ITT: characters who should be in 5mash

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Your mom should be smashed by a pack of niggers



why would this bitch get into smash over spongebob?

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becuz shes a qt



sadly they'd have to replace the line "Fuckheads!"

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t. Mel Gibson

what game she is in?

As an assist trophy more or less.

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only the best

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Not gonna happen, but I’d cream my pants.

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>mfw I recognize that name

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... Wait a minute...

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oh damn

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when two tribes go to war

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Ruby Rose on the front page.

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who even is that


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ruby rose of rwby

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god i want to have sex with her

I'm already not buying Tag Battle because of her.

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I want to fucking CUM on ruby's face~

I want this but it will literally never 100% never fucking ever happen.
In reality i want snake back, but i cant see that happening either

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What would her final smash be?
Isn't she like 15 years old? You guys are pervs

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I'd rather her sister

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Weiss>Ruby>Yang>>>>>>>>>>Dumpster fire>Blake

It's not illegal, just taboo, to want to lewd the rube.
Also, either Silver Eyes shit since they already don't give a fuck about the intended target of an ability, evidenced by Shulk or something from Grimm Eclipse souped up a bit.


Will likely have alt skins to wear different armor, be a different race or to be a muffhaver.

It's about time for Fate to have a representation.

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>tfw RWBY is better than actual jap anime

>from any country

>4 smash games
>still no mario

seriously nintendo, just put him in already

and no, he wouldn't be a clone of megaman, fuck off

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stop posting this cartoon
kys immediately

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yeah anime is usually shit. As usual America took something and improved upon it.

No it's not, I've watched every single episode and at this point I only follow the story out of sheer enjoyment of feeling anger. The story manages to be both a cliche anime while also subverting expectations in the worst ways possible. They will put twists, or change up the typical shonen formula by replacing the normal sequence of events with ones that are even more unsatisfying. Currently, every single villain besides Salem has been jobbed out to the point of having absolutely no worth, and the writers of the show gave up completely on the main character in favor of promoting one of the lead writer's self insert.

i want to push her onto a bed and have sex for hours

Of all the psuedo animu out there, which is best?

dont watch korra

>mfw rwby triggers all the weebs
>dont watch korra
Wrong. Watch season 3.

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Same here buddy, at this point I only watch the show so that I have context for all of the smut I read based on the characters.

don't masturbate

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Avatar is legit much better paced, animated, and written than 90% of anime out there. If there was more time for good guy Zuko and they fixed the ending so it didn’t feel as asspully it would undeniably go down as one of the best animated shows ever.

it's hilarious when you tell a weeb that rwby has a decent following in japan and they start squirming and saying "n-no it d-doesn't"



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she is 16 now

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korra is fine idiot


Better than Haremshit, at least.

when did rwby chibi start getting so good, bros?

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eff pee bee pee

we really need to fight shitposters like OP

Korra season 3 is like a piece of driftwood on a pile of shit.

>Still no White Rose
Shit show

Choose one row to make it in. No columns.

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When Miles and Kerry stopped writing or directing episodes

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White Rose is shit and I hope Weiss ends up with Neptune just to spite you.

She's going to be in the new Blazblue, why not play that?


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But they still are?
Speaking of that, the fanbase seems to be adamant this is the final roster, did your main make it in?

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Man they picked the most boring characters to go into the game. I get that team RWBY are the figure heads but there were so many other characters that don't get screen time in the show so they might as well appear in other forms of media. Imagine getting Coco, or Port, or Nora instead.

Looks retarded honestly

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Coco is shit, Port is shit and Nora would be cool

>But they still are?
I've only noticed the last few episodes lacking any of Miles or Kerries writing/directing, either they're shifting focus to other projects as well as main RWBY, or they only work on it occasionally

>he writes and directs for RWBY

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Good fucking lord kill me
The notion i occupy the same plane of reality with someone who ingests that filth willingly

>Not liking absolutely based Teen Titans
Go back to your weeb shit


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>Based Teen Titans

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no one cares about Faggot Fieldgoal

those poor pack of niggers

based indyposter

good god this looks like utter shit. how do you make a 3D model look THAT bad

When your audience isnt picky about visuals, it's easy

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Putting Chrono in would be the perfect compromise for all the Goku requests.

how is this bad

Did I say it was bad?

Did I get those lip flaps wrong or did she really just say Ceiling Cat?

Yeah she said
>Ah! Ceiling cat!



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this after monty died/season 3 ended it immediately tanked
it was worth it for season 3 though


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