>yokai watch died
>digimon is dying
>dqm is very niche
how come pokemon is the only monster catching game that's still successful?
Yokai watch died
porn is a powerful seller
Because your genre of choice fell out of fashion like 10 years ago gramps
Franchise is so large that it would be hard to die, nostalgia, autism
If (a more graphically modern) red/blue came out today I don't think many people would care for it.
Pokemon is backed by Nintendo and is marketed out the ass.
Pokegirls are top tier
Always have been, always will be
They sell two games at once every new entry, have mechanics in the games that require having both games, do remakes all the time, do third versions (basically a remake but same assets) all the time, and do shit like selling $40 DLC-tier content (Ultra SM) to a fanbase that has no problems with this, will readily defend against people who do, and will buy everything automatically. These factors all mean GF's pockets are constantly lined.
cyber sleuth > pokemon
Because nostalgiafag manchildren and furfags will buy the games regardless of quality
wtf why is world of warcraft the only successful mmorpg?? why are all the games that copied wow failing??? why do people only like the original game????
Pokemon has been around for 20+ year
To be fair, Yokai does have loli-bait, and Digimon does have waifu-bait, but neither has both to the level Pokemon has, and even then, neither has Nintendo helping them out.
Reminder Mallow is perfectly legal
All Alolans are legal till I see a law that says otherwise
Simple the TV show is still on air roping in newborns.
SMT still alive
Yokai is still on air, what are you talking about?
i've heard olivia is single
>digimon is dying
It has been for well over a decade now. I will probably remain in that same state of just barely hanging on for years to come.
oh god pls have a dick
i wanna see the protagonist fuck Olivia
>Last Monster Rancher games were for the DS and a shitty mobile game.
>No one remembers it anymore.
>Miss the old days of scanning my parents' CD collection to see what monsters I'd get.
It hurts.
see thisfranchise is so autistic that even though they agree on the same issues seen in each game,they will not admit that the games have been on a decline since B2W2.
a lot of major critisms about loss of core idealogy of the franchise will just been seen as some sort of strawman arguement for muh genwon. pandering to gen oners also kicked up into high gear from x and y onward.
Pure mass appeal and Nintendo being on their fucking toes and capitalizing on that first burst of popularity.
I want to _____ their _________
Digifag here.
All that will remain in the next 10-20 years are things that nobody likes, things that are so popular that they can't really ever die, and fads.
I hope you like battle royale for the next 5 years.
Nintendo always , always tried to sabotage yokai watch and digimon so they can't outshine their precious franchise
Thats why digimon runned to Sony and YW jumped to mobile
JRPG releases will never be affected by fotm and AAA shit.
Uh? Level 5 happily piledrives their franchises into the ground perfectly fine on their own without Nintendo sabotaging them.
This, also Persona just exploded in popularity after P5.
The core strength of the monster catching genre is the variety of teams you can assemble. this concept is best demonstrated by multiplayer. Pokemon is the only monster catcher that is designed with multiplayer in mind first and foremost.
The porn isn't bad.
That's definitely not true.
>yokai watch died
Wait what?
FF aren't rpgs anymore.
Battle Royale games is a trend user, like guitar hero games was
>tfw gamefreak isn't hiring talent behind it's competitors
I hate Gamefreak so much.
>dqm is very niche
In Japan is does very well. Dragon Quest just gets ignored by its parent company outside Japan.
>how come pokemon is the only monster catching game that's still successful?
The largest and most sustained marketing budget in video game history. Think Final Fantasy with 10x more marketing.
And Final Fantasy isn't the only series that is adopting the hybrid turn based/action based systems.
This. Building a competitive scene was the best thing the Pokemon did for its longevity. Monster Rancher tried, but it didn't really take off. Being portable and organizing tournaments solidified Pokemon, even when the first couple generations were broken. Digimon didn't even try any of that. Hopefully, they can manage something over the next few games. They're clearly attempting it with the last two Story titles.
>pokemon GO died
it's hard to kill a nostalgia boner tho
digimon works under the same principle
in the last couple gens, sure
nobody up into gen 4 could fucking compete with angewomon or ladydevimon
>Dragon Quest just gets ignored by its parent company outside Japan.
