Its okay when the japanese do it

>its okay when the japanese do it

Attached: 2-p4g-love-me-and-give-me-everything-you-adore-this-is-great-and-awesome-cross-dressing.jpg (960x544, 116K)

They know how to do it right.

It's almost exclusively the japanese that do it

But it isn't. Teddie was shit and so was Persona 4.

>is not serious
>is doing it for laughs and profit
>is actually pulling it off
>will never do this again for the rest of the game
Western game characters
>rub it in your face
>demand your acceptance and attention
>bring it up when there's no reason to
>deny you the ability to miss you with that gay shit

Is he supposed to be an exaggerated western character?

teddie is best girl,best boy and best shadow

because this is presented as a joke. You're supposed to laugh at him. liberal westerners does the opposite where they demand to be taken seriously.

Disgusting trapshit.

>traps are cute
>crossdressing can be funny
>or they could just be trans, and was written this way because it's significant to the story

>transgender characters exist to fill a diversity checklist or a political statement
>can never be funny or humorous ever, that's disparaging to transgenders!!!!
>can never be remotely relevant to the story because some fag will complain about representation
>they're not even remotely cute

>Its okay when there is no political agenda that's shoved in your face

uh yeah there is?

I'll give him something but it isnt my heart

Attached: 1519627550292.gif (480x270, 3.25M)

What is the political agenda in Teddie dressing like a girl for the keks?

>crossdressing is okay
You've already been corrupted.

It works because Teddie has no gender, numbnuts

>American "trap"
>Looks like a ugly guy
>Japanese trap
>Looks like a girl
Really activates those almonds.

Also they are not fucking obnoxious about it.

>Stop having fun guys

>itt everyone forgets they actually promoted the game with crossdresser Teddie

Is only okay when a 2D fuckboi does it.
And is not like crossdressing is seen as more than a joke in japan, they hate crossdressers even more than this board.