what are some essential single player games? I grew up on multiplayer only and im burned out
what are some essential single player games? I grew up on multiplayer only and im burned out
deus ex
half life
baldur's gate
Downloading deus ex, is the new one worth playing too or no?
Witcher series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R
HR is okay. MD is kind of bad.
i would get into a fight for sminem
Doom II
Doom III
Fallout 2
Duke Nukem 3D
Half life
Every elder scrolls game besides arena, battlespire, and the mmo
Dark souls
Resident Evil (original or HD remaster on steam)
based sminem poster
Don't listen to this man. HR is a lot of fun and MD is also a lot of fun, though different. MD makes great use of vertical levels which no Deus Ex did before. Going loud is very satisfying in the new games.
are you the same guy going around to every thread saying Mankind Divided doesn't suck?
System shock II
Tomb raider
All those old FPS games, and no Blood?
Believe it or not, there are probably at least two people on the planet who like MD. But no, I'm not that guy.
There's nothing wrong with MD, it's solid and looks gorgeous. The worst thing about it is recasting David Sarif's VA.
Blood is fantastic.
OP get blood too.
Man those are some swag pants
Final Fantasy VI (emulator)
If I was going to prison and could take one ROM with me, it would be the Brave New World hack of FFVI.
witcher series
thief and thief II: the metal age
half life 1 and 2
morrowind, oblivion, skyrim
hitman blood money
all the big CRPGs that have been released throughout the years (baldurs gate, dragon age origins, nwn2, DOS, D2OS, POE, etc etc)
dark souls
kingdom come
dark messiah of might and magic
>half life 1 and 2
haha, no.
Portal 1 and 2
That's all you need
Every finalfantasy game ever made.
Command and conquer series.
Men of war series.
Any game made by bethesda(morrowind fallout.)
Half Life 1 is one the of the best games ever made
VTMB, now that is fucking Sup Forumscore shit you shouldn't recommend to anyone
>VTMB, now that is fucking Sup Forumscore shit you shouldn't recommend to anyone
Why not? The combat is dogshit but the world and characters are fun.
Does this dude have some condition? His hands are deformed
You answered your own question
If you're into goth it's okay, the gameplay belongs in the dumpster
It's not just goth, it's urban fantasy, plenty of people are into that. Gameplay in an RPG is a bit more than combat, too. IMO it's easy to recommend it as a "must play RPG if you don't care much about combat being shit". Different people like different things.
VTMB is worth playing for one reason: the haunted hotel.
>grew up on multiplayer only
bullshit. unless you're like 10 multiplayer games weren't a THING you could have grown up on. you played single player shit until your big bro got home for some mario kart
if you have to play a JRPG, just stick with Xenogears
>Half Life 1 was one the of the best games ever made
Fixed that for you. It's a straight-forward shooter on a set of rails. It's ok and plays solid, but it's really showing it's age. HL2 didn't add much except le gravity gun.
Suikoden 1,2 are also good jrpgs.
>Half Life 1 was one the of the games ever made
Damn what a retarded post. Not enough bells and whistles for you, need to be able to drop a fiver on pink gym shorts or a game is too barebones
Thief gold on expert was good shit
woah, look at this guy
he's actually not a fag.