What do you want to see in Splatoon 3?

What do you want to see in Splatoon 3?
Splatoon thread

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Actually balanced kits, more kit variety, less fucking copy paste maps, better balanced ranked mode, actual fucking servers, more outfits.

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>Getting rid of the shitty map rotation
>New game modes(Salmon Run was the best addition do Splatoon 2)
>More character customization besides gears
>Being able to play duo in Splatfests
>Less or none rng for better skill management for gears

i Iike how the fedora one is blushing because the the cap one is putting his arm around him.

Spread of many many doujins both loli and shota

All I need is more modes like Salmon Run and a fleshed out story mode like the new Octo DLC and I'll be happy

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no map rotation

or at the very least have more than 2 maps per cycle

>the ability to wear masks and hats at the same time
>proper customization around the leg area
>dedicated servers or at the very least a tickrate that isn't just barely in the double digits
>playable octolings from the get-go
>better and longer singleplayer
>boy idols

Honestly, they could keep 2, but have each mode always available.
Might spread people too much though.

boy idols
I actually want to see that

How should maps be chosen?

Is there an uncensored vers of this pic anyone could link to?

It's a boonie hat you fucking moron

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no genderlock on clothes and hair

>Actually balanced kits
theres is literally nothing wrong with splatoon's balance, even the most popular kits only have about 10% playablity which is lower then other games' distribution for this kind of thing

You can't allow players to choose the map because it's going to be another 2fort/de_dust 24/7. Just remove the 2 maps limit, pick random map from all of them.

Manta Ray people from Neo-Australia who force a new brand of rock music into the OST.

>there is a world out there where Moray Towers is picked over and over again

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It's not truly random anyway, just make sure all maps are evenly spread.

Full random is the obvious solution and I don't know how they haven't realized it. I hate the rotation because it results in playing the same level over and over as a solution to avoid playing the same level over and over.

The real reason is so you can pick weapons more suited for the stages in the rotation. You know which two or three maps will show up so you can prepare for it.

They're actually making it even more predictable in version 5. Each ranked mode will pick from exactly eight maps every month. That's right, not only will you only be able to play on the same two maps for a two hour period, but a specific ranked mode will only ever shuffle between eight total maps in a month's time. Like Rainmaker on Blackbelly Skatepark? Too bad, it's not in the rotation this month! It won't be in the rotation next month, either!

>Full random
The whole point of stage rotation is to make weapon choice more interesting. They didn't want jack-of-all-trades weapons to be the only ones people used.

>What do you want to see in Splatoon 3?


Oh no, i won't get to play rainmakers on blackbelly skatepark, unlike now where i can't play rainmaker on blackbelly skatepark unless i'm awake at 4am on the one saturday a month where it's available.

I guess you could say idiots like that belong in the... boonies

I didn't think the weapons or levels were so unbalanced that anything would become unusable. I still saw pretty much everything show up on every level. The only thing it did was make chargers show up more often on the levels where they work best. I would actually prefer occasionally having to work around my weapon's weakness to make the most of it.

Maybe a 2v2v2v2 gamemode of some sort.

No more shitty panic buttons like Bubbler or Splashdown. Being punished for out playing someone is fucking bullshit. Also want each band to have their own version of Now or Never.

Yeah, except the top 6 is four multirole 2-liner shooters and 2 slow killers with Splashdown (plus one shooter with it). Together they make up 40% of the weapons used, Splashdown-25% of all specials, and two of the top picks are counterpicks specifically against SD (Zap is best armor bar none and it hard-counters SD, Enperries are the best at escaping SD). Low-tier weapons have much slimmer chances to be useful than they were in Splat1. Most of the kits are plain stupidly designed, in either too good, irredeemably bad, or intentionally braindead flavours. Specials are too cheap and too versitale. Walking in circles around actual balancing problems seems fine to them, so we get shit like Gloogas that got no meaningful buffs since release despite being both one of the worst and most outclassed weapons. Instead, whenever something unorthodox enters meta it gets nuked to irrevelancy, like Brella. I can ramble for days about how stale the meta is, how same-y the top tiers are and how huge is the power gap between good and bad in this game.

It would be fine for Turf War, but I’d be pissed if they made Ranked totally random. However it seems like the are going to opposite direction with it with the Rank X changes. Which I also don’t really like.

Will they ever top them?

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It's on paheal, not sure if it's on any of the other r34 sites tho

>pretty much everything
Because the best weapons right now are all multiroles, and if you are not using one you probably don't care anyway because using something not suited to the map adds challenge which you obviously crave if you don't go with guranteed wins from crutchdown or nzap.


maybe you're right but at the end of the day I main charger so I couldn't care less
sometimes I play other weapons but I never take it serous enough to care about slight balancing issues

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All modes are available both in ranked and unranked. Instant preorder. I had to stop playing because of anger management issues but I really love all ranked modes, spent somewhere around 500+ hours on S-S+ rating in original Splatoon, wish I could play more

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But they don't produce ink. Just give us Cuttlelings.

hi-five, chargebro
'S not really about what I can play but rather what I get to play against. It's no fun when every target is the same, can challenge me in the same ways and is roughly as valuable as everyone else on his team.