Full Bloom Melee Top 48

who's ready for /ourguy/ Wizzy to take it all?

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you mean amsa

amsa's cool too, I'd be happy with anyone but hcuck

I feel like Chu is gonna get upset by Bobby Frizz, my faith is shaken beyond reason.

>apex predator

2saint (puff) upset MikeHaze 3-0. Will be fighting Lucky who beat Faceroll.

Also Michael (another puff) upset Rishi


>no Plup
>no Armada
>Hbox is going to win

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Amsa is beating PPU handily. AbsentPage 3-2 Ryan Ford.

Crush beat Abate 3-2
AbsentPage beat Ryan Ford 3-2

Who and what

>yfw mang0 vs amsa

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mango leffen amsa pls WIN and save melee

Glad to see a major tournament actually fucking streaming losers bracket for once

>popping off against a Peach when playing Puff

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Llod came so close ;_;
Imagine if a peach had managed to beat Hbox

>even attempting Peach vs Puff

>hbox counterpicks dreamland
not happening in a bo5

2saint 3-0 Lucky as well. Normally I’d be slightly sad, but Lucky was being a whiner last week.

>popping off mid set, in a matchup horrendously far in your favour
only hbox

where's stream



/meleeeveryday2 for side stream as well

Michael 3-1 KPan.

what's wrong with westbawz right now? dude hasn't placed anything well in a while, he's not even like a contender for best falco anymore. is he just going to quit like a shitter?

also Wizzy is bae

too much overwatch

netplay warriors too strong



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wizzy looks like a MTF tranny in the early stages

I want crush to become top10 he's so handsome

People actually take this kid's game seriously? My 8 year old nephew plays this shit.

you can say that about any game

I hate his fox so much

>the absolute state of Chudat in 2018

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Amsa 3-0d PPU? Let fucking go Amsa

holy shit

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hbox popping off for none so he has an easier bracket lmao

im glad 2saint uses another alt than the green band, every puff seem to copy hboz when the crown and the hat are superior




beginning of the end

and it ends

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if it weren't for ICs mains and puff mains, swedish would be the lamest player in melee


leffen will beat hbox in the finals

>implying Leff won't go microscopic against hbox for the 1000th time

i believe in the Large Leff. He hasn't made any twitter excuses yet so that's a good sign

west up 2-1 vs memerox

>Duck next

welp, it was a decent run for Westy

West not looking like a total fraud, that's new

West's falcon beat duck at that christmas invitational I think. They usually go back and forth just because duck is so terrible against falcon.

nvm, just peaked the set. West actually fucked him 3-0 with Falcon, didn't know his birb was so good against Samus.

***with Falco
piece of shit

He plays against Hugs a lot at socal locals so it's to be expected

>Competitive smash

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Yeah in theory Falco should kill Samus with patient play. In the past Duck used to be one of his hardest matchups tho. I think it'll be a 5-gamer either way

nice sorry you dont appreciate the way we like to play a vide ogame i hope u have fun playing it the way u like to play it

heres the (you) etc etc get out of here this has been a nice thread

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wizzy got knocked out btw

fuck crush desu

what the liteteral fuck wizzy

stop over-extending


>HAHA dude what if like I ENTER a thread and like, I totally just WRECK these noobs bro, like haha dude y'all babies and stuff lmao amirite

>be crush
>get stuck in shine

Man cheesing Falcon is so easy if you really want to. My Fox is the pocket Falcon destroyer.

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Leffen quitting melee for DBFZ


He's still going to GOML, Summit and maybe SnS so it literally doesnt matter. It's just more prejohns for the prejohn master.

Crush got sent to losers by this girl

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If he put half as much effort in training as he does johning then he'd be the best melee player ever.

literally been spiraling ever since he joined team shitquid


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Has anyone fallen farther than PPU? His Marth used to be pretty cool but now it just misses simple edgeguards until he switches to the most boring Fox in the world.


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Your 8 year old nephew has godlike taste

Reverse 4 stock jesus fuck


that last comeback was sick tho

>most boring Fox in the world

Who has that picture of wizzy looking st the computer and it's a picture of him in his pajamas on Sup Forums

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second this

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wizzy is /ourguy/?

Oh shit time for /duwan/

I hope he pulls out the doc t b h


>this much autism
How did he do it?

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He dropped doc like 3-4 years ago my guy. Doc is just a budget sheik/Falcon.

>leffen vs zain

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I know, I just miss seeing a doc in tourney

Let me dream

west vs duck on meleeeveryday2, way better

>asian gf
easy mode

when's top 8?


>alt righters in the crowd

really not a good look for smash

6pm eastern



did something happen on the main stream?