What does Sup Forums think of Digital Devil Saga 2?

What does Sup Forums think of Digital Devil Saga 2?


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Final dungeon was shit, otherwise it was breddy gud, I liked the story more than the first game

Didn't play, the first one was boring as fuck.

Its not nu-sona so Sup Forums doesn't like it

DDS1 was better.


Argilla is still best girl
I'm sure one of you faggots has that picture of boobzilla scoffing down mcdonalds

God fucking damn I miss Cinematech.

I love random encounters...

>final dungeon music is 3 times as loud as everything else
Who thought that was ok?

best final boss theme for sure

WTF? I literally just finished DDS1 and this thread pops up.

Did you beat demifiend though

Never again

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Man, the music in DDS was generally great.

How bad is this exactly? I haven't played any DDS because I heard this shits the bed quite bad.

It's great, the fuck have you been talking to

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The last dungeon is tedious but before that it's better than 1

Some people don't like the ending of dds2 but the game series is all-around solid

It's not persona so Sup Forums doesn't hate it
fixed that for you

It's probably my least favorite MegaTen that I've finished. Not to say it's bad, it just feels a lot more dull than other games in the series. Typically in a MegaTen game I find myself being able to enjoy it even if it has a lot of shortcomings because they tend to do something different and interesting. DDS1 and 2 just feel like standard JRPGs though, for the most part, even if they're good JRPGs. DDS2 doesn't even have the first game's setting, which was easily the coolest part of DDS1 for me. It does have a great soundtrack though.

It's not popular, so Sup Forums doesn't hate it.
Actually fixed this time, free of charge.

It's a video game so Sup Forums hates it
There I think I finally fixed it.

playing through raidou 2 now, trying to decide between starting DDS 1-2 or strange journey next. already played through nocturn, its a shame I missed out on megaten games when I was way into the ps2 era.

I think you're onto something there, but I'm too busy complaining about video games other people like to follow up on it

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DDS has the best party members you could ask for and a great soundtrack
SJ has very good dungeons and a spooky soundtrack

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I'll probably go through DDS first, If I dont get burned out.

I'd recommend SJ over DDS, but they're both worth playing, so you can't go wrong either way.

It feels much shorter than DDS1, and honestly probably could have just been a disc 2 and no one would have noticed anything.

Good game, same with the first one.

Part of me wishes it'd kept being adventures of autistic soldiers in rainy wasteland.

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Both were good games but sadly too short

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Im trying to go through all the ps2 titles first, but Im really interested in SJ since the remake is coming out(or already came out?) andIve read its one of the better DS titles.


Redux aint out for another month or two in the west, I think

The games were never meant to be separate, it was time or money concerns that made them split the games. It's why both games are both padded and short as fuck.

It's an absolute blast, same as the first one.

Teethtits, user.

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Bless you, user. I've been craving this picture for a while but could never find it.

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As much as I like DDS2, I feel like DDS1's setting was wasted on the series considering how quickly you kill all the tribe leaders.

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Mothman is C U T E

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DDS 1 and 2 are great. Fuck Chernobog tho

Sadly, that song was only added in the English version. Japanese one is a lame version of Sera's song, someone localizing for Atlus at the time decided to pretty much make their own AMV using some New York band they liked and somehow convinced them to put it in the game because it was good.

That's so Atlus.

Meganada was the true final boss. Brahman was literally just a victory lap with how easy he was

It's funny because the PAL version I have actually has the Japanese opening song.

God I've gotta say though the PAL version of DDS is horrible, the audio isn't synced very well and it doesn't give you an NTSC option either like most PAL games tend to. It's a good thing DDS2 gives you the option to set to NTSC on start up.

I swear that i was experiencing glitches since Brahma one shotted my entire team, despite being at full buffs/debuffs. Also some of the text started getting screwy.

I don't get this meme. By the time you reach Meganada, you already have some of the more busted spells. I know I didn't have any issues with him.
From the mandatory fights, Abaddon is the one I've had the most trouble with, I think.

>full buffs/debuffs
Brahman removes buffs/debuffs though, doesn't it?

I never beat Meganada, I assumed it was because I fucked up most of my skill trees.

I prefer the first one. The second one was kinda retarded. And that pink haired bitch is fucking annoying, I wish I could've just eaten her instead of listening to her whining and her lesbo shit.

Anybody here read quantum devil saga?

i think i might have been +3/-3 which isn't enough to trigger the dispel. I was buffed enough that I shouldn't be taking 800+ damage from one attack.

Is it worth reading?

It's garbage. Plot is the biggest shark jump I've ever seen in a game and retroactively ruins 1. It's even more grind heavy than the first, which was already bad and the final dungeon is tedious bullshit. Not hard, mind you, tedious. Want to use Argilla? Game gives you a massive fuck you.

I don't know that's what I'm hoping to find out

I loved it. I couldn't put it down when shit started to hit the fan and the music and characters were all great. The build up to the unfortunately disappointing final dungeon is my favorite part of any SMT game.

The first game was alright, but kind of boring in comparison to DDS2. I wish it got a re-release.