This is the best controller.
This is the best controller
This is a rarer controller
>mushy L2/R2 buttons that were so bad that fps games like cod had the aim/shoot mapped to L1/R1
>sticks that become loose as FUCK after using it for 10 seconds
>zero improvements on the d pad
its fucking terrible
when I was a child and could hold the baby controller I suppose. Now I'm an adult and moved up to the Xbox One controller.
A challenger appears.
>tfw got a 2nd hand one of these for 108 yen in Japan
Did I just score a win?
mapping a digital action like shooting to an analog trigger is dumb anyway
>spending over 100 dollars for a fucking controller
what do you think?
yen, dingus
Yeah. It's my favourite so far. Easily the most comfortable.
>when I was a child and could hold the baby controller I suppose. Now I'm an adult and moved up to the Xbox One controller.
You use a light grip with the Dualshocks you retard, you don't palm the whole thing
I palm. I full palm bro.
>no pc support
it's shit
If you're a manlet.
>He's too dumb to just download ScpToolkit
Then you're doing it wrong. Let it rest in your fingers.
but l1 and r1 are better for shooting so it made sense
I hate the PS4 controller design because it doesn't let me do this anymore and now it's basically full palm only.
>dualshock past 2
>anything but shit
Blame the xbots who ragegrip their controllers.
108yen is approximately 1USD.
>when you finally get an adapter for the DS2 and plug it into a PC where you can see the trigger axis and the analog control on the pressure sensitive shoulder buttons is really good anyways
I actually remember Melbourne House claiming GT3 was supposed to be played with the pressure sensitive buttons and their racing games steering better with the d-pad.
I'm a plastation fag and I don't agree. The DS4is far better
Yes, those two things are pretty retarded and contribute to the controller's shitty battery life but the overall feel of the controller and build quality is far superior to the DS3.
I was so relieved to see that they redesigned the controller for the PS4 because all I got with the DS3 was hand cramps and it felt like it was made out of recycled water bottles.
The worst thing about the DS4 is the lower shoulder button placement like an Xbox controller, which makes using the R/L2 buttons with your middle finger to free up the index finger goddamned terrible. The next worst thing is that concave sticks fucking suck.
>best controller
>best physical console
>best game library
the PS2 literally did everything right
>no the controller is fine
>you just have to do this pointless complex grip style that isn't even slightly ergonomic because Sony can't create controllers for shit
>Relaxing your hands is complex.
>Not gripping your controller like an angry spaz is 'complex'
>your hand forms a claw when it is relaxed
see? i can shitpost too
t. underage fags
I'm just used to holding things that fit your hand because controller ergonomics has been the industry standard for every single first and third party controller since roughly 1996, except for that one company that creates weird controllers for baby handed japs
>agree with me or I'll get mad and reply
>if you prefer ergonomics and comfort over arbitrary hand placement you are an angry spaz
there is literally nothing wrong with that
if people disagree with you you would be arguing, you wouldn't have anything to say if it was positive
no u :^)
Underage fags have never even seen a PS2 and that's not even the right Sega controller.
What? Are you high?
What the fuck do you mean a digital action? Shooting is a digital action?
Holy shit am I getting dumber just reading this? Is this bait?
I don't understand the hype for that one. I prefer pic related or the Nights Dreamcast prototype any day.
>I can't go 5 seconds without something that feels like a penis in my hands
>if you don't agree with me then you like holding penises
are you alright?
I'm a huge Sony fanboy, but still I'm not ashamed to confess that Microsoft nailed it with Pro Controller. It's honestly fucking amazing.
Not him, but I'm getting high.
As much as I like the DS3 it doesn't have great build quality. All the controllers I've had broke in one way or another.
how do I connect one to pc?
ps gamepads are super comfy but they always fucking break in one way or another, 2 PS3 controllers broke on me for no reason, same with all my friends who own ps3, controllers just start glitching after a while. Same with PSP, super tight controls but it starts pressing buttons by itself after a while.
I don't understand how everyone can use xbox gamepads, it's just counter-intuitive
isn't it overpriced and defective with huge input delay? or is it the other one?
Based weedbro spitting the truth. Also almost every N64 controller I've found in the wild had some part broken
disassembling and reassembling ds3 is a nice temporary fix
I literally fixed DS3 controllers just by opening them up but they broke for no reason again in a few months or so. It's a shame because they're pretty good
Both it and the Wii U Pro Controller are my favorite controllers, they both have shit triggers though.
what the fuck man
>left analog stick got worn out from a lot of years of COD
>left analog stick wouldn't stay in neutral position causing annoying problems with menus and games
>fix it by watching youtube videos and putting some fucking redneck style contraption of soda can aluminum and cardboard underneath the fucking analog stick
>controller has been working fine for years since
whew lad DS3 controller is king when you learn how to improvise fix problems
>man wii controller looks like a fucking dildo get this gay shit outta here
I don't even understand how people had such issue with the Triggers, they were not that slippery.