Change my mind

Change my mind

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Let me see if I can interpret...Switch is a console for Soysharks

you didnt post an opinion, how can we change your mind?

>no glasses and beard on the shark
no effort OP


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sharks can't have beards silly

theres literally nothing wrong with liking soy

t. soy liker

A little subtlety is a good thing


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Consuming that much soy would make it grow one.

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True masculinity comes from showing strength despite loving soy

Imagine being so butthurt over the Switch's success and owning a shittier console that you have nothing to do but shit post on a Russian propaganda image board.

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How do we change the mind of a soyboy like you, OP?

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t. soy enjoyer

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welp that's going straight into the fap folder.

Have some more

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>20g of protein in a 396.893g drink
Top kek
Drink whey isolate you faggots. It's cheaper and better for you.

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There's zero scientific link between ingesting soy and hormone levels.

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I'm not a subhuman worm to consume pus-filled sludge from mutated sweat glands.

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>drinking unpasteurized milk

The animal!

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t. kissless weeb
Sorry that your little tum-tum hurts when you drink milk.

Heehee! They look like me!

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Mods are dead apparently

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Heehee! Why are there so many pictures of me! Weehee!

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kissless weeb confirmed for BTFO

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Basking sharks don't eat milk or electronics. Holy shit, where did you go to school

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>not animated
at least try

Strawberry soymilk actually sounds good.

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based shoop da whoop bro

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t. kissless weeb

>marge simpson

This is why China should take over the us already. Mapo tofu is the only real soy food of kings

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>all this Sup Forumsfag bullying
hey now they are very fragile and delicate souls be nice >:((

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>not drinking almond milk

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Soy sauce is fucking amazing, you filthy kike

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I'm engaged and actually getting my dick touched right now while I browse on my Apple iPhone you retard.

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>mfw i cant use soy sauce anymore because of all those soyboys out there

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Post photo of you and your fiance rubbing dicks

I'm not quite up to date with the shitposting, but is the shoopdawoop face a butthurt Nintendie response to soyposting? That's what it seems like to me, at least.

There's nothing subtle about the soy meme

yeah it sucks, but you can just add salt to flat coca-cola to get a similar taste. You need a lot of salt though, you want to get the cola to full saturation.

Let's see if this works

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based shoopposters

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>blue board
>she doesn't have a dick
>why would I taunt kissless weebs with what they can never have?
>I'm not that rude

that sounds fucking terrible but i'll try it, fuck i miss soy sauce

I don't know

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Dude just eat your fucking soy sauce holy shit

It's not exactly the same but if you are committed to not consuming soy it's the closest you will get.

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im not touching soy because of this soyboy meme
fuck off soyboy

Fucking kek please be real

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Does soy actually make you less masculine or is it just a meme?

it's literally a meme

Too much soy sauce sometimes. I see people just drown stuff in it, its practically salt liquid.

>some dumb nigga is depriving himself of his favorite food because of a meme

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Protip if anybody actually wants to try this:
Warm the cola to ~180 degrees Farenheit in a skillet before you add the salt. It will help dissolve the salt and prevent any "gritty" texture.

Fuck you faggot, I could bench press you and your retarded sister at the same time. Eat your soy sauce in moderation

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>she doesn't have a dick
Those Apple products are just because you're a nice consumer sheep who likes overpaying for shit he doesn't need, totally not because you like dicks.