Fatal Frame

What's Sup Forums's consensus on the Fatal Frame/Project Zero games?

1 and 2 are among my favorite games of all time. 3 was not as good, but still pretty decent. Haven't played the Nintendo ones.

Also, when will Tecmo later realizes it is a mistake developing Fatal Frame games for Nintendo platforms instead of PS4 (after seeing the bad sales trying to sell this genre in a kiddy market). I hope Fatal Frame would return to Playstation.

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I love the atmosphere and the setting, but I fucking hate the combat.
Tried playing 1 and 5 and can´t get over it apparently, maybe I´m doing something wrong.
I did beat that indonesian rip-off, Dreadout, though

It's basically my favorite video game franchise. Horror just doesn't get any better than that.

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Project Zero is the last survivor of old school survival horror and I hope they don't change the formula too much if they make a 6 for the Switch.

They are fucking amazing bought them day one and i want to live on an endless cushion of Japanese hairy pussies

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>playing Crimson Butterfy
>id be rock hard if i werent so scared of spookiness
>always with headphones on
>walk into a dark empty room
>take off headphones and even look around
>put them back on
>the room does nothing
>the voice never comes back again in that room

I LOVE fatal frame/project zero

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when I played fatal frame 1 in 2012 or so, I was impressed that, despite the enemies being ghosts, it was pretty spooky

and I haven't been spooked by a game since I was a wee lad playing silent hill, and nothing other than silly hill has spooked me until then

>fatal frame on ps4
never ever sonyygger, stop port beggin

>On ps2
Critically acclaimed games. Rated among the best survival-horror games, beside RE and SH.
>On nintendo
Completely forgotten

Nintendo literally killed the series

>PS2 games still get talked about in threads
>the second it became Nintendo exclusive no one gives a fuck


isn't there only like 2 fatal frames on nintendo, one of which is JP-only and the other being a digital exclusive?

The shit babby version of Crimson butterfly that ruined the orginal is out in the EU too.

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>"The platform holder now has the publishing rights to any game in the franchise, which makes it unlikely well see a new Fatal Frame game outside of Nintendo consoles or that well see independent effort to bring across the patchily localised series."

Why are Nintendo doing this? I can't imagine what modern-day Nintendo would do with such a franchise

Nintendo purchased the publishing rights to destroy the series, because it was popular on ps2

censor fun alt-costumes you get for beating the game and make them into silly nintendo references?


don't get me wrong I like the samus and zelda costumes but I still think they shouldn't have replaced the lingerie costumes

>Nintendo never gave us 4 or 2 remake
>released 5 as digital only, and didn't even promote it

I hear they're not as good as the original trilogy, but it just sucks that Nintendo didn't even put any effort into it.

I didn't even know FF5 existed until they made a stink about the alt costumes honestly

it's weird that people say horror games are dead when publishers just don't advertise them at all

>nintendo never gave us 2 remake

??? It ruined the orginal anyway, play PS2.

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Liked the first three, really couldn't get into any of the Nintendo system ones.

Ruka is a real cutie though, wish I liked her game more.

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1,2 and 3 are really damn good.

I should play them again at some point

If it means anything, it's most likely NoA shitting the bed again. It's weird because Nintendo could have most vidya genres covered on their consoles, but I guess being the Mario machine is more important and profitable to them. I really like 4 and 5, and they rank above 3 in my book, I'd recommend you give them a pirate if your PC can run them, or you have a hacked Wii, since there's an english patch for 4.

I personally preferred the remake despite the awkward Wii controls. It hardly matters since XBox version is the best version of FF2.

I just want Haschishaku-sama to take me away to a realm of lewdness.

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Nintendo owns half the rights to the series.

Which means every single new installment will be on a Nintendo console. Which means the series is dead

I love the series though I didn't get to play IV because I didn't own a wii. I really love the gameplay for 5 but it wasn't scary. 3 is still my personal favorite and 2 is still the best one.

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i miss horror games

I want to like them, because videogames are art, but playing as sexualized japanese schoolgirls is just, ah, too much. Why cant they be middle aged women of color so I wouldn't have to feel ashamed for enjoying them?

damn I love Ruka

the girl in 3 is middle aged

1 and 2 still terrify me, never played 3 or 4. 5 had good atmosphere and spooks at the start but going through the same areas over and over again made it less creepy. Had its moments though, like the voices in radio static, mirror reflections and the Tall Lady, the first are out of the way and easy to miss though.
Security camera levels were great as well

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>Nintendo of America

Fixed that for you.

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Why does she have a belt on her thigh?

Easy access belt for bondage or choke her out during sex

>Fatal Frame shares a universe with Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden.

I wonder how a Fatal Frame character would work in Smash.

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V > 2 Wii > 2 > 3 > 4 >> 1

1 is borderline unplayable

>tfw you got the collection

Cover was also reversible which was a nice surprise

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And Nioh as well, assuming the Hayabusa guy is canon

4 and 5 went too hard on the sexy angle and we lost actual horror to ghosts with jiggle physics.

>people get scared by playing FF
How? I love the games but they're not scary at all. Though nothing's really scary to me as of late, maybe I'm autistic.

What are you talking about? Maybe the PS2 versions are different, but the Xbox versions of Fatal Frame and Fatal Frame 2 are the best games in the series by far. Fatal V was a shit show thanks to the controls and the dynamic camera, which made it so that you could actually miss spooky scenes because you might've been looking in the wrong direction when they happened.

u mad?

>Fatal V was a shit show thanks to the controls and the dynamic camera

It's funny, no matter which franchise, there's always gonna be "this guy".

Right, which is why the game has the lowest score of all the fatal frame titles on metacritic? But go on, keep defending it. In the previous games the static camera made it so that spooks were guaranteed, because you were always looking at what the game wanted you to look at, unless you were taking a picture. Also I'm sorry, but motion controls were a mistake, and you're in the minority if you think otherwise.

>2 (wii)
Very good
Good but too luch backtracking
Very good

Overall grade 8/10 it's ok

It was NoA that ruined it, particularly I think one or a few people had big beef with it that encouraged digital download and censoring. Although that was just for 5. I think they are just going to silently kill the series like the many before imo. Hope I'm wrong.

And with the exact same arguments, the classic "muh metacritic" and the delicious "I'm sure I'm in the majority, so I'm right".
Also same condescending tone, same insecure attitude. I'm starting to think it's a bot.