So beyond the obvious Witcher games with Geralt, what are some other games that star a Mary Sue?
So beyond the obvious Witcher games with Geralt, what are some other games that star a Mary Sue?
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Main Character = Mary Sue.
Mass Effect
any/every jrpg
What a mary sue is:
>A character who serves as a self insert for the reader.
What a mary sue is NOT
>Any character who is super powerful
>Any character you personally don't like
>Any character who is well received by a community
it's kinda hard for games to have mary sues cause then they'd be boring.
Yeah what a mary sue this guy was
A mary sue doesn't HAVE to be a self insert. Its just common that they are.
What video game is that?
It's Gary Sue you dumb niggers
Remember when "Mary Sue" was a self insert of the AUTHOR? That was back when the notion had meaning.
now it means "self insert of a random person walking in front of it".
But that's wrong, faggot.
A Mary Sue is a character that's unreasonably good. They simply succeed too often. They don't have to be a self-insert, but they tend to be.
15 Questions To Tell If Your OC Is A Hairy Jew
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed 2!Ezio
Devil May Cry
Ninja Gaiden (one of the most boring ones possible)
Persona 4
And that's a good thing. Here's why
Ezio had a horrible life.
You mean the character that got his ass kicked by Vilgefortz multiple times, is in an unhappy relationship for most of his life, treated as a social pariah and then for all his training gets fucked over by a peasant with a pitchfork?
Solid Snake
The fuck are you talking about
>treated as a social pariah*
aka Wolverine
>Family loves him completely and unconditionally
>Town loves him completely and unconditionally
>Disliked by the YA novel bully character
>Perfect athlete without training.
>Perfect warrior with minimal training from his uncle
>Fucks literally everyone he wants without consequence
>Every good guy eventually fully agrees with him
>Every comically sneering bad guy hates him because "lol why not"
>That one chick wants to fuck him the second after the failed mission even though his fuck up could have crippled her for life
>LOL all of Leo's inventions are really Ezio's idea
>LOL I'm not going to kill the Pope and claim I have moral authority even though I've spent my life murdering people left and right
>None of his actions have negative consequences until Brotherhood
>Not a complete and total Mary Sue
Dude come on, Ezio is gaming's biggest Sue.
This guy knows his fanfic.
The idea of succeeding at everything = Mary Sue doesn't even make sense in the context of Geralt who fucks up so much and so many times
So no characters are allowed to have any kinds of powers? Sounds like you don't like the fantasy genre in general.
What really makes a mary sue is not the powerlevel or if they act like a self insert, it’s that they’re magically liked by everyone for no discernable reason. I’ll give an example Kirito has every single girl he runs across instantly thirst for his dick despite being more or less a completely average person personality wise. Rey is a Mary Sue because everyone fawns over her and treats her like a lifelong friend despite meeting around an hour ago. You can have overpowered characters who are not Sues, but you can’t be immediately loved and respected for no reason and not be a Sue, it’s just that power and likableness go hand in hand
>presented as the perfect specimen of a human being
>is in actuality a badly made clone with a degrading body
>the exploits that made him famous and beloved by all have emotionally and psychologically fucked up
>he's alienated everyone in his life, including his love interest, and the only people that tolerate him are a weeaboo, their adopted kid, and the colonel that only bothers contacting him when he needs something
>struggled with addiction and suicidal thoughts until his final years
Yeah, no, Snake's not a Mary Sue. He always faces consequences for his actions and suffers horrifically over the course of the series.
You could argue that Big Boss is one, though.
>LOL all of Leo's inventions are really Ezio's idea
Did you not pay attention to the game? They were Altair's ideas. And he lifted them from the apple.
>Mary Sue
Not even close
Ciri is the Mary Sue of the Witcher Universe
I think the way most special breed characters like mutants or witchers are always written wrong. I never believe their lot in stories or the way they're treated.
Fire Emblem Fates
>inb4 "shill/eceleb garbage" even though I don't even watch this dude's other videos
If they wanted to make Corrin a Sue they did a terrible fucking job, he/she might just be the most retarded and whiniest protagonist I have ever seen, at least in Conquest.
Has there ever been a self-insert that was good?
Luke Skywalker?
Dante Alighieri
No it is not.
A Mary Sue is a unreasoable perfect characters that has either no flaws, or flaws that are not really flaws (Oh my flaw is I'm such a perfectionist and always punctual). However these characters are OFTEN self inserts, or meant to be used as reader insert, but it is in no means a requirement at all.
You are however right in saying that that a MS is not someone you don't like or the community loves.
Sora in anything past Chain of Memories is a pretty horrible one, I'd say. At least that one and KH1 showed that he had an ugly side, in that he could be petty, envious and prone to impulsive fits of anger even if his heart was in the right place. He actually felt like a kid who was learning everything as he went. Now he's pretty much this perfect, all-loving Jesus figure whose only flaw is that he cares too much.
Luke isn't a Mary Sue, he's an everyman.
It was an author insert though, Mark Hamill has even admitted that when he wasn't sure how to act out a scene he just did what George Lucas would have done.
A powerful character can succeed in fighting but have that be balanced by having character flaws that lead to unfortunate consequenses.
>unironically enjoying AC
I’ve heard of a neat forum called “reddit” where the intellect seems to be... about your speed.
Shinji Ikari
Luke lived his whole adolescent life on a shitty moisture farm. Then gets btfo by sand people before obi-wan saves him. he's not really a sue.
Mary Sues are supposed to be near perfect characters who always get their way. Geralt is deeply flawed and fucks up a lot, just because you hate his character doesn't make him a Mary Sue.
best p&p are those sessions where every MC is Mary Sue
prove me wrong
you can't :^)
He's a self-insert though, no one was asking whether he was a Sue or not
I'm sure you'd know with that reddit spacing lol
Why do
you need
a separate line
for clusters of
words in a
sentence, you
absolute retard.
Ya got chops, kiddo. I like it
Where did he imply he enjoyed the game? He corrected you with facts, or is knowing these facts mean that the game is somehow enjoyable?
>can’t into any punctuation
Yep, nice. Take this wholehearted upvote.
Casuals plz leave. Shouldn’t you be playing Sea of Thieves or some shit?
Gary Stu
I fucking hate the game, but if you are going to make an argument why a character is bad, you best to make sure that your facts are correct. I agree with the premise (Ezio is a mary sue) but your argument of him coming up with DiVinci's machines is flat out wrong.
>inb4 go back because i can't handle the fact i'm wrong
I'm actually sure the hugbox is more your speed.
And everybody likes them regardless.
I haven't played it but doesn't the new dragonball game have the main character be you, the player, as a spirit of plot armor that possesses characters to make them win fights they shouldn't?
>>A character who serves as a self insert for the reader.
that is not a mary sue. That is just a self insert. In some ways this is even worse than a Mary Sue because at least Mary Sues are at least characters, while self inserts are just bullshit.
bzzt wrong, a Mary Sue doesn't have anything to do with being good. A character can be edgy as fuck and still be a Mary Sue.
It's perfect for video games though.
Rey is a literal mary sue since the new movies are big budget fan fiction.
It doesn't matter what you think of them, it's about what the plot thinks of them.
>Rey is a Mary Sue because everyone fawns over her and treats her like a lifelong friend despite meeting around an hour ago.
Shit is next level dumb
>Han dies
>Leia ignores Chewbacca and runs over to hug some girl she doesn’t know
I don’t even like star wars and I got pissed
He said good
Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
Sonic, t b h
Almost always the worst character in his own franchise