Elder scrolls is dead

When where you when The Elder Scrolls was kill?
>ESO will be what tortanic was to Kotor

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>current year

it's like companies want to lose money

well it's apparently doing well enough to release two full-fledged expansions

TESO is a good game, mate.
It's not Elder Scrolls, but it's fun in it's own way.


Fuck you then.

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ESO is free subscription and each expansion is 60 dollars, but comes with all previously released content.

So you get access to morowind, sumerset isles, and the rest of tamriel. In game purchases on mounts and clothing still exist of course. I think over a million people play the game.

Personally I think the game is gorgeous and there is fucking mountains of content and lore for the money. But it's not as fun or immersive as TES and it never will be.

it really just isn't fun to play at all

It's the 3rd largest mmo and I think it's doing fine. Plays like a single player TES game anyway.

So ESO will be more usccessful than the series it spawned from could have ever dreamed to be and continue to shitter shatter records all over the world?

Somehow I doubt it. ESO does this shit all the time, it's a pretty good model that just barely skirts f2p, it's like $40 for the game, and BOTH expansions (even the one that's not out yet), that's like $30 more than I'd ever pay but it's still cheaper than most mmos. Also no sub.

I just want another Morrowind or at least Oblivion that aren't hindered with single core 1GHz cpus and 256MB ram performance of the average pc like Morrowind was at release.
I want spears, levitation pants and a good story and hand crafted world.

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The combat is pure ass, but then again all mmo combat is.

It's a damn fine walking sim and screenshot generator, but there's just something very wrong when your mission is to sneak into an ambassadors room, and all you see are 500 other players sneaking into the same door and stealing the same item you are.

Zero immersion at times like that. Negative actually.

This is pretty hilarious

ESO is unironically better than Skyrim.

Played ESO for a year after they had overhauled it in late 2016 or so. Was pretty good, better than the EQ clones and WoW or those Korean f2p grinders. Took me a while to get good though as the combat system is more active and has quirks one needs to master. The combat isn't purely GCD spam based like in other games.
Didn't like that Morrowind expansion though, it was pretty short and lacking in immersion but I might return for Summerset. It's not like it costs a subscription so one can just drop in and out without any fee.

not a high bar

although did have more fun futzing around in Skyrim than I did in ESO

It is the second largest:

1. WoW
2. ESO


>ESO is getting more content, Elder Scrolls must be kill
>ESO has been online and successful for four years, has not gone F2P, it must be a flop like TOR

Why do you always do this, OP? Pretend that things you don't like are failures when they clearly aren't?

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FFXIV has about 12 million subs, ESO has 10 million copies sold or something. Which of course is in no way indicative of how many people are playing.

It's just skyrim combat

One thing I will say about eso is that my gf has been a dedicated WoW player since the mid 2000s, and when I bought her eso as a gift she dropped WoW like a bad habit. Just instantly. Hasn't touched it in over a year.

I still think eso is a soulless husk of what made TES games great. But to compare it to most any mmo out there is pretty shocking. Looks and plays great, huge amount of voice acting, big beautiful world, deep as fuck lore.

Just too bad the combat is balls and there are other players all over the world.

Why do you think tor is a flop? It's literally one of the most profitable MMOs on the entire market. It's been in the top 10 in monthly "pay to play" (aka any game with a sub optional or not) games for almost 2 years straight now, jumping to the top 5 when updates drop.

Only thing I see killing it is the open world mmo they're making to replace it, but it's far from a failure.

Both have 10 Million sales, ESO has more active players... on steam. Steam is a little indicator.

Yeah, I don't honestly know what you people are smoking. I've seen a lot of comments like these once the overhaul was made, and went for it. And my god, while the combat is better than Skyrim's (not a high bar indeed), it was the dullest, most sterile thing ever imaginable. Literally 0 quests with interesting objectives or plot, boring generic locations and art style that have none of the charm TES usually has (especially cities), armor that all looks absolutely horrible and painted on, "exploration" is actually just each map being divided into fragments, and each fragment being a completely linear, follow-the-markers experience that has its contained boring-ass quest line which you can start immediately after you arrive.

I still played for 40 hours or so, hoping it would get better, but ended up dropping just before I was done with the base main quest. What a piece of shit.

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Even Skyrims combat feels better than ESOs.

Steam doesn't account for console players of ffxiv (or eso, since it's on console), but more importantly, japs. Japs love them ffxiv, almost as much as dqx.

