Is Elder Scrolls online worth for the story and quests.
Like if i dont care about the MMO part but want to play it like another RPG.
Is Elder Scrolls online worth for the story and quests
You probably should just play an actual "another RPG" instead of a massively multiplayer online RPGs.
Yea i know but its currently on sale for like 20$ for base game and Morovind expansion.
And i know some people say its fully voiced and has quests that are not kill x number of wolfs or bring me 10 fox buts some even say its borderline like a SP RPG but its possible these people play mostly MMOs and dont know what a proper RPG is.
>its borderline like a SP
Every modern MMO is like that, leveling experience is a mostly solo progression because these games are developed with "endgame is the only fun content" in mind.
They still are bootleg material compared to actual RPGs. The only difference now is that "get 100 boar butts" is considered endgame content.
>tfw i played all the way to lvl 50 without grouping once outside of pvp.
yea you can OP
Yea but was it fun.
Did you enjoy it as much as you would enjoy SP elder scrolls games?
Or was it just tedious busy work put there only for reaching the endgame.
>Is Elder Scrolls online worth for the story and quests
Nah it's not canon, also they forced in lgbt shit
it's okayish at best
the story and lore kept me going,its nice that every npc is voiced, and the combat despite being mmo combat is the best in a TES game.
There is a free week still going until tomorrow, I think. Try it yourself. You get to keep progress.
it is canon...
why would it not be canon?
lgbt shit? Kiddings me?
It's the best unmodded Elder Scrolls since Daggerfall/Morrowind
Also it's an Elder Scrolls game with 10x the content of all the games combined. It's fucking huge. I hated the game at launch but now it's by far my most played game ever. Turnaround of the century.
If you played during beta and hated it, try it again. The /vg/ community is awesome and the threads are much more knowledgeable about the game than people who will come in and say it's a WoW clone.
They said multiple times that it's canon. Even Michael Kirkbride said it was
I might be one of the few people on Sup Forums who doesn't give a fuck about all these LGBTQZ stuff because its usually a throwaway side quest.
Or a side character not that important for the story.
I think caring so much about it is similar to caring too much about the color of Sonics arms.
If the ability to survive shit that would normally kill people or other game bullshit doesn't destroy my immersion i games than meting a single gay person does not.
Unless its a super realistic historically accurate game like Kingdom come.
>homosexuals aren't part of TES lore
>one of the most famous pieces of lore is about Vivec getting fucked up the ass by Molag Bal
fuck off retard
Also TESO is absolutely canon. They bring in specialists all the time and even communicate with Kirkbride and his wife on a semi-regular basis.
morrowind expack worth it?
People like you are why MMOs have gone to shit.
Please kindly kys.
Not really. You can go into the quest at the first level available (level 3) and finish it by around level 10. Morrowind expansion has its own story which is done in just a few hours (if you read). The gameplay itself isn't even that good since you can spam 1 ability and kill everything. If you're a tank, you can just light attack your way through the entire game (I did it).
I personally didn't. It's not the same feel.
There's maybe one or two throwaway side quests where a guy asks you to bring 3 flowers for his dead husband and that's it. You don't even need to do it and you'd have to go out of your way to find the guy in the first place
If you like the warden, get Morrowind now. Pre-order Summerset and you get ESO+Morrowind free now.
It's definitely worth it. You can get Imperial City+Thieves Guild+Dark Brotherhood+Orsinium for another $20 on key sites
And I could play Morrowind spamming the mouse button and probably beat Devil May Cry pressing square the entire time. Doesn't mean I'm playing the game optimally by any means.
You're probably killing shit 2-3x as long as it takes me to kill stuff if you're not using abilities and keeping your momentum up via dodging
Game is like Guild Wars 1 where progression is horizontal rather than vertical. "Endgame" diversifies your play style. It doesn't make "numbers go up exponentially" meaning all content is relevant at "end game"
The story is ok, had some fun with it, but the biggest problem in my eyes is the art department, it's all so fucking drab and boring, it doesn't matter how good the stories and lore shit is, when it basically looks like everquest, lotro, or wow with a new coat of paint, it's awfully generic.
> video game
> story
Go read a fucking book
>games should not have writing whatsoever and should be entirely about muh gameplay
Go play Pong
> elder scrolls online has good writing
All video game writing is high school level at best
OP, please don't buy it. I have 1k hours into ESO and it's not worth it.
>then why do you have 1k hours?
I actually spent a TON of those hours trying to figure out how to play a fun build and class. Everything feels the same and you don't wanna do it again after you already did it once. I was just getting creative with shit like fire tanks and trying to build a vigilant of stendaar
you're brain is high school level at best lmao
It for a short while was decently fun but nothing spectacular. Then they ruined it.
Basically the entire game is level scaled now. Levelling up is pointless, all sense of progression was lost and the entire game basically feels like there is no reason to even play it.
The game it's self is basically just a collection of kill and fetch quests with the occasional dungeon run/story quest thrown in.
Also, the game has an optional subscription fee which is basically mandatory. Playing without it is an absolute chore.
I used to spend hours in the forums trying to bring up issues with the game. Some of the bugs in the game today have been around for 2 years. They also nerf absolutely everything into the ground and never care to add new weapon skill lines. PvP is also abandoned by the devs.
The level scaling makes it so that basically anything is as strong as you are. You will never be as strong as you are at level 1.
Premium is only worth it if you craft desu
Can you own maids/servants in this game for your house?
stop posting this
I don't really care for MMO's either and I have about
>200 hrs Morrowind
>1500 hrs Oblivion
>1000 hrs Skyrim
and got about 5 hours into ESO before turning it off and uninstalling. Its just a generic MMO with TES skin
is the pvp any good ?
>walk for 10 minutes to reach where everyone is attacking/defending
>sometimes don't make it and get killed on the way there by 2 people
>tanks actually do NOTHING and still die to anybody
>die to CC chains
>no cooldowns
mroe canon than oblivion and skyrim, hines