Ruins gaming

>Ruins gaming

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oh im laffin

>ruins your mom's pussy


he probably blames the downfall of big AAA character action games like DMC on Dark Souls' combat system "stealing" everyone's interest

You barely tried, OP.

That title goes to the GTA series.

Games don't ruin gaming. Fanbases do.

Can't we enjoy both?

I thought it was about how so many games tried to imitate it and gives games loldifficulty and he hates it.

DMC stopped being relevant well before Souls hit the mainstream

the whole shitty and bland gameplay of the so called darksoulesque games ruin everything

Blame Sony and Bamco.
Shuhei Yoshida specifically for not getting behind the series and continuing it as an exclusive series, and Bamco for making Dark Souls for PC and furthering it's memetic popularity.

not that many games have imitated it yet:

Lords of the Fallen and The Surge (both by same developer)
new God of War (unreleased)
Code Vein (unreleased)

>new God of War (unreleased)

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>a well done 3D Castlevania game ruined gaming

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Why don't you have a picture of paid digital distribution instead?

Bamham combat did far more damage than Souls

Assassin's Creed did more damage 2bh.

it's not been released yet.

Imagine how many numale patreons were created that still support people merely playing the series TO THIS DAY

Oh the glorious life of Souls Scholars, from Mathew Metastasis to Vaati the Sup Forumsigilant

Cinematic 3rd person like Uncharted or lastof us did far more damage than banham

Gears of War did way more damage than any of those

Your moms pussy did more damage

No way it was RE4 that did the most

I mean, how is the game in any way comparable to dark souls

I suppose you've never heard of a little game called "Halo"? Because it pretty much ruined gaming forever

to that end, it was God of War 1-3 and games like Dante's Inferno that did the most damage to the character action game genre because it made everyone get bored of them

>kills gaming
nothing personnel kid

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Video games where a mistake


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the combat looks the same, just over the shoulder, more cinematic and with invisible lock-on or smart auto-lock on. It looks like you dodge and use iframes in the same way. From the webms it looks like you even use a shield to parry enemies and stagger them out of attacks

Video games really have gone to utter shit but Demon's Souls was one of the last really unique things I've played in the past 8 years or so. The sequels are increasingly dubious but DS was incredible.