Okay, today marks five years since Bioshock Infinite, are you ready to admit you liked it yet?
Okay, today marks five years since Bioshock Infinite, are you ready to admit you liked it yet?
No, that was back when Sup Forums was right more times than not. The game is legitimately fucking awful. Not just nediocre or unremarkable.
Completely bland FPS. I forgot about it as soon as I finished and uninstalled it. Not worth full price which is what i paid for it. It was short and boring.
time flies
nah, it was boring. but I found the first one really boring too. I think that's because I played system shock before playing these shit games.
just replayed it for the 4th time last week, an extremely enjoyable game. some negatives though
>story a bit slow to start but rides the high strong
>enemies are a bullet sponges
>a bit more linear than 1 and 2
still, i felt the plasmids were MILES better than one and i actually enjoyed the ability to swap out weapons on the go depending on how much ammo i had. i felt that in 1 i had so many weapons that i ended up only using a select few and forgetting about the rest
beautiful game, i can see why people wouldn't like it but it'll always have a solid place in my heart
5 years later, he's still correct
Ken Levine is a hack
I like it better than 1.
he literally killed system shock and tribes, why anyone tolerates this faggot is a mystery
>her SFM career has now long outlived the relevancy of her game
>One day years from now, a man will buy the Bioshock bundle for a dollar on steam, play through them and be surprised to find out Infinite is the origin of "that sfm girl" when he gets to that game
>Years detached from the journalism hype of the game, he will discard it shortly after beginning and go wank it to some Elizabeth porn instead
That is our ultimate revenge for releasing such a bad video game, Levine, you hack piece of shit.
Honestly theres no reason to leave the tutorial area of the game as it doesn't ever expand on the things learned there.
Hell no
I read this review once years ago, cant remember what it talks about, but my lasting impression of it was that the guy wasnt criticizing enough. He written such a huge wall of text and his general opinion was that it was mediocre.
But no, it wasnt mediocre. BI was actively bad. Mediocre games has unninteresting story lines and gameplay.
Infinite had actively bad gameplay design decisions and extremely flawed story full of holes. It is BAD
>played it day one
>the first 30 min seemed pretty great
>get later into the game and think I'm missing some huge chunk of the plot because nothing makes sense
>replay the game in 1999 mode, immediately after the first playthrough
>find out the gameplay breaks down even more on the game mode that is heavily advertised, and the story is even more retarded than I originally thought
The author's final opinion isn't that important, it's how he breaks the game down, Particularly the shooting. He goes in-depth with its problems in a way that other reviewers have failed to.
The gameplay of the burial at sea part 2 DLC was fucking amazing
The only good thing to come out of this game was all the porn
I'm a fan of any game where you can kill slave niggers with a big titty bitch by your side
I like all the Elizabeth porn?
you are a literal brainlet if you can't understand the first hour of the story my friend
No cause I played the first 2, you know, the FUN ones
I played the base game because it was free during the death knell of the 360. I had fun with it, but i also still havent played the first so i dont really have a reference
the story is shit
>dude alternate realities lmao
These sums up my thoughts well, It also scratched my itch for useless lore
I really really liked the elizabeth porn. It's some of the best out there. Otherwise Fire Emblem Fates has surpassed it as my most hated game.
Sweet Jesus, there's so much of it. And most of it is good, too.
>you are a literal brainlet if you can't understand the first hour of the story my friend
I think you are the retarded one.
the story was so incoherent that I thought I had missed some incredibly huge plot point, when in reality the story was so terrible I thought I had missed something critical.
I never hated it.
I just hated the DLC.
I bought it because I really like cults but the one in Infinite wasn't really as fleshed out as I was hoping.
how am i (and thousands of others) retarded for understanding such a simple opening plot
>guy arrives on island mysteriously
>has to get some girl
>escape with girl
i'll admit the story gets slightly wonky after like 4-5 hours but the opening is as clear as day my dude what didnt you get
i like the elizabeth porn, aside from that i havent played it, maybe when i quit 1 and 2 from my backlog.
the plot gets so utterly retarded, that you have to be braindead to think it actually follows any in-universe consistency.
huh, i guess myself, millions of others and people on youtube who have explained the plot perfectly are all braindead
not the brainlet you can't understand video games
gotcha m8yroo
yes, you are retarded.