>Why do you think tor is a flop?
I don't have a basis for that to be honest, just referring to OP's post in my response. If you play the game and enjoy it then I'm happy for you.

Not really since most people don't play XIV off Steam

Most ff14 players don't play on steam, I play on PC and have never played on steam, most people buy the game directly for Square

Nah I hate it, it's linear garbage that's an mmo in namesake only, but people always think it's trasedh, when it's literally one of the most successful mmos on the market worldwide. Frustratingly enough, far more successful than SWG ever was.

>>ESO will be what tortanic was to Kotor
Skyrim was what tortanic was too kotor.

I agree.

Most ESO players dont play on steam too.

That's what you faggots keep saying, but everytime I log in it's alive and well.

The comparison between TOR and ESO I was trying to make is that TOR ended the Kotor thing and there was never a Kotor 3, so maybe ESO will end the single player elder scrolls in the similar manner and there will never be The Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim 2 or something.

>FFXIV has about 12 million subs,

you fucking wish it did it weeb

Its free four few days only you dumb fuck.

>...and reached ten million players earlier this year (and 2.5m monthly active users).


FFXIV... only 500k ACTIVE characters, not players.

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There was an almost 8 year break between kotor 2 and the old republic, I don't think tor killed anything.

Tell us what you really think, Todd

That's not likely. ESO and the mainline Elder Scrolls games are made by entirely different developers, so work on ESO doesn't take anything away from work on mainline Elder Scrolls. Elder Scrolls VI would make infinite normiebux so it's definitely coming.

the way active characters are counted on the census site is retarded

are you fucking retarded? kotor wasn't THAT much of a financial success you know. kotor1 was an Xbox exclusive at launch and kotor2 was a broken mess. the love for kotor is still a relatively niche thing.

in contrast, Skyrim has been released on virtually every platform and has sold well on every platform and has had a 'cultural' impact on gaming, for better or worse.

So no I don't think you have to worry about losing your shitty elder scrolls singleplayer games anytime soon.

>boohooo western MMORPGs still stronger than weeb shit

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TESO is the best Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall and Morrowind. Eat shit OP you're probably just buttmad because you want Skyrim 2 already

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and still a worse game :^)

If we count actual players, it's even less. I know turbo spergs that have 5-10 accounts like they're multiboxing Everquest back in the day for some stupid reason

Guess it's to play the economy?

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They're both awful. One is fine for an MMO the other is shitty for a single player game

>chad cat is back

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>B-But FFXIV is the second largest MMORPG
>B-B-But FFXIV is still less worse than ESO
>B-B-But FFXIV has tumblr community and ERP
>B-B-But FFXIV ERP is still less worse than Goldshire

FFXIV players are like Hitler in 1944

So I don't get it what's with you scrubs calling this better? I mean it's a friggin mmo isn't it? Can you pick a motherfucking bucket put it on somebody's head and then steal everything in their house without them noticing? If you can't then no you faggots its not any better.

No bucket, but you can steal everything in their house, and the combat doesn't have 3 second delays every time you hit a button.

>2008 -2005=8
U mad redditoar nerd?
You are missing the point again.
What can push those normies to an mmo and micro transactions and infinite horse armors other than not ever releasing a single player game again?

The combat is amazing when you account for the fact that it's designed for 3 faction PVP with hundreds of people on screen at a given time. When designing combat mechanics you need to design it to be networked between clients. That's why you can't have Devil May Cry/Quake shooting as an MMO (yet)

Networking limits the design.

No you can't because when you're dealing with thousands of people on a single server, you can't do that kind of physics shit... But if you remove the bucket from the equation, yeah you can steal in the game.

The entire world is fleshed out. Imperial City/Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild/Orsinium/Morrowind/Clockwork City and now we're getting Summerset Isles and that's not counting the fuckhuge base game

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KOTOR 2 came out in 2004, the old republic came out in 2011. 7 years, my bad.

