How do we save PC games? Is the Switch really the answer?

How do we save PC games? Is the Switch really the answer?

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switch is the answer

it just needs a mmo

You can't, computers are inherently racist, since they require some degree of intelligence to assemble and use.

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That's cause the PC market is over flooded with these type of games where as the switch library is still small and people are desperate for games.

>There are people on this planet who were born black

Switch market is also closer to the market that Blossom Tales would be aimed at, a bit more specialized than the massive umbrella term 'PC Market'

Please tell me this picture is fake.

>be black
>get praise for free
stay mad whitoid

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>average PC game
>uses averaged sales of all PC games
There are more extremely bad games on PC than even decent or acceptable ones. This is a really bad statistic to use.

Consolefags confirmed niggers.

>this is what whitties believe

Because what the world really needed was more one-trick-pony devs who, because are working by themselves, create the same old pixel arty shmup games that have been done a thousand times before

I can't begin to fathom why the PC market would be saturated

More succinctly, I would say that the Switch indies library is almost entirely titles that are actually worth playing, whereas Steam has become an app store where dozens of worthless low effort games flood the platform on a daily basis and finding something worthwhile is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Why does PC gaming need saving? PC has more games than all the consoles currently on the market combined. Just pick something and play it. Also most newer games are multiplats. The only reason to get a console nowadays is for the few good exclusives you have to wait years for. The only thing that makes the switch different than the rest is its handheld mode but the battery life and performance are honestly not worth it.

Steam is absolutely flooded with indie games and it's very hard for them to stand out in the sea of shit on steam. The switch has a much smaller library and low demand indie games work well on it.

>is almost entirely titles that are actually worth playing
Obviously not true considering Blossom Tales is on Switch.

Only temporarily.

As the market responds, the switch store will become just as bloated with crap as steam is every week, and the "switch effect" will disappear.
And before we even get to that point, the cost of doing the port will stop being worth it for them.

Steam is extremely over saturated, of course Switch sales are higher, because there is so little competition right now. And it not like some sort of asset flips are over shadow good games. There are just too many good games right now.

Remember the whole "games are art" discussion? That's right here, game development is catching up with art right now. Too many people want to create art, too few can actually make living by creating art.

there is zero difference between Steam and iOS App Store

All the GDC stuff about Steam is just whining that they actually have to market their games now that there's competition on the platform.
Switch sells well for shitindies because the real competition didn't foresee it's massive sales and haven't started releasing their stuff for it yet.

Nearly all good games, indie games as well, that have great ideas, good execution and care put into them usually sell pretty well.

Businesses fail all the time, it's just the way shit works

>How do we save PC games?
Steam needs to either die or get real competition, which isn't a completely unlikely scenario.

the gaming audience wouldn't really think of moving away from steam, but developers are having such an increasingly terrible life on steam that they're likely going to start disappearing from there soon. a store with actual quality control that is willing to pick up what steam is burying under thousands of non-games could become the new digital distributor titan that steam has been all these years.

so yeah, you as a consumer might feel that steam still is fine but the developers don't share that sentiment in the slightest and once they move away steam will either have to change or end up in a suddenly very sticky situation. nothing is too big to fail, especially when they get as complacent as valve has gotten.

Not really steam has hundreds more noteworthly good indies, and thats the problem, they have too much competition, good for the customers but devs gonna bitch

For shit indie devs yeah steam sucks for them.

it's starting to happen to good indie devs too is the problem.

The PC fag damage control seems to be the following.

>PC has no quality control and is bloated with shovelware.
>As a result, games that might have a a large enough following for devs to survive get buried under all the shit and go under.
It's like you fags forget that this was the exact same problem with Atari before Nintendo saved the industry.
Looks like it's up to Nintendo to save the Industry from the shit practices of steam.

i hate indie game developers

>I'm stuck in a traffic
>Never realize that they are the part of the traffic
As I said Steam just have too many good games, so consumers are extremely picky on PC.

>As I said Steam just have too many good games
>too many good games

It's that and Steam having tonnes of good games overall with sales. On Switch you have ten indie games, on Steam you have 200+ good ones also vying against sale prices for thousands of amazing games too. Why buy a mediocre indie game when i can buy a decent AAA for the same price? Switchfags don't have that option.

>he thinks this is bad
yes, the UK are a very magical place to live in

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What about that great music crash? Or the great literature crash? Oh, wait there was no such thing.

If you're not entitled to sales, because you've created something. Why it's so hard to understand?

This game looks like a Link to the Past bootleg.

It isn't that the Switch is doing anything special, it's just that any game released on steam is immediately buried under 70 drag'n'drop made iphone ports and RPGmaker "games".

Well it's an indie dev and pc is plagued by indie games of course it would be harder to succed on such a market while the swich lack of games makes people buy whatever game as long as it is good enough.

I get it, black culture gravitates towards console gaming while whites more often choose PC. There IS a racial divide on this level. Where someone takes this information next is key to how outraged I'm going to be. I mean it's just a fact that I'm sure has been repeated at many marketing meetings.

DQX in the west never

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It's more about visibility
Steam has a gorillion new games every day while the eShop gets maybe a few new games a week, for people who actually check those often they're more likely to see it on the Switch

>Comparing 15 years of devalued games and shovelware on Steam with the Switch
There's your flaw.

if you remove all the failed indie dev studios churning out pixel art games, I wonder how the statistics change
there's alot of garbage on greenlight, for example

>Niggers too stupid to put PC together and too impatient to install/troubleshoot Windows

The S(o)nygger meme didn't really need confirmation.

most pc game companies make complete trash, they should die, and it will be like the atari crash, something will come out to filter all the shit.

but sadly that already happened, to have quality control and be sure you wont find shit you need to buy a console, especially one who is very strict about the content on its platform

>Piracy doesn't negatively affect sale...