Why aren't you playing BF2 now?
They fixed everything now
Why aren't you playing BF2 now?
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It's still a mediocre shooter
Because first impressions are everything and it blew the one it had. There's still retards who spout nonsense like "it takes 60 hours to unlock Darth Vader" even when it came out and it was blatantly obvious that it took 8 hours at most to unlock every locked hero, and it was made by EA. As long as it has that publisher and people would rather be misinformed, it's dead.
> the only thing yu can get better at is aiming and praying to be put on a better team
> also grinding
The basic premise of shooters now is flawed. Abilities are all well and good, but give me simple forces interacting to create complex reactions instead of "press this button to do something".
Give me a shooter that doesn't need a dedicated "lean around corner" or "hop over ledge" action instead of letting me just peek around a corner or jump over a fucking ledge, then we'll talk.
>>Why aren't you playing BF2 now?
Because EA.
>still no decent offline vs bots
it's shit
gonna sound like a supershill, but its fucked up how much the 'reddit 4 life, we did it guys, hate EA hivemind' effect has on the game.
its genuinely a great game, especially now after the most recent update.
>plays great
>looks and sounds amazing
>very good port, runs very well
>All dlc free
>quite a few maps, heroes, classes, weapons. Way more than the first game
>cosmetics coming in a month, which will also be free more or less (you have the option to buy them)
>new game modes added/coming soon
>All DLC free
What DLC? The Last Jedi shit is most likely all they're ever going to add to it, they're going to drop it like a bad habit and focus on the next Battlefield.
Is it worth buying this on the PSN sale? I also have a percent off code to make it even cheaper
>praying to be put on a better team
the teams are shuffled between games now, the same team should not keep winning game after game. Also its a team game... and the better team should be winning... you dont like that then dont play a team game by yourself
>also grinding
grinding for what? optional challenges for small meaningless amounts of credits? If you mean for weapons, you just play the game and unlock them, I had every weapon in the game within the first week
>Give me a shooter that doesn't need a dedicated "lean around corner" or "hop over ledge" action instead of letting me just peek around a corner or jump over a fucking ledge, then we'll talk
nigga what the fuck are you talking about
EA can eat a dick
yes, the Last Jedi shit. There will definitely be at least a couple more as well. This is confirmed
I also expected them to more or less drop it, but I dont think they can. And with all the reworks going on recently, it sure seems like they want to fix the game and start making money off of it again.
I'm still mad about the shitty single player campaign. Wanted an empire focused story but turned into another lazy redemption story.
is there vorpx support??
Depends on how cheap and what you want from it. I got it free, played all the single player content. Id say it was worth 8$ for that
I don't like the maps
you know how people used to complain about how bad company 2 had really narrow and linear maps? somehow battlefront 2's maps are even more narrow and linear, there's no real way to flank so it just feels like you're marching into a meat grinder
I've spent most of my time in this game on starship assault but I can only play that so much before getting bored, plus when you get one of those dumbass teams that can't finish objectives it's not fun at all
>one of those dumbass teams that can't finish objectives it's not fun at all
this is the worst part of the multiplayer. your team is fully capable of rushing in and taking a point (or at least having a good try) but everyone is too afraid of dying. People just want to sit at chokepoints/corners waiting for their team to rush in so they can follow, but nobody wants to lead the charge
Frustrating shit when everyone just sits there and loses
i stopped playing when they nerfed the heavy
>I stopped playing when they fixed the game
bye shill
They fixed the shit core gameplay?
I knew it sucked in the beta, I'm never going back
fool me once..........
Once Marvel vs Capcom Infinite isn't a huge orange turd that's yet somehow better than this STD-infested diaper rash shit-stain then I'll give it a glance.
i dont buy games from companies that try to suck the life and soul out of the game industry or gaming customers. you really think they would have "fixed" their industry ruining cancer if people didnt revolt?
I started playing it again. I'm actually having fun, but not having the ability to pick maps/server browser nearly ruins it for me.
>AAA game
Get out.
too little too late.
besides OG battlefront 2 is better
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what the DLCs added to the game except for maps?
so far: 2 new heroes, 2 new maps. More to come
first post best post.
even with the micro transactions changed now, overall it's just not an interesting game by any means, and I'm generally not a fan of shooters that allow you to go third person.
I've kinda gotten over the "big battlefield" type of game, where you play with and against huge numbers, It's generally low in skilful moments and not super interesting. Yeah it's kinda fun when you get a little killstreak going but there's not much entertainment value past that if you ask me.
I'd much rather play a round of siege. Same greedy jewery, but the base game is much more entertaining.
ive never seen a more reddit post in my life. The only thing youre crying about is EA trying to make money on lootboxes
They absolutely nailed the look, feel and sound of star wars. Its spot on. Game has plenty of soul
I only like the star fighter mode
What did they fix? I'd love to play this game desu
Except for the star wars skin, why would you play Battlefront when it's a dumbed down Battlefield 1 which itself is a dumbed down Battlefield 4?