>mfw I'm still waiting for them to announce DQX
Combination of being old enough and on the perfect system for the legion of Nintendo manchildren
Chrono Trigger and Tales of has been around way before idiots thought they needed to turn their jrpgs into pseudo action games.
I don't think it's dead in Japan, but it's certainly dead in the West.
Hell, after a year, they won't even give more info on Dragon Quest XI, even after announcing it was coming west. They've given more attention to a weak Mana remake and some third party freeware games than they will their biggest game since FFXV.
Haven't listened to 8-4 for years because they piss me off but last I listened to their podcast it had started to sound like YW was dropping off a bit among the school kids even in Japan.
It's sad because the DQM games are really interesting.
>they will not admit that the games have been on a decline since B2W2.
They were in decline ever since [first game in the series you played].
I like Xenoblade 2s combat but even shit like Lost Odyssey way back in 2007 had the ring system to make combat more action based
Literally made for big black cock.
Yeah in anticipation for DQXI I've been playing through the series again. I'm on DQIV now I hope Square says fucking something before I get to IX. Luckily my shitty NES emulator for the Vita deleted my save files so I gotta start over.
I get that they don't want to be in competition with themselves by releasing DQX when FFXIV is already popular here. And I also get that it'll more than likely fail as there aren't enough DQ fans in the west to justify the MMO infrastructure but come on give it a chance.
Inertia, both financial and cultural.
>Digimon didn't even try any of that. Hopefully, they can manage something over the next few games. They're clearly attempting it with the last two Story titles
the multiplayer in cyber sleuth felt like the opposite to me. that they didn't care about having good multiplayer and that it was just bolted on because Pokemon has it.
because the people who love the porn like me keep buying these games
[Spoiler] fuck you [Spoiler]
>I get that they don't want to be in competition with themselves by releasing DQX when FFXIV is already popular here.
Which is a dumb excuse on their part because FFXIV always sees a massive drop off in players a month or two after each expansion. Estimates put the worldwide numbers of FFXIV as low as 300k after Heavensward. It would make more sense to try and repurpose a lot of those low population servers into a new MMO. In other words, take 8-10 servers and have a trial for Dragon Quest X.
>And I also get that it'll more than likely fail as there aren't enough DQ fans in the west to justify the MMO infrastructure but come on give it a chance.
There actually are enough fans. Dragon Quest is still one of the top 5 best selling JRPGs, even after getting no marketing support. With some games selling up to 1.5 million copies. If Korean MMOs with no ties to known IPs and no marketing can succeed here, Dragon Quest X sure can.
Pokemon core mechanics are the damn same since forever, even if you only played R/B/G in 1996 you still can pick the pace with S/M easy.
I want to
>>digimon is dying
>Bandai Namco still makes new Digimon games and localize them
Recent one sold like shit.
Fuck, throats
Oh God, that mobile game. I wasn't even fan of Monster Rancher series and yet I feel pissed of with how awful was it even for smartphone games standards.
Is there anything sadder than a JRPG trying to action it up or an action game adding pointless skill trees or gear systems for "depth"?
They looked at what worked and didn't, and balanced some things for the sequel. That's progress, at least. The rock, paper, scissors bit is a little tedious still.
I want to play it but the fact that it reuses a bunch of Cyber Sluts stuff actively makes me not feel like playing it even though I enjoyed CS.
Bandai doesn't expect Digimon to sell 12 million copies. The catch 22 is the smaller a series is, the better chance it has to be supported. Whereas Nintendo would probably start questioning if a new Pokemon game should even be made if one got under 6 million copies sold.
>Implying Monster Rancher 2 isn't my favorite game of all time
The new digimon games suck though. Too little cool monsters and too much sexualization
>It would make more sense to try and repurpose a lot of those low population servers into a new MMO. In other words, take 8-10 servers and have a trial for Dragon Quest X.
