New Allied Race announced: Lightforged Elves

New Allied Race announced: Lightforged Elves

Description: "For untold millennia, the Army of the Light waged war against the Burning Legion throughout the Twisting Nether. The Draenei most committed to their long crusade would undergo a ritual to become Lightforged, infusing their bodies with the very essence of the Holy Light. After finally achieving victory on Argus, the Army of the Light has been looking for new recruits from a new race to replace the countless Draenei lost to the Legion, and found it in the Blood Elves of Silvermoon."

Are you hyped?

Attached: LFElves.png (1262x930, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

horde or alliance?

epic post!

Horde obviously. The Army of the Light is a neutral party where the members can also be of either faction, just like the Ebon Blade or the Illidari.

i wonder if blizzard will ever say fuck it and make normal blue eyed high elves a race for a faction

Honestly, i just kinda wish they gave us more customization options. It's better than having to create new characters.

It literally just got announced by one of the Wowhead dataminers dude. The description is what comes up when you're making a member of their race, just like all the races currently ingame.

So many kind of elves

WoW graffix look like THAT? Yikes

he's right

nu wow is so bad

Lightforged Lorethmar soon

So it's just a regular blood elf with a different eye color? Why does this merit being a whole new race?

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We don't know if they'll be allied races or NPCs or just blood elf customization options

>the amount of people that outright believe this bullshit
thinking doesn't hurt Sup Forumstards using google neither

There's evidence of tattoo and rune options for them, but they're not in the alpha yet. They also have mostly hairstyles that aren't in the alpha yet, which suggests that they'll have unique new ones.

I think its going to be a sub race like the light forged Draenei; wich are just yellow space goats instead of normal space goats

Forgot to mention that their classes are: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Mage and Priest.

Because alliance has wanted to play blood elves too for 10 years. This is the moment where wow loses all shame.

I invite you to prove it

invitation rejected

>more elves

it is not an allied race, it just more custumiztion options, you are dumb

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New race, unique third faction requires additional expansion module.

Grapeorcs, a meteorite landed on Azhara carrying mutant spores, infecting the fruits of the region turning everyone who eats them into purple orcs. There will be no pve content with this expansion, it's grape orcs vs the world in this fantastic new expansion that adds everything the fans asked for years.

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Shame they won't just give them blue eyes.
But the high-elves are all in the Alliance so it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.

Not anymore, they aren't. Turalyon joins the army of the light with the Alliance during the Lightforged quest.

The army of the light itself is still a neutral organisation whose only enemy is the Legion, not the Horde.

Even with Sargeras imprisoned there's still plenty of demons still out there to be defeated.

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Thats just wrong though, Turalyon is the leader of the army of the light and he has dedicated the lightforged faction to the Alliance.

It's exactly the same as Orc posture. Just an extra barbershop option for eye color. They'll probably add a few more of these, like boneless undead, long tail draenei, upright Worgen.

that sounds grape!

Doesn't Turalyon swear the whole army to the Alliance?

Soy Humans when?

>just want a turtle race that can be monks
Give me ninja turtles goddamn it.

The recruitment quests for the LF Elves will probably explain all of this.

No, I don't have his exact words but they aren't far off from"The Army of the Light fights for the Alliance."

>all we're ever going to get from now on is lazy reskins of existing races
>no naga, ogres or ethereals ever

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Golden eyed elves is just a customization option for blood elves.

>Boneless undead
So goopy piles of decaying flesh? That should be fun to animate.

Just like all we got was "Hero Classes" after Wrath right? There's no reason to believe the new gimmick will be the sole feature of all future expansions too.

More elves?

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>he thinks low-effort "playable races" that get dumb people hyped will only be present in this expansion

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Seeing as how 2 of the 3 classes added are hero classes, yeah there kinda is reason to believe Blizzard will re-use it. Blizzdrone defense force on patrol I see.

>14 year old game looks bad

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And the second one of those classes came eight years after, with one of the expansions between the two having a regular class. People thought every expac would add a new hero class back then.

They're literally getting so lazy they've decided to just start re-skinning things. How the fuck do people still play WoW in 2018?

For the last two expansions they added literally NOTHING in terms of new playable races. Ten subraces is a lot better than nothing.

stop with your fucking fake news OP. these aren't announced, nor are they even remotely hinted as a "new allied race". it's just customization options.

I doubt it. The only reason for void elves and lightforged elves is to pander towards people begging for Highelves. Lorewise it's undoable but you got to shut the masses up somehow.

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Announced was probably the wrong term to use, but dataminers working for Wowhead found them in the game files and posted their findings about five minutes before I made the thread.

>Lorewise it's undoable

What are you even talking about. Elves being changed by magic(You know, like the Blood/High Elves themselves were changed from NE) isn't a stretch at all.

proof? so far the only known thing is that it's customization options.


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>males cuter than females

What is this sorcery?

I meant it's undoable lorewise to make High Elves playable as their population was purposedly made very low by the writers of the story.

I know, but thats the reason Blizzard keeps repeating.

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>10 Re-skins.

Wow it's fucking nothing still.

If I was in charge during development I would have gone with the following:

>Night Elves
>High Elves

>Blood Elves (that look moustache twirlingly evil instead of pretty to a fault)

Simple. Easy lore explanations for each and they all fit their theme nicely.

You're a retard

Official art that was never canon for anything.