I liked it after finishing it, because I was young and really into the Bioshock franchise, despite the time I was pretty disappointed it didn't really have anything of what it showed in its original demos/trailers (all the choices they said they'd give which they dropped in favor of a more linear approach). After I was done, though, and I got off the hype train and the excitement began to wear off, I started remembering more and more flaws in my experience, until finally I came to terms with the fact while not utter dogshit, it wasn't all that good. I just wish we got this youtube.com
Read the original post you replyed to.
He said he thought the story was a confusing mess "later into the game", which is true, you admitted yourself here . It gets significantly worse than "wonky"
He never said the first hours is confusing.
Go improve your reading comprehension past 4th grade. No wonders you are defending Infinite.
A flawed game, yet ultimately an enjoyable one.
Columbia looked gorgeous, Elizabeth was a great side character.
Shooting/gameplay was decent though nothing groundbreaking.
Plot was interesting, albeit pretty flawed by the end.
All in all, i'd say there's more positives than negatives surrounding the game.
>Shooting/gameplay was decent
>Shooting/gameplay was decent though nothing groundbreaking.
what's it like to have no taste?
I suppose the worst thing about it, was there was potential there to have a truly amazing game yet it never really all comes together.
I wasn't a fan of how the critique of turn of the century Americanism sort of falls by the wayside (ie the cult of the founding fathers stuff) after about 1/3 through the game.
Most interesting levels were probably the ones where you were unarmed and just walking through the city. But even that sort of goes away at the half way mark.
As you're playing through it it becomes more and more clear that they didn't really care that much about the overall setting. What they focused on were individual scenes, and then the story had to adapt to support those.
Oh, Booker has memory loss. That can hide some twists from him, and the player, until we're ready to reveal them. Let's ignore all the other times people jump to other timelines - it only happens to Booker because of reasons.
Oh, Booker has to be drowned at the baptism so Comstock will never exist. Let's ignore that Booker might turn evil at other times, that some Comstocks might be good people, that they're deleting countless of timelines including all the people living there because of one guy they didn't care for. It makes for a powerful scene and seems vaguely scientific... ah, constants and variables, right?
>Shooting/gameplay was decent though nothing groundbreaking.
From the last 2 games:
They removed ammo types
Weakened weapon and vigor variety significantly
Lowered enemy variety
Dumbed down traps ridiculously
Removed passiviness of certain enemies that allowed you to do it as you wanted
Dumbed tonics dramatically.
>having to fight this cunt THREE FUCKING TIMES
No. This game was fucking shit. I beat it on the hardest mode, and I’m never fucking touching it again...
and indeed
How can anyone defend this?
Can someone explain to me what happened to Bioshock Infinite? At released was praised as one of the best games of the generation, people loved, plot twist was incredible and everybody fell in love with Elizabeth.
A couple of years later and suddenly every hates it? People actually realised the game wasn't that great or what? Also, there's anything to do with the wasted potential due the difference of the earlier trailers?
It was an average at best game, the enemies were all bullet sponges and the gunplay was bad. The DLC were absolutely garbage.
Elizabeth is the best thing.
>are you ready to admit you liked it yet
I always did.
>”Don’t kill people Booker!”
>drowns Booker
Like poetry
It still baffles me how someone as respectable as Yahtzee would consider this a GOTY.
It's hard the believe that he's the same who worked on system shock and thief.
Its the best in the series, Levine. Admit you are a hack.
Here is a legit post of BI dumbed down mechanics .
I DARE you to do the same and come up with a decent argument explaining why infinite gameplay is better than 2's
I think most of the people who loved it were casual gamers and reviewers. They don't stick around and think about the same games years later.
Goddamn I haven't watched that dude in years
P E R F E C T 1 0
>like infinite
>hates 2
get enough sleep champ
Agreed. It almost seems like it was a choice that was forced upon him.
Not trying to defend the guy, but it seems really unlike the games he usually praises.
The same reason why he hated Demon Souls, then came crawling and sucked Darks Souls dick a couple years later when it blew up in popularity. He is a mindless idiot who follows the general public opinion about games.
There is absolutely nothing respectable about him
>that once part where booker plays a guitar and elizabeth sings and gives some kid an orange
lol what the fuck was that? It looked like something from a disney movie and i think booker murdered some people in the other room just before doing that too. Seemed out of place.
