Mfw i buy valve and remove the pyro class entirely

>mfw i buy valve and remove the pyro class entirely

Attached: mission accomplished.gif (450x271, 505K)

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You mean sniper right?

you better not

Attached: oohhhhh.jpg (500x557, 39K)

> lul pyro is super OP
Has your S key fallen off or are your retarded Scout-fingers hardwired to hold W at all times?

or what? You'll press W+m1? oh wait, you won't be able to anymore.

have fun at the bottom of the leaderboard, chump.

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W + m1 is basically scout and heavy anyway

>just stay out of pyro's range! just run backwards!
>run backwards or hell even forwards at full tilt scout speed
>single flame particle catches up to me
>deletes my entire health bar

> deletes your entire health bar
I have taken at most 25 damage from a single fire particle, then a few more from afterburn.
Stop exaggerating and outmaneuver the braindead child.

especially since flame particles are shat out like a firehydrant on cocaine, its hard to avoid something that not even the person firing the weapon knows where its going

>deletes my entire health bar
If only I could do that, user. If only I could.

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>stop exaggerating
Fine, have a non exaggerated version
>round corner
>see pyro
>whoop there goes my healthbar, no time to get away from him
>that's okay, I'll just stay out of his range next time
>see another pyro
>shoot at range, stay away from him
>stray flame particles still hit me even at max flamethrower range, I either die or am at severely low health at the end of the engagement
>this is the case in any range where i can kill the pyro with scattergun damage
>use pistol instead
>pyro runs away or moves closer to me, catching me with a edge of hitbox airblast slowing me down enough for him to fuck me
I could go on and on honestly. Pyro is pretty fucking annoying to fight right now, you're actually delusional if you think he's in a balanced state after Jungle Inferno.
Better and more consistent than he was before? Definitely. Balanced? Nope.

*even beyond max flamethrower range

Sentrys kill him

> round corner
> see pyro
> back away
> lose a little health
> see another pyro
> shoot at range, stay away from him
> stray particles still hit me at max flamethrower range
> at about 50% health at the end of the engagement, at worst
Pyro does need a nerf, probably some more damage falloff if they can figure out how to make it not apply to the Bison, less blinding particles, some smaller hitboxes and they're good.

hello Mr. Gates, made any good sacrifices to satan recently?

my god pyro mains are insufferable. Pisses me off to see their pathetic excuses defending their broken as fuck class.

i am an average player, i know how most classes work including the soldier and spy, i have barely scratched the surface with rocket jumping and trickstabs and usually am one of the best if not the best player on the server. Then i go and do the pyro contracts and my kd goes through the roof and i topped the leader board EVERY TIME.

this class takes no skill and is annoying as fuck, people are not like "OH SHIT, PYRO" more like "oh.. another pyro" then they give up.

hell, even when i showed the game to my brother 4 years ago and we played it on the orange box he- a newbie to the game immediatly pointed out to his friends "nah, the pyro is op as fuck" on his first game.

I should've voted for Heavy. Pyro was just inconsistent before, now he's disgusting.

Please fucking do it. Please.

Why remove what you can improve?

Attached: the flamethrower.png (972x678, 82K)

>How do we fix our broken class?
>Buff his weaknesses, close range? Projectile weapon now. Mobility? Jetpack.

>be Soldier
>have rockets
>shoot them at people
>splash damage kills most people
>nobody bats an eye
>be Demo
>have pills and stickies
>be annoying as fuck and control entire areas with sticky spam
>nobody bats an eye except engies
>be scunt
>run around flanking people
>flank positions allow for perfect meatshots
>nobody bats an eye unless they wear lime-green cosmetics and Max's Severed Head
>be sniper
>snipe people
>nobody bats an eye
>be spy
>stab people and generally be disruptive as fuck
>people switch to pyro
>be pyro
>flank people or spy check
>get called an W+M1 faggot

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Dragon's Fury and jetpack were actually fine content additions with only very minor issues that added to the fun of the game. The real problem was the Flamethrower changes taking W+M1 from very low aim skill required to no aim skill required

This is what I expected them to do. It makes sense, I've seen the idea floating around for years now, why not implement it?
I expected a Quake 3 plasma gun with tighter spread. I got a circle of death around all pyros.

>Be soldier
>Be Demo
>Be Scunt
>Run up and do a bit of quick aiming
>Be sniper
>Be patient and aim
>Be spy
>Be stealthy and strategic with positioning usually
>Be pyro
>think you're a genius flanker and spy checker
>be annoying as shit, dont touch objectives, maybe occasionally put on hammer and lurk around engies
>w+m1 bro

They did fix other glaring issues such as flamethrower clipping because of lag

>10 years since the game released and shitters are STILL complaining about Pyro

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high damage output yes, but they have hit or miss weapons, misplacing your shot can cost you half your health if not your life.

c'mon now he has low as fuck hp, anything can BTFO him and strafing while landing perfect meatshots DOES take skill.

even sniping takes skill and full charges headshots are worth it.

>be spy
don't get me started, landing a backstab isn't as simple as W=m1 neither is any of the tasks he's put up with, go sap an engie nest, backstab the engie, snipe anyone around and get out alive and come back and tell me he is easy.

>constant stream of flames that if touched burns a huge chunk of hp off
>has that coupled with moderate speed makes him able to catch almost anyclass save for scout or a rocket jumping desperate

how pyro mains see other classes, everyone. take it in as the epitome of their simplicity manifests in that post. They get kills with such ease that they look at other classes and think "i can do that" as they hold down W=m1

Aren’t you forgetting soldier?

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>giving a fucking jetpack to ANYBODY
>just the mere though of a flying pyro
the devs have lost their marbles

You're overblowing the issue, most good Pyro players still prefer to use flares over jetpacks.
TF2's jetpack has a long cooldown between uses and a long equip/de-equip time, limiting its usefulness.
I mean sure you can jump right into the enemy team with it, but for a brief period of time you can't attack at all, meanwhile they are all shooting at you. And in exchange you lose all ranged harass capability pyro ever had (which can be pretty decent with flares). Flares are a much safer, more reliable option.
Jetpack is not actually a problem because of this.
True, but unfortunately they replaced those issues with worse ones.
I'm complaining because i want it to be a good class which takes skill to be effective instead of a noob destroyer that's nigh-useless at a high level.

naaaaaaaaaaaaame the best
map and weapon in the game

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ullapool caber

Well that's easy, Crusader's Crossbow and Turbine.

Winger and Upward
Winger provides a perfect stock sidegrade that does something fun and looks good, matching tf2's artstyle
Upward has something for everyone

y-you bought an entire company?

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>tfw the Soda Popper's design no longer matches its stats
I loved it for that, and it's dead now.

To be in Pyros range at all you have to be close enough for every other class to do max damage wh-
>full charges headshots are worth it.
>anything can BTFO scout
>moderate speed makes pyro able to catch almost anyclass save for scout or a rocket jumping desperate
Nevermind I'm not wasting my time arguing with someone who has played as little as you. Protip: Play longer than 12 hours and pyro will cease to be a problem.

then in pyros rang ethere is NOTHING you can do to not get burned.

pyro can afford to fuck up