>10 years of shitty moba clones
>followed by shitty battle royale clones for the next 10 years
where were you when you realised that gaming is dead?
10 years of shitty moba clones
I was and still playing hidden gems.
>expects surface level trash to be engaging or good
>complains about surface level trash games
nobody is forcing you to play mobashits or battle royale you know
I want WoW to dominate again
BfA is looking good 2 bh. if you want to re-sub, now's the time as Legion makes you see end game quickly now that the x-pac is over
about 5 months ago, I still want to be involved in the industry, but I just want to make money, I don't give a fuck about what type of game gets me there.
When are you guys growing up and playing games for adults?
>gaming is dead
Anyone who says this doesn't really play video games.
the closest thing I've ever played to a moba was overwatch, and I only played it because I was (wrongly) told it was the evolution of tf2.
BR is 10000000x better than ASSFAGGOTs though.
Yeah, and back then we had shitty platforming clones and fighting game clones. Does that mean the gaming died with the SNES era? Do you seriously this shit is in anyway new, you stupid fucking faggot of an OP?
When are you guys growing up and playing games for adults?
Only multiplayer games are dead, and nobody cares about multiplayer shit.
When are you guys growing up and playing games for adults?
Talking about mobas and being dead, I just saw this in HotS. Holy shit, just how dead it must be for them to resort to this?
funny because HotS is actually blizzard's passion project
>2017 one of the best years for games
>2018 is shaping up to be good as well
I'm waiting for the "gaming is dead" meme to die
It's kinda funny because it sometimes is really hard to spot the difference between an AI and a player, considering how little brain activity it requires to figure out what your hero does and running to the objective which is announced and shown with big markers on your minimap. At least AIs don't talk, so that's a plus.
What does it matter if some companies make mobas that are dead on arrival?
They could've spent their time making a fun game for me to enjoy instead
well that's just too fucking bad
t. Underage faggot, there's no fucking way you're above the age of 18 and hold that opinion.
Well, before that it was 10 years of brown and bloom fps clones, and before that it was 10 years of half-baked platformers, before that it was 10 years of shitty arcade games
and before that i fack yo mama
Stop playing shitty service games made for casuals.
Where does this meme come from?
May I ask what game that is? Looks interesting
i just play warframe and overwatch timed events
Yes, I've had matches were people disconnect and I don't realise it until I read "character AI has been killed" in the announcements. Game is crowded with retards, probably little kids.
you're the cancer that is killing video games
I was watching the Nintendo "revolution" reveal.