Was he?

was he?

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are you saying he likes dudes?

Liking reverse traps isn't gay.

No, liking girly things doesn't make you gay

Bisexual at most.

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Most likely bisexual, seeing as he was still attracted to natato before and after she revealed she was a girl

Reverse trap here, warms my soul to hear someone say that :)

Going out on a date with Chad tonight! Wish me luck!

kys whore.

Kanji, Junpei and Yusuke best Partymember-boys.
Fight me.

Nope. Being gay defeats the entire point of his character and a pretty big overall theme to the game which was to basically not judge a book by its cover.

Same deal with all the fucking weirdos who think Naoto is somehow related to transgender issues. The point of these characters and the moral they're trying to convey with the story is a simple and obvious one about being yourself and not worrying about society's judgement over minor shit.

They said it's up to your own interpretation. It's intentionally left vague.

Fuck off Extra Credits, why are you even posting here? Don't you realize you're wasting the valuable last remnants of our internet?

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dunno. i was more into the dope sauna theme

Considering all Naoto did to look like a guy is wear one of those lesbian tit binding wraps I'd say he's straight. He just likes this obvious female but then she says she's a guy and it throws him out of whack. Him being gay would ruin his arc about being ashamed of his hobbies.

"Oh he likes sewing that's odd. Oh he's gay it all makes sense!" I took it more as you shouldn't be ashamed of your hobbies no matter what they are.

This guy has it. It's funny how many people fuck it up by trying to inject LGBT stuff into it when it's clear what they were going for.

Just a guy that happens to like feminine things which created some manly-complex within himself due to girls making fun of him.

for the 1000 time, no.

Why should I fight you? Oh wait, you misspelled DA-MAN!!!

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Ironically, Yosuke is more of a faggot then he is.

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>teacher tries to cup his balls

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im more into regular traps, good luck anyway

no that's just something his dumbfuck dub va came up with to pander to SJW.

The worst part is that no one in the group ever mention him sleeping in the same room as teddy and him dressing a bit effeminate ESPECIALLY in the epilogue