Why the FUCK is fortnite so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
Why the FUCK is fortnite so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
popular because its simple, easy to get into, fun with friends, free and is talked about all the time
will die off slowly along with the battle royale genre but not anytime soon at all
grrrr why is dayz popular i hate ittt grrrr
grrrrr why is miencrat pupular i hate it grrrrrr
grrr me angery why is fortnite popularrr ghrr
>posts a thread about game
>wow why do people keep talking about game
its a free cartoony pubg.
I went to my uncle's house for his retierment party and my cousins family all play it, the 2 parents that are in their 30s and all 4 kids...they even play with other families in that rural area.
Don't pretend your somehow above others and don't find it fucking obnoxious
because it's fun?
how is a game being popular obnoxious??
Its legitimacy fun.
Why you praise JRPGs but hate on fun games is beyond me.
Because you keep advertising it.
Weird how everyone was talking about PUBG at first and then this comes and completely overtakes it so fast.
>defends this shit game
>reddit spacing
like clockwork
its free
How is save the world ? Orcs must die is kind of dead and looking for something new
I teach in a middle school, and I can tell you why; you don't need mommy's credit card to buy it.
From what I've seen of it there are some relatively novel elements to the Battle Royale genre with the construction stuff, but that aside I guarantee you that the main reason is that it's free.
I get peppered every single school day with "Mr. user, have you played Fortnite?" and when I say no, the number one pitch I get is "You should try it! It's FREE!"
I was originally interested in fortnite because of it, but save the world is a mess. There are too many systems you have to manage and progress in, and a lot of progression is locked behind lootboxes and a resource that you gain passively and can't be grinded for. The building and initial impression is good but once they stop giving you lootboxes left and right, progress slows to a snails pace. Don't spend money on it, just wait for it to go F2P.
How long till f2p is there even a date ?
It's a non buggy battle royale game, unlike pubg/h1z1/dayz and other shitty games. Plus it's free.
As another user said, it sucks. Wait for it to go f2p later this year, the only reason to own it at the moment is that you can earn a steady flow of Vbucks if you do your dailies regularly. The whole game is based around gating and keeping you grinding to level things up to keep it relevant for the content you're doing, it's just a constant treadmill of doing shitty missions to grind out weapon/hero exp so you can level it one more time, it's a fucking slog.
Not only that, every update makes the PvE worse, like they keep nerfing abilities and shit which makes the game even more of a chore to play and nearly every update brings in new bugs which don't get fixed in the next patch like BR but rather a month or so later
just don't do it
They said it would go f2p this year, probably Q3/Q4. I hope they actually fix the damn thing since the game is no longer a sinking ship.
does the wall spamming in the game get obnoxious? was watching a hearthstone streamer play fortnite for a bit so I didn't watch more than like 20 minutes but watching people build random staircases while fighting was weird
No, but truth be told I would have said that even if you were right.
But I probably represent most younger male teachers in the world at this point, Fortnite is basically this year's fidget spinner in terms of meme level. My post is so broad it represents many, many people.
Just don't play it. It's a fad like how LoL was for a couple of years and CoD was before that and Halo or whatever else normies play. Getting mad about normie games is retarded. Just ignore them.
why are this thread so damn popular¡ when will this shit finally die off
Dont know if i can wait that is it a total mess or can i have some fun out of it maybe with some "friends"
>make an average chiseled-pixar shovelware zombie game
>hmm we aren't doing so hot
>straight up rip off the most popular online game at the time, no scruples
>perfect storm of streamers hit and suddenly overtake the other game in an overwhelming surge
>no one bats an eye
I wonder how much they realize how lucky they are
It's somewhat manageable. I think they're trying to shift their gears into a game that's based around cosmetic microtransactions rather than lootbox bullshit if these weekly coin/ticket shops are anything to go by. They recently released a new trap and it was purchasable with an in-game currency that isn't behind v-bucks. From what I've heard the lower levels are plagued with fuckhead BR kids who want to grind out goy-coins.
