GOTY is an indie

>GOTY is an indie
Damn that was unexpected.

Attached: celeste.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

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It’s fun

Too bad stormfags won’t allow any discussion of it

Looks really good tbqh

Its another pixelated generic plaformer o goodie.

Every genre has been done before.

Just another boring puzzle platformer with hideous graphics

meep meep mweep meep

Attached: output.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

>gain height by dashing into a ceiling

And pixel 2D platformers have been done A LOT more than most other genres. It's a trashpile of a genre now.

>Just another boring puzzle platformer with hideous graphics
"Hideous graphics'
No every game has to look like far cry 5, battlefield, cod. This is art.

My last two GOTYs were indies so it doesn't really surprise me.

Shill your shit elsewhere, pathetic filth.

Wall jumped off tiny corner.

Just because most of low effort shit doesn't make Celeste bad.
Matt (and Edmund) make great platformers, you can tell lots of time was invested in stage design.

Just because it has been done a lot doesn't make it bad
If anything, it shows that it works

its not even the best food game this year. There wasn't even any pizza in it. What gives?

Attached: o.jpg (650x649, 102K)

>Shill your shit elsewhere, pathetic filth.
What's it like being a brainlet? People post this daily as a (bad) joke you retard

Indie darling Celeste made everyone ignore the better indie game, Iconoclasts. It angers me.

*blocks your path*

Attached: Into the Breach.png (800x450, 161K)

what's a stormfag?

>the better indie game, Iconoclasts.
I'm not even gonna say Celeste is the best, but Iconoclasts wasn't that fun to actually play

cool concept, but not actually that enjoyable. remember when games were enjoyable?

>the better indie game, Iconoclasts
Only thing it did better was the characters' pixel art.
Boring linear gameplay.

Pretty mediocre and only gets praise in public because it was from FTL devs and only gets praise on Sup Forums because mecha fags are starved for games.

>Boring linear gameplay.
Even the game admits this.

Attached: Iconoclasts.jpg (1280x720, 296K)

>Smash will make people forget this game exists, >Pokemon will literally piss on the idea that people play indie games

My 20+ hours of enjoyment would say otherwise, killan bugs with my unique customized squad of flame mechs and lightning whips.

Attached: YEEEEEEEEEEE.gif (720x404, 1.41M)

celeste has:

incredible, tight platforming gameplay
hidden mechanics that players can use to improve their mastery
a wonderful pixel art aesthetic
spectacular soundtrack
excellent pacing
a story that is resonant and ties together well with the gameplay

it is most definitely the best game that will be released this year unless another title comes out that has all relevant aspects of a game as down pat as celeste does

Lurk more.

Is she... dare I say it /ourgirl/?

Attached: cope.png (964x498, 374K)

>pixel art
its art is the worst aspect though. its pixel shit

or y'know, just look it up

Yes, Celeste is polished package and has little ludonarrative dissonance (in non-meme sense of the phrase).
Enviroments are good, character models are too low detail.

Attached: thisagain.png (721x861, 467K)

Where's the selfcest porn?

and you just know he does it FOR FREE

but iconoclast is a better game

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 130K)

>soyware being GOTY ever

Maybe for you. I dont like platformers

I love platformers.

Attached: Hat in Time_Alpine skyline.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

I wish there was a v9k board

there is, it's called Sup Forums

The robot is useless.