I think the issue is probably more on the initial cost of an english vocalization. I'm betting DQX has a lot less voice acting than FFXIV but still a decent bit then there's all the text and since the game is quite old now there's probably a shit ton to translate. Cause you are right, especially with how FFXIV is designed, it'll naturally get some drop off after every patch and expansion.
>If Korean MMOs with no ties to known IPs and no marketing can succeed here, Dragon Quest X sure can.
Once again, you're right. Maybe they're scared it'll drop off as fast as these Korean MMOs do and they won't see a good return. Or things might go really bad like FFXIV 1.0 and they'd have to pull the plug on the english servers. And there's also FFXI to consider as well which is still going on and has people playing "consistently".
And IIRC DQX is slower and a lot more simple than FFXIV and WoW (I've heard it compared to FFXI but I've never played FFXI so idk) and it's graphics while I love them might be harder to sell people on than FFXIV's.
Either way fuck SquareEnix
A JRPG trying to throw as much drama and cutscenes at you as possible to hide the weak gameplay. Don't forget the first half the game is tutorials.
>Digimon does have waifu-bait, but neither has both to the level Pokemon has,
Reminder, this is digimon now
>too much sexualization
Back to ResetEra, faggot.
The monster taming "genre" was powerful for a 90's phenomenon, and it continued into the 00's, but honestly, even Pokemon's gotten stale. The anime has to rely on comfy fun because it'll never really have true progression again and the "illusion" of Ash's life has been shattered in terms of what the corporate execs want. Meanwhile, they're scurrying to release half-assed generations with gimmicks just to try and keep people coming back awkwardly.
Definitely not just a bit. YW3 sales are pretty bad compared to YW2 iirc.
They embraced loli-power
Any more Mallow webms?
in the time since dq11 was announced in japan, released, and announced for western release you could probably have learned japanese by now
>4 incredibly lewd girls and even 3 prominent lolis in a single Pokemon game
Can Nintendo be stopped?
They're the only one that did it right, Yokay was a fad, DQM is a spin-off that ran out of gas, and Digimon is very inconsistent in terms of gameplay. At any rate you're a faggot OP because you didn't mention Monster Rancher.
Digimon has been in a constant state of near-death ever since season 3 ended. If anything it's looking it's best in over a decade. There were 3 good console games in a row, a shitload of nostalgia pandering movies, and a decent spinoff series all happening at once.
How many of you can even adequately remember Monster Rancher besides the eye guy
Burn in Hell, pedophile
Most of those mons are pretty old, some even gen 1. Digimon's always been pretty lewd but it never did the provacative camera angles for the most part that turns it into fap tier.
Nowadays though you have beelzemon getting a bj from cameltoemon though.
Based baitposter-kun!
All I remember was the GBA game where you had to synthesize monsters together and my friend kept getting the fairy.
Go watch porn if you're horny faggot, some of us just want to play a game about fighting monsters
It's "yiff in hell, furfag." Don't worry. You'll get it right someday.
Because Nintendo and it has a lot of influence throughout the decade that's why it is still a big hit up to this date despite the fuckery that they're doing to the series.
We had the anime so I remember eye-guy, tsun-tsun wolf guy (my favorite), and golem guy
Anyone who's super excited for Pokémon is only "super excited" because of how much of a system seller it is. The quality of the game doesn't matter, people just care about the sales. And that's retarded.
Pokemon is managed relatively well by Nintendo, the mons designs can be appreciated and understanded by everyone as they are based in animals. Games are pretty solid for the most part and the target audience is pretty broad.
Digimon was never that big compared to Pokemon and the vast majority of the fans come from the anime and due to the varying quality and focus for them, they have lost fans along the way. Mons designs are mostly focused to boys (as in either cool mons or sexy mons) and are mostly focused to nostagiafags or teenager boys.
YW is very Japanese in regards of design and target audience which makes it pretty hard to target it overseas. Coupled with the franchise being child focused, makes selling it hard overseas.
DQM is pretty much japanese exclusive as it never got off in other parts of the world. SE didn't bother marketing it much and most of the effort was through Nintendo in the west.
I thought she was impaled with a lightsaber. Now I'm disappointed.