awful. The world is fucking boring. The questing system is obnoxiously tedious. The only fun thing is how easily you can start a duel with someone but even that gets old after the first few times. Shitty game.

it can seem like that to anyone that checks out the website page on them, but not to anyone that actually has played the game.

Ebonheart Pact = doesn't actually exist until the end of the zone's story. you're trying to get all 3 races to stop killing each other so there's a chance of winning the war.
Daggerfall Covenant = you're part of a pirate crew doing odd jobs for the high king of Daggerfall. choices made affect who you recruit and who stays through the whole thing.
Aldmeri Dominion = the first instance of the aldmeri dominion (the one in skyrim is the third) you end up as the right hand man of a tyrant leading a coup and undermining her homeland for the sake of progress. realistically the best chance of winning the war were Tiber not to step in. i have a feeling they write her actions to be as despicable as they are to better understand how and why the thalmor are the way they are in the future, who are a very small group at the moment

are crafting material bags still locked behind a subscription paywall? if yes keep that shit game with shady jew monetarization for yourself. and no, crafting is not optional when only crap stuff drops all the time and that skewed stupid trading system.

You can literally see the tower in the picture

>Why aren't you playing the best Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall/Morrowind?
Because it is an MMO and I have no interest in MMOs

>confusing the tower with the description of the Altmer's structures
Yes, I can see the tower in the picture. That's cool. That's expected because the tower is in the fucking Summerset Isles. Altmer cities are supposed to be made of glass and look similar to dragonfly wings. THAT does not look like fucking glass.

in its defense, this has been the only ingame representation of Summerset in all of the series. it matches it well, even if i would have preferred what was described by imperials in that book.

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The game feels like I'm in an Elder Scrolls theme park and all the quests are "rides". It breaks my immersion to see everyone run and gather around from one quest giver to the next. Granted, I've never played an MMORPG before this one.

But you cant have random npc, customizable maids walk around your home pretending to do stuff. I only know bdo to do this but bdo is hot garbage.

IS this supposed to look like Alinor? Too lazy to look it up but was it not supoosed to be extremely colorful and bedazzling and shit?

I was, kinda ran out of things to do that I enjoy.
Trials arent really fun for me, and getting into a good trading guild is a time consuming hassle so making gold is a bitch.
I like farming motifs but im at the point where the only ones left are once a day attempts, just obscenely hard grinds or locked behind vet content.
Cyrodil pvp was ok but you really have to dedicate yourself to it, that and I play a shitty templar.

too lazy to even read the thread too apparently

ESO's auction store is one all mmos and psuedo mmos should use

>all the devs do is pump out bullshit things to buy and not fix any bugs
gee where have i heard this one before? oh right, every fucking vidya released the past three years.

how tf does this armor look any different from shit like guild wars or any other generic fotm mmorpg? jesus, remember when tes had it's own aesthetics?

just try it

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it still does. his pic is one of the basic racial motifs (orc), some of the little existing content still around since the game was going to be a WoW clone. game was in development since 2009 so assets from then are going to show.

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actual orc stuff

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I play gw2 and just downloaded ESO to try out. I'm really not a fan of how they made ESO armor look skin tight on player models. It just looks really weird since everyone looks pretty skinny.

Holy fuck this overdesigned garbage
At least the helmets are not bucket sized anymore

daily reminder there are actual bethesda shills posting here

That's because TESO armor, much like WoW and another shitty MMOs, uses skin textures as armors instead of actual layers over the models

the overdesigned garbage is a near 1:1 of the original ordinators, user

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sure, in the skyrim threads. this isnt a bethesda game.

why did adblocker not address this, do you guys have better filters?

Well that sucks and I guess bethesda is too lazy to change it a bit with recent armor?

It is.

Because it is boring. Worse endgame ever made.

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No, it doesn't
In case you can't tell the ordinator armor is, for starters, an actual armor with multiple layers unlike the skin thight suit from TESO, and the colors on it are by far better than the dull marks on the TESO armor
Yo uare fucking retarded just for saying that they are 1:1, if anything it's loosely based but since Zenimax can't pull quality designs like in Morrowind they will never come close to a good armor design

mmos are a trick of the light when it comes to graphics. they all pull this shit

>Terrible endgame
>Barely any content that keeps the world relevant besides dolman farming
Why do MMO's make these giant fucking worlds but make 100% sure theres nothing to do in them.