Honest question.
Waiting for it to drop to 15. It's-a comin'
>reddit red leader checking in, yep, gottem I'm going to pelt him witch bullshit that isn't true.
>reddit 2 copy that, going to say some more shit that isn't true, let's pile on!
>omg its star wars ill totally forgive their attempt to destroy the game industry for momentary profit! look it has chewy! do the roar chewy! HAAA! HE DID IT!
sounds like you're asking for siege
holy shit LMAO
I would but this game is dead on PC, isn't it?
this. It actually is a really fun game if you like star wars and are able to think for yourself instead of what CrazyKilla69XxX tells you to think on YouTube.
honest answer: I dont play battlefield, I just enjoyed the beta for battlefront 2 and have fun playing it. How can you dumb down a battlefield game anyway? less guns?
That post was indeed pretty goddamn reddit but yours is somehow even worse.
>203 players WORLDWIDE at the moment.
>1225 24h peak.
>it's actually a fun game..........
nice that you submit and know you're stupid, mitch dywer
it looks good, but it is far from fun
They left in the pay-to-win items people already have leaving new players at even more of a disadvantage.
wrong game dummy
The maps are just kill corridors. Stand and shoot the other guy. No flanking, seeking superior cover, using vehicles etc appropriately.
It's horrifically boring.
Battlefield 4 wasn't an amazing game but I played it for hundreds of hours. There was enough depth from learning vehicles, weapons and maps and it was a blast piloting choppers and tanks with your friends. Battlefront was a horrendous clusterfuck where you stood outside a doorway throwing grenades through it for five kills at a time.
Yea they nailed the GRAFIX but who gives a fuck. I traded it in after like a week. Still play Battlefield 4 occasionally.
game still PLAYS like shit.
that's the 2015 BF
Less guns.
Less gadgets.
Less gun variety per class.
Axe some mechanics like hoping into vehicles during gameplay.
Maps are now kind of linear and don't have enough covers.
Way less vehicle variety.
thought they're abandoning it for a new star wars game
That's just beyond obvious, fucking hell.
Also, NO ONE was happy with the single player campaign.
Why is sprinting so god damn fast in Dice games?
Is it still Didney Wars fanfic garbage? Then fuck off back to your designated shilling board.
That's so obvious that I'm not sure it's real. is there a Poe's Law for viral marketing, or is it all just under that umbrella?
I can think of a few dumb overwatch-esque chokepoints, but most maps seem pretty damn open to me
>People can bring up laundry lists of reasons why this game and it's publisher are terrible
>But it really nailed the star wars feel so it's ok!!!
If anything it nailed the prequel feels. Original Star Wars was never about the "huge battles" at all. Sure, they had battle on hoth and the forest moon of endor, but it was never about these battles at all. Star Wars is a space western, with characters going trough their individual stories and advancing as characters, giving us a glimpse at a fantastical universe. If anything comes close to that "star wars feel" it's those old story driven games, not re-skinned fucking battlefield, just because they imported some authentic star wars sounds.
If you had battlefield with Lord of the Rings skins, would you say it really "nailed the feel of lord of the rings"? That story also had big battles, but those battles also were not what made those stories great.
EA destroys Star Wars gaming, Disney destroys Star Wars movies... how are the Star Wars toy sales doing?
I mean.. I don't usually go for the "le epic viral marketing meme" or "samefag" accusations, but the posts are even all a fucking minute apart, someone waited for that god damn post cooldown there
Killing Toys R Us
It's a 40 years old trilogy.
There was nothing left to destroy except tons of bandwagoning menchildren's nostalgia.
I hop on maybe once a week to play with friends, it's just a dumb shooter and I don't regret buying it, I have maybe 80 hours and still get some enjoyment out of it
I dont really know how to answer this. You play from the stormtroopers/rebel soldiers perspective... during huge battles... the kind of battles that did and do take place, so thats what it feels like yeah. And the movies are not told from those same perspectives, also true. These arent conflicting things. You can have both and both can feel like star wars
>People can bring up laundry lists of reasons why this game and it's publisher are terrible
These politics/business decisions behind all that stupid shit does not make the game bad
"fixed" the progression. Due to the whiny as fuck people on the internet they fixed it.
So now instead of gambling, which is fun, you play the classes you want to level up specifically. This sounds good to the average no brain faggot, but it's the worst system. Now a new player has to start from 0 for everything. Want to play vader? Youre fucked. Ok, play it for 20 hours now you are as good as everyone. Sick of vader, ok play Luke, now your fucked for another 20 hours. Etc. etc. Want to play sniper cause youre bored? Youre fucked.
In the old system you gambled, GAMBLING IS FUN YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. So sometimes you got something good for a character you play, sometimes you got shit for characters you dont play. This leads to experiment. This leads to variation. This leads to playing a class you never played before and not starting at 0. It allows you to discover stuff and playstyles you might never have tried on your own volition.