The whole game was fucking out of place desu.
I'm not gonna respect a game that thinks that the KKK worshipped John Wilkes Booth.
I like Matthewmatosis's video on this, but that doesn't mean he made the best video on Bioshock Infinite. More people need to watch VideogamerTV and Bobbin Threadbare's videos on BSI.
Right, because someone's tastes can't change over the years
It was a scene they thought would be nice, so they included it.
They didn't give a fuck about making everything stick together coherently.
Oh and it shows!
Wasn't this the guy who's conclusion to a functional game amounted to "FPS Yoshi's Island that limits the player to one gun and makes enemies die instantly when hit in the weak point, otherwise they're invincible"?
The best video on BioShock Infinite is youtube.com
Hey, I liked the song covers they did. Plus, it helped make "Everybody wants to rule the world" into one of my constant self-reminders about human subjectivity.
This, though, was probably just silly. VideogamerTV said it was just a themehammer about how bad oppression is.
>nearly three fucking hours
nigga i aint watchin that shit
I enjoyed it, as well as 1 and 2. I thought the stories were good for the most parts, game play was also good, but the setting for the first two were what hooked me. I love underwater shit, even though the mystery of the deep sea terrifies me.
Anyway, I had fun, and I love them all, screw what Sup Forums says.
>The game is legitimately fucking awful.
No it's not. Shut the fuck up. If you didn't like it, that's fine. That's your right. I didn't particularly care for it much myself. But don't spout bullshit to impress your Internet friends and win brownie points. Superman 64 is "legitimately fucking awful". Not Bioshock Infinite.
I fucking loved the covers they did, I just hate how hamfisted the message was.
Did no one else notice they basically ripped the setting off elysia in metroid prime 3?
The game was fun enough but I found the twist ending unsatisfying.
>Tim Rogers
I've heard rumors about this guy. Apparently he is to video game reviewers as Digibro is to anime reviewers. A pariah with nutjob ideas and a nonsense perspective that should never be listened to.
>five years
god damn
I've always said I enjoy it. I never could figure out why you contrarians hate it so much.
Best combat in the series and I fucking love Big Daddy Shock.
>vomits blood everywhere
only person worse is HBomberfuck
honestly Bioshock infinite makes me want "GTA: 1910" or something... but where there's a lot of care/money put into autistic-worldbuilding,
He admires the game for trying, basically, and gives it two stars for that.
Agreed, it's very much around the territory of "frustrating mediocrity". You'd think a game whose main priority was gameplay would realize how boring "Bioshock, but worse" would be. Heck, it almost feels like a prototype for NuDoom.
You ever played LA Noire?
user, I swear to you I am being honest. I hate the"I like no games so I have most tastes" meme, I played DmC and thought it was pretty decent, same with Horizon Zero Dawn, same with the Vita and the WiiU, I'm not trying to just suck off a Sup Forums opinion here
It's one of the worst games I have ever played. It's everything wrong with game design from the 7th generation taken to a comical degree.
>five years since Bioshock Infinite
Come on, we all know what the WORST shock games are.
They open up like 4 or 5 different avenues of story and allegory and then stop 1/3 of the way down them to never reach any real conclusion
Tim Rogers has actually developed several games and has worked on a few AAA ones, including Japanese ones. I don't know who your Digimon guy is or if he has any credentials but Rogers is no pariah. If anything he's a bit mellow to a fault. He doesn't feed into cynicism that often, which I almost consider a shame since his negative reviews are really fun to read. Here's a solid shorter article about social games you might find a bit more approachable insertcredit.com
I liked the covers, too. The barbershop quartet version of "God Only Knows" is a great rendition.
It's also what me and my gf consider "our song". Mock me at your leisure.
Its a reading of A rather mediocre. Its TOO long, and barely scratch the surface of actual problems, the thing you can see summarized in a single post here, like pic related.
In fact, its a little too nice with the game. It goes on about many small details such as "are the dialects right for the era the game is" and Ludonarrative dissonance, while the base gameplay and story are completely broken.
You dont need to study the minute details of a broken game before studying the actual big glaring problems.
Name something Bioshock Infinite does that isn't either irredeemably stupid or a botched execution of a good idea.
That’s sweet user. No mocking required. Take care of her desu.