My greatest problem with ESO is every single piece of armor looks like shit.

t. former Emperor

where skyrim 2 tobd

The very first forum thread in their General section is about them (finally) trying to do something about fixing classes.
Only after like 2-3 years of people asking for this.

>no dwarves

Attached: eso.png (299x199, 35K)

ROFL, painted armor over a DYEL model.
Even Morrowind Orc Armor looked far beter.
excellent comprehension there.

>horizontal progression system that diversifies your play style without "numbers going up" meaning all content is relevant at "end game" like Guild Wars
And makes leveling feels like shit because each level makes you weaker
>ala carte business model, buy what you think is worth paying for
Except you need most of the recent dlcs to do any relevant content, also base game itemization is fucked and somewhat fixed only in expansion pack
>best combat of any elder scrolls game
Big fat lies. Combat is absolute irredeemable garbage, i would take morrowind dice rolling over it any day. Not only it is floaty as hell with one of the cringiest animations ever conceived thanks to hero engine, it is actively hamstrung by the scaling rework itself. Not to mention the stupidest design decision of swapping hotbars and railroaded character progression.

>horizontal progression system that diversifies your play style without "numbers going up" meaning all content is relevant at "end game" like Guild Wars

Just going to point out this is bullshit. They made "all content relevant" by essentially making the entire game level scaled. The implementation of it is so poor you are at your strongest at level 1, from then on you basically get weaker until very, very late game when you unlock some retarded perk system that is full of stuff like +0.1% damage per perk.

My only gripe with end game is that there's no incentive to do any of it. Once you reach max level you can literally just make end game gear yourself, which is arguably the best set gear in the game, which trivializes going through end game dungeons and trials to get better gear.

WoW has changed. Every character now uses the same skeleton so while they're still doing these geometry "cheats" (every game does this), they can have some interesting armour sets now without having to remodel/animate for every race.

Because King's Raid exists and I'm sick and tired of themepark MMOs. If I wanted to invest a lot of time into an MMO I'd just go play P99 Everquest. Or Tera if I wanted good combat.

kys hines. people talk a lot of shit on todd but he's the only one stopping the company from doing fucking insane shit like bringing back the dwarves to sell more units

Just tried ESO plays for like 10 or so hours hoping ill eventually get to the fun part.
Man this game is brain dead easy. You take no damage from enemy attacks and regenerate health super fast game play is literally mashing random buttons till the enemy dies. Th game even has huge aoe damage indicators but you dont even have to doge that shit because as stared you take almost no damage.
I am beginning to think developers just make the games as easy as possible because the people who acualy care about challenge are a quiet minority. Most normies just care about the goal not how they reach it so lets ensure no one ever has a bad time we dont want to trigger those sensitive snowflakes who might quit the game if they die even once.
And the fact its an MMO makes this even worse because you cant change the difficulty at all.

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im still playing modded skyrim

Literally the only reason I don't play is because the game runs like shit on my machine. I get sub 30 fps in all areas because of my turd processor.

I want to like it but I hate the artstyle. The graphics are nice but the characters, equipment and the world in general look so boring.

Combat is objectively the worst part about this game.
Spellcrafting never.
Spears and one-handed + spell off-hand never ever.
Classes are pretty shit, and most builds are basically the same. Magicka classes buff up, place two ground aoes, and use their spammable with light-attack weaving or lightning staff heavy attack. Stamina classes literally all have the same backbar and all play the same. You have virtually no freedom of choice regarding weapons. Magicka classes have to use staves, stamina classes have to use bow backbar and generally dual-wield because two-handers miss out on a set piece. Hybrids are fucking garbage because skill effectiveness is tied to your maximum magicka or stamina. The playerbase is a shit who are either tryhards who hang on to streamer's words like gospel, or are so abysmally shit that they might as well not be there at all. PvPers ruin everything for PvEers because the dev team flat-out refuse to balance the two seperately.