Now, ok whats flavor of the month? Grind and equip that and never play anything else or you will have to start from 0 again for another 20 hours. FUCK ALL OF YOU WHINY NIGGERS WHO CANT SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS>
is it free yet?
>vehicle still on rails
>vehicles do not spawn on map
>still cross era heroes
>These politics/business decisions behind all that stupid shit does not make the game bad
But arguably it does. these decisions made the first reboot Battlefront into a husk of a game that took ages to be anywhere near a completed game, and was then only a completed game if you bought all the DLC, which again, not everyone did making it so that certain game modes were stupidly hard to get into because it didn't have enough people.
For the second game it released more complete, but then instead turned it into an absolute grindfest and "pay to win" game, where fags on twitter were already posing with thousands of dollars worth of EA cards, laughing at the fags who are gonna have objectively worse vehicles and heroes. "But you can all get that eventually!!" yeah, after tons and tons and tons and tons of grinding.
Those are two facts that made those games objectively worse on a pure business decision from EA. And it keeps getting worse. all they have to do is majorly overshoot it with greed, wait for the backlash, reel it back a bit and then go "see? We listen to our customers" when in reality, they're still doing terrible shit, it just looks better to the terrible shit they did before. Kids do this to their parents.
>kid wants $50.
>kid: "Dad can I have $150 for something?"
>dad: "No way I'm giving you that much money"
>kid: "Damn, a $100 pleeeease?"
>dad: "no"
>kid: "oh man, so sad, can I at least have $50"
>dad: "Ah well... sure you can have $50"
when in reality if he asked for $50 first, the dad would still have said no, but because he asked for much more before, going down to $50 seemed reasonable.
EA does the same with fucking customers over, They do it raw without lube first, and when people scream they go "alright, lube and condom, we listen" and people go "see? That's much better".
As for the first thing: Yes I agree that it HAPPENED in star wars, but I'm saying it's not what star wars is about.
look at the "Posters" number at the bottom.
It's literally all the same person
I never trusted that thing.
>24 Player maximum.
Never, ever.
Jeaus Christ please never go near a video game ever again
>still no Clone Wars content
Call me when nu-trilogy is patched out and there's more characters besides Yoda and Maul, and also more maps like Geonosis, Felucia and Coruscant.
I know where youre coming from. But as someone who bought the game on Day1, has never needed to 'grind', had all heroes and weapons within a week or 2, never even had the option of purchasing lootboxes with real money, gotten free dlc, looking foward to the next free dlc, had progression completely reworked recently, I dont think anybody has any reason to complain at this point.
except I do not recal darth vader fighting rey on hoth
All they had to do was make the grind less jewey. The grind was horrible before because they were trying to scam people out of real money, the took out the real money but left the insane grind. The system itself was good. Thats why people love card games, casinos, and have gambled since the fucking dawn of humans.
The grind right now in total is worse than before. Youre gonna have to play every single characters for hours upon hours at a deficit to everyone in order to reach the same level. It's absurd. Unless you are austistic and like to play one class in 1 specific way for 500 hours, you will be fucked for hundreds of hours. There was variation before, there will only be the meta now.
Though, if you are one of those people who already grinded for 100+ hours and have a huge mix of blues and greens and a couple purples, the new system is right up your alley, making the strong stronger even faster, while new players are fucked harder than ever before.
As someone who doesn't like niggers fucking his wife, I think you should put a bullet in your head.
>cross era heroes are bad
I want autism to leave
so this should apply to fighting games too? shouldnt have mirror matches either? This is a videogame, no fun allowed
Well all the shit got pulled fairly quickly. But thanks to the card system you could just have vehicles that have better turnrates, lower cooldowns and all that jazz, they were objectively better and you as a player hand to do a LOT of shit to get to that same point. It wouldn't even be good if they never offered it for money, it's a shit system designed to try your patience until you go "fuck it, I'll buy some [currency]"
It was objectively a bad decision and your anecdotal evidence of "Oh well, when I played it seemed fine to me" isn't convincing enough to let them get away with literally selling people power in a PVP game.
Battlefront 2 was able to have heroes in the correct era in 2005.
people have been hating on it since it was announced dude, stop defending it no one likes it people want to be immersed and seeing darth maul and vader together ruins it, if you want cross era there is hero hunt
by limiting the characters you could play. take things away from the player, thats fun
Sike, I've been playing it all day
>immersed in a multiplayer shooter
>a battlefield game
>wanting less features
I will never be able to understand this
If you want to play a matchup of whatever heroes you wanted, there was hero assualt mode. Try harder, shill.
What a compelling counter argument you no brain faggot. You were probably one of the ones throwing your tantrums and signing online petitions. Youll probably buy some $20 clone trooper skins next month.
you wish faggot~kun
Who the fuck said bc2 and constrictive maps? Arica harbor is the only one I can think of and it was one of the best multi-player maps I've ever played
Not him but plenty of maps were constrictive. I cant remember their names but at times there is a single road choke point everyone had to funnel through.
Im betting 500 internet funbux they will add Pay For XP boosters in the coming months.