Pokemon memories

>Whitney sent out Miltank
Jesus christ

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It wasnt even that hard, you were just a dumb kid and had no idea how to counter it.

dude DAE remember le old pokemon was better than modern pokemon?!

>Not trading onyx for machoke

faggyboys always ignore geodude and machop.
those things are super strong and get mega broken early because you can evolve them to their third stage the second they enter their second without the elemental stone faggot limitations.


The average dumb kid picked Cyndaquil and tried to solo the early game with their starter. Whitney shits on that pretty quick despite not being a super effective type, especially since rollout is rock type.

That having been said, she's the first gym leader in the series at that point that was remotely challenging if you came unprepared.

>Muscle used Karate Chop
>whatever used Smokescreen/Sand Attack

I only heard years later that people would play the game like this.
I always captured myself a big and diverse team.

>using nothing but a starter
i never understood this, even as a kid it seemed fucking stupid to me.

Because the games are so easy that besides one or two fights a game there's nothing that can stop an overleveled starter with decent moves.

There wasnt much to catch that early in GS that was good

Heck. Typhlosion can even learn thunderpunch.

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Depends what you mean with early, but Abra is usually always available and is always broken.

It's actually typically the fastest way to clear the game casually, you get an experience stack on your pokemon and keep things rolling because your being so overleleved compared to the trainers means that you can 1-hit or 2-hit the vast majority of pokemon you see.

Main catch is that you have to put in a good few extra levels in the early game. In G/S your most challenging fights would be your Rival around the second Gym badge, Whitney, and Morty. After that by the time you've hit your third evolution it's generally a breeze, unless you specifically picked feraligatr and absolutely refuse to use even an underleveled rock type for Jasmine.

you could literally trade for a machop before the gym
all at or before whitney
and plenty of others im probably missing

Hypnosis that somehow always hits you + Dream Eater spam.

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ghastly, geodude, machop, abra, drowzee

natu, marill, mareep and wooper are kinda shitty

>get a ghastly myself
>always faster
>or i would just curse and swap

Abra is such a broken piece of shit and you can have him ready to curb stomp the game AT Goldenrod. Need to put a few levels on him but the elemental punches running off the special stat was broken piece of shit territory.

Rock types generally fucked her up, as did Machop.

Even bellsprout or another grass type were fairly viable as interruption, since paralysis will cancel rollout's streak and rollout is Miltank's main threat.

If only there was a 100% counter to Miltank...

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>natu, marill, mareep
i really hope you aren't serious, granted most natus unless over-leveled will probably be useless unless you get lucky with hypnosis RNG

Miltank was NEVER HARD fug. I just beat her again, with a fucking zubat.

>Dark is no longer a type
What did user mean by this?

was it female, and you probably got lucky with confusion rng

marill and mareep are really bad. bad stats, dont learn any good moves, have weak type coverage.
natu at least evolves into something with fast speed and special attack.

That fight is one of the main examples for why I'm against games getting more casual and kid-friendly these days. Easy games don't give you lasting memories.

other people have commented but you can get a traded onix in the first gym town. Traded pokemon are great in G/S/C because exp is low across the board. Moreover as a rock type with high defense (moreso if you raise it to 6 stage during the fight) you can actually get whitney to avoid using rollout. Because her AI thinks pound does more damage.

>Claire sent out Kingdra

I shat my pants as a kid

But all Pokemon games ARE easy games.

Ampharos was great, what are you talking about? You can easily paralyze Miltank with thunder wave.

I did this as a kid and it worked out fine. After leveling up a few times off her other pokemon the cow went down and I continued playing with a level 100 typhlosion and level 3 everything else

>that cunt claire refuses to give you a badge

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Literally all those pokemon are gigashit, half of the GS era pokemon had awful stats and movesets, especially early on. With how bad GS level scaling was you werent evolving anything before whitney without extreme grinding, so youre going to be stuck with a team of shitmons going up against her BST 490 miltank

Actually no, it was male and I did get hit by attract. It just didn't prevent me from attacking that next turn and by the time i was hit with attract i miltank was already one wing attack from death. That zubat is now a crobat, one of the best pokemanz. He's so cool.

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Umbreon is the only possible dark type that you can get around that time.

Early Pokemon is just as easy though, much of those "memories" you speak of is nostalgia taking the top spot.

How many people you know that know that badges in pre gen 4 games give your whole team free stat boosts?

Yeah but you still have dark type moves. Like bite n stuff.

>With how bad GS level scaling was you werent evolving anything before whitney without extreme grinding

? I easily had all mine to level 22 before Whitney

ampharos is really trash. not tanky enough to truly be tanky, not fast enough to be fast and it essentially only has access to electric attack which is MEGA limiting.

you will also have to powerlevel your shit mareep really hard to make it close to useful.

>How many people you know that know that badges in pre gen 4 games give your whole team free stat boosts?

I might not be remembering it right but don't the gym leaders actually tell you this when you get the badge?

Gengar is a fast little fuck.


Oh, I was talking to a retarded child. Sorry, my mistake.

No, only some fuck in Cerulean city tells you.


>saw a cool pokemon in X area for first time
>accidentaly beat him instead of capturing
>now the little fucker doents appear


pretty embarassing post desu

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I swear HG/SS niggies need to go, i remember g/s cause i was 10, yes there are some legit counters like geodude but i'll show you how it went down

>if male
>if not

only newfags think the problem was rollout, this hoe took 2-3 hits to beat, could heal and perma
stunlocked you

Most kids playing pokemon for the first time arent autistically leveling their entire team to be equal and above each gym leaders pokemon

Falkner gave me more trouble when I picked Chikorita

zubat is underrated as hell. crobat is great.