It feels to much like and mmo with an elders scrolls skin slapped on than and actual elder scrolls game. It really jarring to see this massive world boss level daedra just standing still in a hole until a player comes up to it. Plus the skill system is stupidly boring. Providing the ability to morph skills in place of having more skills doesn't provide much when 99% of the morphs have one that's useless and one that's a must have

the fun of elder scrolls is make a godly overpowered character that can shot lighting from its arsehole. MMOs feel the need to pander to crybabies for (((balance))) so no class can ever be fun.

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T.never played the game

WoW does the same shit. The leveling content is far too forgiving so when you get to max level you have absolute retards fucking up fundamental shit.
There should be a hard block on leveling that forces you to learn some basic shit like avoiding stuff.

Because one of the patches deleted half my bank, and when I contacted the support, telling them what was missing (because I had a list in a document, as those items were all banked for crafting research) they asked me for exact names of the items and which character. I only have one character. And I'd have to write about fifty names down, which I don't have.
So fuck this game. It was a boring grindfest anyways.

>Complaining the game is easy
>Never bothered to try any of the challenging group content or PVP

Kys faggot

Didn't play recent wow but i did play vanilla back in the day for a month or so.
I remember acualy dying a few times back in it even when i started out in the beginner zones.
Did they change it.

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You won't get there within 10 hours. user probably only experienced overland content, which is undeniably braindead easy.

its sad how right you are, sadly the best part of elder scrolls is nonexistent in this game because of the classes and how every build is just dump one of the 3 stats and go

yes, when they re-designed the world in cataclysim they fucked all the challenge out of the game. at least they're trying to find a middle ground for the latest xpac.

>You have to play the game for 100+ hours to get to the challenging part.

No thank you ill stick to games that are challenging from the start.

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WoW is impossible to die on when leveling.
They recently buffed HP of leveling mobs because people were 3 shotting quest mobs.
But they didn't increase the damage output of enemies / enemies with telegraphed attacks.

I wanted to love the ESO but BDO has spoiled me desu

>Doesn't need mods
What if I wish to live in a Hentai fantasy user? I can't get raped in ESO.

Also, I can't get raped in Daggerfall or Morrowind, so both of those aren't that good either for my needs.

I really want a mod for Morrowind where Fargoth can rape you. Fargoth rape sim when?

I don't play wow but I feel gw2 is the same shit. I thought raids in gw2 were fucking hard since every pug group I was with would wipe on the most basic boss. Then one day I got super lucky and ended up in a pug with some competent players and holy fuck dude raiding was actually piss easy, you just need a group with half a brain. Killed 3 bosses in a row without wipe and killed the """hardest""" one in game after only 2 tries. Its like a majority of the players in most mmos are shitters who can't even bother to learn basic shit.

Nope, I'm done with mmos ever since I dropped WoW.

That's all mmos retard

isn't that true of every mmo though

this ones just noticeably bad because everywhere you go is scaled to your level

>one of the 2 stats
Fixed. Tanks don't need to dump health because they get that through enchants and armor sets, and need both resource pools.
Also leveling a tank or healer is fucking shit. Every other mmo can handle this, but not ESO.

t. B T F O

>conjuration is limited to a pitiful handful of summons
>in spite of the fact that previous games had so many summon options to choose from

Utter trash game, should be shut down.

There shouldn't be any braindead easy content in a game for your own level. No MMO should just let you faceroll through anything unless you've massively outgeared or outleveled it.

Unfortunately every MMO these days seems to baby players until they reach max level, and even then all but 1% of the content is a joke. Then people wonder why almost everyone sucks at the game.

>in an MMO
Just play a fucking real PvP game. MMO PvP is awful.

And people wonder why MMOs are dying.
Honestly i cant see how anyone other than the biggest NEETs and Kids who have not yet figured out they are gonna die one day and that time is limited are ok whit this.

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>less stats
>less skills
>generic fetch quests
>broken quests where randoms can run into the dungeon your party is in and kill everything before you're halfway through the quests
>grinding takes forever even for an MMO
>retconned to hell

this game is a burning shitfest. POOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEE

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>less stats
>less skills
>generic fetch quests
>broken quests where randoms can run into the dungeon your party is in and kill everything before you're halfway through the quests
>grinding takes forever even for an MMO
>retconned to hell

That's somehow all not true, it's the exact opposite

Why do you do this?

>waaaah I lack a half decent attention span
>I don't like a genre that is known for its time sink yet still played it and came into this thread to complain anyway

Fuck off faggot