I don't mind th combat for the MMO. If anything, I think it fits well

>log on game
>go to the Rift
>real furry ERP in taverns/inns
>some guy screaming "NIGGERS AREN'T HUMAN"
>some guy asking where are the dragon shouts are

I mean everywhere else is normal enough, but what the fuck

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Pro tip #1: if you press alt+prtscr you can capture just the selected window
Pro tip #2: you can paste the picture from your clipboard into the post without saving it as a file first

Someone hasn't played the game. I have a thousand + hours logged in ESO and their phasing tech ensures I'm not "in a house with a hundred other players"

When I solo instanced content (all interiors are instanced), it feels isolated like a single player game. When I group up with people, it feels like I'm playing Morrowind co-op

Actually maybe you played the game at launch when I loathed the game. Now it's in my top 10 most played games ever. The game had the turnaround of the century.

t. not Todd Howard promise

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The development of Kotor 2 ended in December of 2004. when it was released unfinished.
The development of TOR was in progress at least at October 2008. if not before.

i thought Todd Howard didnt involve much with ESO because it's zenimax who made it

now this, i can get into

And the old republic came out on december 20th of 2011. I can look at google too, what's your point?

They consult with BGS and even Kirkbride from time to time but it's their own thing.

I'm just Toddposting

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Not him, but I played a couple of months back and experienced the same issue. He's not talking about player homes, he's talking about regular buildings, during quests and stuff. You have a quest to sneak into a house and drug a guard, and inside the house, you see several other players sneaking around, doing the same thing.

Was like, 5 months ago? Give or take.

There could have been a Kotor 3 if Bioware wasn't bought by EA in 2007. and if some corporate ceo and his board of investors didnt want part of mmo billions pie.
It would probably use Ass effect engine and assets.

Must've been an oversight from the base game. Updated content is all instanced and they've updated most of the base game to not have that kind of stuff happening anymore

Anyways I guess that's just something you have to deal with for a minority of the content where it matters. It's still the best unmodded TES experience since Daggerfall

Fuck Bioware, I wouldn't play a KOTOR3 if they made it anyways. On second thought I might pirate it but the only thing I'd be enthusiastic for is if Obsidian developed KOTOR3

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Is there any proof of that? Any indication kotor 3 was ever a consideration? Anything? Because it seems more like kotor was dead because it wasn't relevant, and the old republic was made to take the place of the failing swg after cu.

the /vg/ community for TESO is fantastic. Meanwhile over here people are just shitting on it because it's an MMO despite it being best Elder Scrolls since Morrowind

/vg/ confirmed for superior board/superior tastes

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Get cancer, corporate tool.

I thought so, you have no proof and are just mad your piece of shit rpg that was 8 years late to the party for other crpgs flopped so critically they had to sell their fucking company. Suck a dick. The mediocre, linear garbage that is the old republic shits all over kotor 1 & 2's combined sales every month.

>/vg/ actually play video games
It's 2018!
No one plays vidya anymore, only virgin loser nerds, go back to your room play with your toys Eugene.

If Lucas didn't force his focus testing groups on SOE because he was butthurt that a Warhammer ripoff based on a couple semi-popular RTS games was beating the premiere Star Wars MMO, I bet Galaxies would've been more popular than TOR

They focused on muh content rather than improving the sandbox (the thing that kept people playing) and it would've been a nice MMO for "I really want to play EVE but it's boring" crowd

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zenimax online studios is a subsidary of zenimax media inc who also owns bethesda
OP is literally retarded or refused to look


FFXIV is such a shit game too. It does nothing to innovate the genre. It's just an inferior FFXI/World of Warcraft

yeah, but it took 10 years to make their Wow clone!

all I remeber about this game is that they pandered to sjws/feminists hard and changed the gender of several of their faction leaders and removed bikini armor / clothes hat showed of cleavage

the combat is barely functional
imagine playing skyrim but add significant delay and lag between every action/reaction
i have no idea why people play this
the crafting system was semi-interestingn but come on bruh

I have no idea about the faction stuff but good, fuck that bonerbait MMO armor shit. Doesn't belong in TES

Bullshit. Combat animations are client side. It's just as responsive as Skyrim/Oblivion. Play the game before spewing your nonsense next time senpai

yeah animations are playing just fine, read my post again dumbass

You're saying there's a discernible latency between your hits and the damage registering? That's your shitty internet.

The client is. Mandatory subscription hasn't been a thing for years.

>I think over a million people play the game
I have no reason whatsoever to doubt this estimation.

Between Xbox/Playstation/PC? Absolutely realistic.

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>12 million subs


Man I love their marketing tricking retards like you. They got 12 million Accounts. Meaning many of them including me maybe bought the game on some sale for 10 bucks and never touched it again.

>dat wig
todd... duuuuude...

Not as bad as FFXIV's '500k characters'.