Games that made you emotional

I've just finished this game. I lost count of the amount of times my jaw literally dropped while playing this game. I got misty eyed first time I laid my eyes over the vastness of hyrule and also when discovering all of the amazing lore and backstory. Finding Lon Lon Ranch again tugged at my heartstrings.

After I killed Ganon I finally broke down and cried while watching the ending. This is truly a once in a lifetime experience

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>open world
>nothing to actually find
But hey there's a shrine at the end of that quest.

nice shitpost famalai

I was in tears the first time I loaded up the menu... it’s just beautiful

Play the game before saying things like this please

So was I, just the pure excitement of having a new Zelda game and knowing it was going to be yet another masterpiece. If only I knew it would surpass even those lofty expectations!

The game has next to zero content to explore outside the shrines and main quests.
The beasts are pathetic and on the level of the tutorial dungeon of other games.
I've played plenty of the game. Pic related.

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Troll harder pirrate

you sound like a nancy-girl

Pretty sure all games make people emotional.

Even candy crush saga made me feel emotional. Anger.

Meh. They clearly put a ton of effort into the little things and getting little details into the game but the core is left missing a whole ton of content for it.
It's the worst example of open worldifying a series I've ever played. Cliche to the letter.

I was mad that it was so shit

Missing content? What? It has content literally everywhere.

It has a ton of TECHNOLOGY but that's not a substitute for something to actually play.

>didn't try to train different mounts
>didn't find the labyrinths
>didn't take side quests from random npc's
>didn't find the hidden weapons
>didn't bother to look for the memory spots
>didn't fight the dragons or locate the spring of powah
>didn't figure out what the hell the deal is with those flowers that shoop down when you get close
>didn't fill up the hyrule compendium

Xenoblade 2

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If that's content, then it's the empty calories big mac of the bunch. Jesus... don't you guys have any standards?

there's more to do in this game then any other zelda game.
ohhhhh, it was a troll response to op, wasn't it? there's better ways to get attention, y'know?


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Shit attempt to disregard criticism tbqhfamdesu

>didn't try to train different mounts
They all play extremely similar to each other.
>didn't find the labyrinths
There are 4 and they're maybe half an hour long each at a stretch.
>didn't take side quests from random npc's
Which ones do you mean? The fetch quests or the take photo of x quests?
>didn't find the hidden weapons
They all play extremely similar to one another, same as the mounts.
>didn't bother to look for the memory spots
I did them all and I wouldn't call that extra content.
>didn't fight the dragons or locate the spring of powah
The dragons hardly fight back apart from some damage clouds that float around them and the spring of power is a 5 minute visit.
>didn't figure out what the hell the deal is with those flowers that shoop down when you get close
No idea what you're talking about
>didn't fill up the hyrule compendium
for literally what purpose. I could make a checklist of every different civilian in GTA and cross them off for each one I kill but I wouldn't say that's extra content.
BotW is a fun game, but the novelty wears off and you're left with quite a dull experience.

I just finished BotW after 138 hours. I kinda don't want to replay it ever again and that makes me crazy sad.

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>there's more to do in this game then any other zelda game.
No shit moron it's suppose to be open world thus it should be packed with content but it barely has anything

Did all of that except the compendium, and if you think there was any bulk or entertainment to any of it you're either a fanboy or a shill.

still more things to do in this than any other zelda game. prove me wrong. and i'm only about 20 hours in so i don't even know what else there is

This. I actually loved BoTW... the first few hours.

I still think it's fun, but haven't touched it for months, nor do I feel like doing it any time soon. user hit it spot on explaining the why with his list

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That's the soyest post of the year.

Honestly user... he doesn't need to prove you wrong... what are you even trying to get at with your argument? That he is wrong in that the game gets dull because the others are extra dull and an outdated recycle of the same formula?

>didn't figure out what the hell the deal is with those flowers that shoop down when you get close

No you're right. There's heaps more content than any other Zelda game.
But ask yourself this: Is all this extra content fun? Does it have any meaning beyond just being another pointless checklist to cross off.

>Master sword losing power and turning off after a few minutes and need to be recharged constantly

So like the switch? Holy shit Nintendo was clever on this one, deepest lore!

> There is more to do...
I'd rather take quality over quantity. Keep trying though, soon you will claim the final boss fight was actually good. C'man user you can do better than this.

I like the game, but these points aren't convincing
>didn't try to train different mounts
They're all essentially the same
>didn't find the labyrinths
Literal trial and error. All of them felt the same.
>didn't take side quests from random npc's
What for? 50 rupees?
>didn't find the hidden weapons
>didn't bother to look for the memory spots
This was actually pretty cool
>didn't fight the dragons or locate the spring of powah
This was also pretty cool. The dragon appearances are a neat occurance.
>didn't figure out what the hell the deal is with those flowers that shoop down when you get close
Korok seeds. Go figure.
>didn't fill up the hyrule compendium
Was a decent side quest. What's the reward for filling this?

finally, someone answered. also, all i have to do is the gerudo part and get the master sword and beat the game. after that, i dunno, the game's been a bit of a slog so far

Guys I made a vow that I woukdnt replay this until I got a gf that is into video games and would play with me.
I recently gave up all hope of ever finding a gf or even getting laid again so do you guys think I should just play it?

Sounds like any rpg ever made. But since this has Zelda in the title. Is 10/meme perfect game

Fuck off with this soy meme

What was wrong with the final boss? It was epic. Biggest boss I've ever seen in a game

All of this litteraly fucking nothing, holy shit user. It could be impressive for someone who's not familiar with botw but after 15 or 20 hours in it anyone would vomit on your face you fucking faggot. Especially for the pnj and koroks part.

t.soytendo player

Right. Of course.

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>Waaaaaaaah i'm not a soyyyyyyyy
Shhhh soyboy

Now play SotC

i mean thats a really spergy reason to not replay a game so yes
>only play gain when i find da 1!!
just play it again for christs sake

Never played Shadow of Colossus?

SotC is like a boring version of BotW to be honest famland

None. I'm not a faggot

Nah, I wish they'd port it to the switch. It looks fun

Good luck with that, I suggest you try trolling harder, don't make it too easy.

I guess playing a game with purpose is something BotW brainlets aren't used to.

what do you figure is more content then? You keep spewing shit that there's no content and it's a bad example of open world but you don't provide solutions to your complaints.

>What's the reward for filling [the hyrule compendium]?
It makes resource gathering easier. Looking for a chest in the near vicinity? Set it to your sensor. Need a particular ingredient for food or to upgrade clothes? Sensor. Need to defeat a certain enemy to receive certain medallions? Sensor.

> You keep spewing shit
I only said it once, what are you on about?

What are you talking about? The only trolls here are the sonegroes