>Why the FUCK is PuBG so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
>Why the FUCK is CoD so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
>Why the FUCK is Halo so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
>Why the FUCK is CS so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
>Why the FUCK is Quake so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
>Why the FUCK is DOOM so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
The core loop of scavenging, building, defending is fine and even fun. It's the progression and the eventually repetitive missions that drag the game down.
It’s free. So third world and poorfags flock to it. Just like League of Legends.
to be fair, the chinese did completely overtake it and ruin any potential fun anyone could have
not that the devs care
Did you just compare that PUBG thing to Doom, dipshit?
How many times will you make this fucking thread holy shit
Do they even put any development time into the original game mode anymore? I forget it exists
The Chinese ruin every game. Even if you can’t farm money items. Fuck for some reason they even over ran ARK for a while. You can’t make money off ARk.
They do but its clearly not the focus.
Sort of?
They've said they're working on weapon rerolls and they've recently introduced a new trap, a hoverboard (with a boost pad if you want to make a racetrack or some shit), and some reskins of other characters.
Guess i give it a try if i get a key for 10-15€ dont feel like 40 is a good price for that
You posted this before
Not within my recollection, so either I have brain problems or someone else in a similar situation has posted it.
Don't pretend you know how to spell.
Battle Royals are for literally braindead people
Idk but it makes me mad that this is the only game people play and they act like they’re hardcore gaymers or something
If you're not able to pay your 15 dollars this month, don't post here
You should fit right in.
What is the Battle Royale genre?
Isn't it just shooters with a lot of players?
And didn't we have games with 128 player multiplayer in 2006?
So are anime games with underage girls but they get a free pass for some reason.
BR is a popular genre and Fortnite is much better designed game than PUBG.
t. kissless weeb
The only anime games I like are ones where you fuck girls using Bejeweled
It was free and wasn't a shit show on consoles
lots of players and free for all basically
the hunger games/battle royale if you're a weeb dynamic is a classic, high-stakes easy to get into game mode that offers pretty much constant excitement and gameplay and "chances to win" the whole time you're playing
if you're winning and lasting a long time in each game, you're having fun
if you're shit and die early in each game who cares, you just respawn in a new game 20 seconds later
oh shit you got me
i've been BTFO
how will i ever recover
gonna kys myself right now
someone asked and he answered, sorry you didn't like the reply
>jumps on the BR bandwagon
>average computer can run it very well compared to player unknown
>looks more cartoonish and fun than overwatch
>massive advertisements on youtube and twitch
>has a feel of minecraft even if it's not
>now that every kids can play it on cell phones it will expend
After playing it for 2 weeks, i think it's pretty average and mostly aimed for kids, but business wise this is a win
>kys myself
the cycle is
But i feel like battleroyale doesn't have what it takes to hook people like assfaggots
>gonna kys myself right now
RIP in peace, dude.
kys yourself my dude
It makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
Honestly this. I gave it a try and its just... it exists. There's no meaningful progression or sort of achievements, you just jump in, spend 15 minutes running around like an idiot, die or kill some people, repeat forever. It wears its casual-audience tag on its sleeve and I guess there's nothing really wrong with that? It's like a junk-food game, almost no substance or value or worth in it but its some mindless fun for fifteen or thirty minutes a day. I can see the appeal for kids and the super casual audience crowd, but it was a lot less offending than I thought it'd be. Just boring if you've got any other more meaningful game around. Harmless I guess, other than the 'lets all copy this formula to make mad money' angle.
Sup Forums is trash at the game that's why they hate it
>walk around a bit
>don't find a gun
>some guy who did find a gun kills you
>repeat ad infinitum
So, how is this game "fun" again?
When some other cancerous multiplayer fuckfest gets more attention on Twitch.
>hurr I know lets make fun at his spelling of the most common mistypes in English language, that will show him.
not even the guy you replied to, absolutely weak and probably a faggot.
Bulletstorm DLC fucking when?