>exaggerates like a child
You need to be 18 to post here.

geodude is the only thing you can catch at that point, since g/s I use geodude in most of my teams as he's quite strong

This, either you got machop or had a rock type or you instantly stopped having fun.

G/S are the worst generation for good reasons.

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Pidgeotto only uses gust for super effective and he's level 9. Really not that hard if you were like level 11.

Would Pokemon be better if it was Pokemoo?

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I love Miltank!

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Hell yes, Crobat is the tits.

Miltank is cool


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>got a shiny ho oh in pokemon gold way back when
>despite red gyrados being in the game I assumed legendaries got the sparkle too
>even though ho oh had a different color palette-- hey, I played pokemon red/blue, and those pokemon didn't look like the box at all, so I guess that's just ho oh!
>thinking back on that years later

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I didn't understand what Flying was super effective against when I was 9, so I just had Chicorita and some bugs.

miltank is a gimmick.
there's better annoying walls to have.

They're not pink cows though.

people dont seem to like the filler pokemon you face in caves/on the sea, but they are honestly all good.
machop, geodude, tentacool and zubat all become super strong.

Golem isn't that great

>first shiny i saw beyond red gyarados was so minor and inconsequential that i didn't even register anything was diffrrent until it was too late

>first encounter with a klink was a shiny one
>never saw a klink before because i went into BW totally blind
>also wasn't really paying attention because chargestone cave had such a high encounter rate and i just wanted to get through it
>checking my pokedex later

crobat is just annoying as fuck to get.
If he were a regular evo, you'd see him a lot more.
I fucking hate pokemon's friendship/happiness gimmick.

Golem is shit in the real game, but was A tier in the tutorial.

I dont get the hype around wild shinies, they always have a shit nature and end up being useless anyways.

Golem is fine for single-player. Its STAB fucks up pretty much every Rocket encounter and Morty.

I had a crush on Whitney when I was a kid.

Would still fuck her nowadays.

golem is really really good for the storymode.
he's not good competitively but for the maingame he is 10/10.
rock/ground is good coverage and NPCs are way too stupid to deal with something like rollout.

It's a rare skin. Since when have you seen a game where people DON'T shit themselves over rare, and inconsequential, skins.

I just checked and yeah the game does tell you.

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they're just stupidly rare is all so it's neat actually getting one. My only one has been a zubat, it's a shame gen 3 has too many good pokemon, and it was post-game or i would have kept a shiny crobat around.

Because I wasn't an autist ready to ride back and forth on a bike for a month waiting for the -perfect- shiny to pop out of an egg. It was just something rare for me to put in a box as a trophy.

oh and golems moves tend to have a lot of AP so that helps with longer caves and shit.
that used to be really useful in pokemon games. now they put healing NPCs everywhere and thats pretty homo.

>complaining that the TUTORIAL is too easy
What the fuck is wrong with Pokemon fans?

I never bothered with Pokes that need to be traded to fully evolve.

I didnt have anyone to trade with.
How do I trade with myself in Drastic ; -;

whats the deal with garbage posts like that

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Too interesting?

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>not having pokemon stadium to trade back and forth with two transfer packs
>not having colosseum
>playing gen 4

I never had that problem, haha, hahaha, hah.

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atleast we have roms with trade stones now.

I'm just wondering why Pokemon fans are the only people I ever see complaining that the tutorial levels are too easy.

>gen 1
>pick charmander
>visit trainer school and talk to everyone
>learn that fire is weak to rock
>first gym is rock
>know that fire is weak
>avoid using fire because I'm told again and again it won't work
>struggle like shit to beat Brock with a bunch of bugs and birds and rats
>he's actually easy as shit to beat with fire because all his dudes have low special

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so whats the deal with garbage posts like that

I tried some but all of them added unnecessary shit or moved shit someplace else. I just want to get a Scizor without trading. Fuck.

It's a fact finding operation.

>Ampharos never learns thunderbolt.
Gen 2 is all kinds of fucked up move-wise.

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>have to waste time and effort fucking around with eggs so you can't even use her for the first two gyms

I want to milk!

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>always plan the ideal 6mon dream team before starting
>always beat the games with 2 mons and 4 hm slaves
>never bother with the game anymore because it's just mindless postgame grinding by that point

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>VGC 2014 in my country's internationals
>Ready for the next opponent
>Go to table for the next round
>Card on my desk saying my next battle will be on the big screen, out of all the 300+ different battles they could have picked for the next round ffs
>Picked to play on a big screen in front of 500+ people
>Sweaty.jpg because no smogon-tier team during the XY meta
>Hold steady with Accelgor, Gyarados and Manectric
>Gets to my Charizard vs opponent's Charizard
>My Charizard is M-Charizard-X, a rock slide will do the trick
>They also mega evolve into a Zard-X
>My Charizard isn't invested in speed, FUCK
>Still outspeed them by sheer luck probably, take the win
Felt like that was my pinnacle, but battling like that in front of a big audience is way too intense.

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Mother fucking Factory with all all those Voltorb in Crystal. Saw a blue one, thought it was a glitch from all the fucking voltorbs I kept running into, and the fucking lack of a back light and not knowing what a shiny was also didn't help, that I ended up running away, until 7+ years later when I recollected memories of stupid shit I did back then and wish I could fix, only then did it hit me.

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you could just search 'pokemon ntevo' on google or use the randomizer to change only the evolutions

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