Undertale is still talked about to this day

>Undertale is still talked about to this day

I think it is safe to say that Undertale is the best game in the past twenty years.

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Reminder that Chara did LITERALLY nothing wrong!

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objectively speaking regarding the game that made the biggest splash within the last 20 years, it's obviously Minecraft.

What happened to the tinfoil wearing morons that talked about a conspiracy to make Undertale the be-all end-all of videogames?

Supposedly there was going to be a never-ending campaign to make it the gold standard.

Paranoia at its finest

So why does Sup Forums hate this game so much? Played it a while back and it was alright. Nothing special. But everytime it is talked about on this board, it is considered as the worst thing ever made.

>Undertale is still talked about to this day
Outside of tumblr nobody cares about Undertale anymore, the fuck you talkin about?

By that logic link and the faces of evil is the best game

Plenty of people talked about Sans being leaked for Smash.

What is undertale and how close is the gameplay to Call of Duty?

Aside from some people making jokes about Sans being in Smash5 I have not heard a single thing about a leak.

Sup Forums loved the demo to hell and back and is one of the main reasons the game got funded. Folks here don't like to remember that they loved undertale before anyone else.
Once the game was released, it started getting too popular, and Sup Forums, being a board largely filled with people who think cynicism and being a general contrarian is a sign of intelligence, quickly swerved their opinions in the other direction regarding the game.

You can cry "le walking simulator" and "le tungllr boogieman" all you want, you know this to be true.

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It is a good game made to be fun and memorable. That’s it. I enjoyed it but Earthbound exists and is superior in every way. I’ve beaten Earthbound three times and Undertale once. I couldn’t bring myself to complete a second playthrough

Well when you get such vocal trannies and dykes screaming about the one game that accepts them, yeah, it gets talked about. What else can they discuss?

Is LITERALLY not lmao. Stop making shit up holy fuck, this is pathetic man


kill yourself


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>someone on Sup Forums said it so it must be true!

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Not an argument, btfo lmao.

I'm not arguing with you I'm mocking you

>Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about ____ except for a few faggots
>____ gets popular
>more of Sup Forums became aware of ____ true faggotry and hates it now

Who the fuck still talks about undertale? Nobody had ever brought it up, till you autistic fucks started the smash nonsense.

It's a incredibly mundane game, but reddit treats it like the second coming of christ.

It's boring and the graphics suck ass.

Undertale coming to Switch was a huge deal. Everyone I know is buying it... I think it is going to outsell Smash.

>tfw a Sup Forumsirgin made the most influential game of the 2010s
Has Sup Forums surpassed Sup Forums in influence?
Sup Forums changed the entire industry twice (Minecraft and GG) while Sup Forums is the shell of it's former self

I thought it was boring as all fuck but to each their own.


22 years

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