Alright then, I thought you were ones of those people saying Void Elves don't make sense in the lore. Frankly it'd make less sense if Elves COULDN'T be changed physically by the Void like every other type of magic.

Whoops, unofficial.

>Exact same as the Cata race lineup but with Draenei replaced by a reskin

What you got against space goats man?

>Start a WoW thread normally
>Dies with 3 replies
>Start a WoW thread with incredibly obvious bait
>500 replies

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Please, proceed to prove my claim wrong then.

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You finally figured it out bro. 90% of the negative shitpost threads about WoW are started by people who just want to discuss the game but know saying that directly would kill the thread.

That is obviously not an allied race you dumbass RETARDS, it is just customization option for belves. How about you look for a source before you engage on your shitposting? You are the reason fake news are so successfull

>people will believe this
The only “lightforging” that’s happened to the Blood Elves is the purification of the sunwell. Since WotLK they should’ve all had golden eyes, Liadrin has them in her Hearthstone portrait, but Blizzard tends to forget about these small details of immersion. If it’s available to players it will be a customization option for Blood Elves who are now no different than High Elves since the purification of the Sunwell and are only named Blood Elves I’m honor of their fallen dead. I’m short: Alliance High Elves NEVER EVER

Utopian space goats too pure for this earth that were a complete asspull messes with my autism. Panda's annoy me because I hate the 'neutral' concept and most of these subraces are just silly.

Butthurt nu-WoW player detected

Sup Forums loves bait and cant resist taking it.

Imagine being this mad.

>that were a complete asspull

You're not allowed to say that about pre-Cata lore bro. The lore before Cata was all perfect and the lore after it is all an abomination.

its literally an eye color change. How is this even big news. They are at the point where they can put the least amount of effort into shit and rabid fanboys would still eat the garbage.

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I want to fuck the daylights out of this.

New datamined dialogue guys. Who /hype/ for BfA?

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how are there still people falling for this 75 posts in

its just an extra option for horde be's stop being a stormfag.

Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with being mad about things.

I love my Banshee Queen. If she becomes a raid boss I will quit WoW.

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im just here to shitpost in anything alive

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Because the description looks somewhat legit and makes it seem like more than just a shitpost. There's also the image to go along with it.

>Blood elves didn't ruin the horde
Classic servers so I can kill self inserting virgins when


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t. owner of pic related

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I wish

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HE's are still around and some are quest givers.
Not all HE's are dead and don't give me "b-but there isn't suppose to be alot of them!" Same with NE's, BE's, Nightborne, and other almost extinct races around Azeroth

But nu-blizzard hates everything about old blizzard so they make up new shit instead of giving out old ones.

Prove to me you're not a retard avatarfagging?

t. dude who played Hodor in HBO's Game of Thrones

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>But nu-blizzard hates everything about old blizzard so they make up new shit instead of giving out old ones.

Ah yes those brand new asspull races like Dark Iron Dwarves, Nightborne and Zandalari. Those were never in the lore before this expansion.

I hope so does so it makes nu horde soy boys like you suicidal

Where did Nightborne exist before? I was pretty certain they made them up for Legion, albeit with a plausible lore excuse.

>give alliance high elves
>i.e. blood elves, but completely identical save for eye color
>i.e. blood elves, a race very obviously designed to stop faction disparity from being 5:1 favoring alliance
>i.e. blood elves, the race that singlehandedly changed the horde from a hipster choice to a legitimate option

Void elves, a race everyone thought was fucking stupid-looking and a half-assed attempt to cater to high elf fags, are still currently more played than dwarves, gnomes, draenei and worgen. This is WITH a mandatory tedious grind to unlock them. Do you know how absolutely dead the Horde would be if Alliance got actual high elves? Use your fucking brains please.

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War of the Ancients trilogy

Blood Elves literally are High Elves with a name change to honor the fallen. Their eye color in lore should’ve changed already to this golden color or at least back to blue unless they’re Warlocks or Demon Hunters but Blizzard forgot about it. This golden eye option, if it becomes available to players, is the final nail as all Blood and High Elves should be purified from the Sunwell.

Any blood elf players going to keep their green eyes? It reminds me of a simpler time questing in Eversong Woods.

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This is the real reason. The faction balance would skew to like 75/25 Alliance/Horde if they had High Elves.

Yes, they are around. A few of them. Not enough to make them playable as that would cause a population peak of tens/hundreds of thousands.
Void elves can be reproduced from Blood Elves.
Blood Elves are just high elves with a different name, they're more like a different race-faction and continue to avoid extinction with other belfs.
I don't exactly understand your claim that there arent supposed to be many NEs around. They have literally their own island where they can live and produce freely.
Nightborne are jus a small fraction of Night Elves who became corrupted similar to Void Elves but by different means. Again, reproductable.
High Elves were driven near extinction (Thought the numbers vary from which Bliz writer you ask)

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I would if I didn't play a BE pally. It seems a bit silly NOT to switch to the gold eyes as a Paladin.

Do you really not think some Blood Elf mains haven’t become invested in the Horde? There’s plenty who are obsessed with Sylvanas and even more that have jumped on the anti-Alliance train. High Elves wouldn’t cripple the Horde.

>blizzard fucked up by making player characters have a stationary faction instead of being mercenaries capable of switching factions despite race or previous affiliation