ITT THAT part of the game
ITT THAT part of the game
Other urls found in this thread:
The game would legit be better if it was cut out.
"Activate worst level."
Nier in its entirety is "that part": the game
Why are people shitting on this? I liked it. It wasn't really outstanding like some other areas but it wasn't absolute cancer. And people seem to think it was.
If you actually updated your game it would skip it after a few failed attempts.
The absolute cancer is still BoC
How fucking bad are you? Did you literally not get the crutch spear?
>I-I just meant the game's bad!
What kind of fucking thread you think this is? Its not about bad, its about frustrating shit in games. NIER isn't frustrating at all, its a goddamn walk in the part.
Get out.
It's just really really unfinished and Bed of Chaos is annoying and unfun.
Worst part is that it's gatekeeping the best boss in the game. Should have been separate chapters.
Bed of Chaos if the only part of a video game I ever bothered learning the speedrunner strat for so I don't have to deal with it.
That and the motorbike one are two of the worst chapters I've ever played in a videogame.
>rom the spider
Also anytime Krystal talks in English, it's so ear grating and actually makes me cringe in the physical sense
I remember one user talking about not wanting to go back to KH2 because of how long Twilight Town is, I didn't remember it being that but then
>3 fucking hours on an intro level
Which Yakuza? I've played up to 3 and recall Haruka was very opposed to being a celeb star in 2.
Everything after Anor Londo in Dark Souls
And it's so easy to compare and contrast it with Destiny Islands too which is a much more effective tutorial/setup in a much shorter amount of time. Twilight Town wastes a bunch of time on shit that goes nowhere like earning money to go to the beach and looking for the seven wonders, they don't teach you anything about the mechanics or have any relevance to the main story.
What a dumb section.
I still remember my eyes burning because of this part so fucking bright
y r u playing as 9s? mod?
Me and my friend spent longer on this single fight on our very hard playthrough then it took us to beat the rest of the game.
I'm playing "you have to play for at least 6 hours with some faggot to continue playing the game with characters that are actually good" mod
Is it explained or did they forget about that mission in 2 after 2 games in between them?
how far after the aliens come up from the ground to the city down below
Never understood this, I did it in like 10 seconds with no effort.
You need to play MGS my dude.
i raise you this part from other ps2 furry platformer
Don't spoil the game for yourself my man. Just keep playing.
Then you did it in the correct rhythm
It's a trap for those who think it's that way
It isn't reliant on how fast you can press the button
The whole game
He looks worried, maybe try talking to him?
The entirety of Nier is THAT part
ok, thanks i wont
>hey Nier can you bring me some hard to catch fish
>oh and maybe seeds of an incredibly rare pink flower
>and throw some goat hides in there too while you're at it
>You need to play MGS my dude.
I hate it when they force this kind of shit content to game.
i already find it annoying on its own, but forcing you to it to progress has always pissed the shit out of me.
Most of this game
If you google "jak 2 that level" this is the first image that comes up.
Holy shit with posts like these you're almost asking for the game to be spoiled you fucking inbred
>Literally first image
Holy shit user, you weren't lying
That's not a part. That's a game
So it's just button mashing? Alright.
I love God of War but at the same time I also agree that a lot of the sections make me go "oh it's this fucking part already".
You will be playing as 9S for 60% of the game.
I love how hard this game destroys waifushitters.
That enemy got the guy who made them an award for the worst thing in Ratchet and Clank 2.
Why did they need to do this
The game was super nice to play until this part
Chaotic button mashing gets you ready for rhythmical one.
fucking phos
In what sense
this is complete aids on PC because the controls suck major ass
tried it once and then just plugged in my DS4 and did it on first try
Mario Sunshine as a whole is THAT PART: the game
What makes this part even more infuriating is that Colette CAN FUCKING FLY IN EVERY OTHER OCCASION, effectively making that part a massive middle finger
Imagine if they made the toxic dart blowers respawn in Blight Town
This mission is worse, because of how easy it is to get lost.
kino moment desu
There are a lot of games that suffer from mid-game turning into a screeching halt, but none of them really stood out to me quite like the gel levels in this game
or shenna could summon undine to pick up the fruit.
Chocobo racing in FF7
Any scene with Rinoa in FF8
The dungeon with no magic allowed in FF9
Blitzball tournament and every cloister trial in FF10
The entirety of FF13
It's forced on her really she fucks it all up at the end anyway and it leads into 6
was this the one with Doppelganger?
>Chocobo racing in FF7
I felt like a dumb dumb when I found out you can hold both triggers to recharge the stammer and still jog
Doppelganger is in mission 17. Mission 15 is the part where you have to hit the switches to rotate the tower.
The gels were the one fresh thing introduced in Portal 2, what's wrong with you
>Ignore Carth
>The whole game
3 fucking times minimum
The Gutter in DaS 2
This entire game when i think about replaying it. So god damn boring.
I honestly think that the school in Silent Hill 1 is one of the hardest parts in the original trilogy.
oh god
>he didn't just pass the ball to teedus
To this day I have no fucking idea why this game has 2 names or why i hate this entire fucking town so much.
So simple yet so tedious.
This fucking misson was the only time I broke a keyboard in a fit of rage.