Why is the Loli archetype so prominent in eastern developed games...

Why is the Loli archetype so prominent in eastern developed games? Is it just a cultural thing cause Western developers almost never do it.

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Birth rates are low so young females have the run of the place.
Simple as that.

Lolis are cute

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Wtf that makes almost no sense. Wouldn't they want to go after any woman much less a younger one for populating purposes.

because they're pedos op

But they aren't really though.

you would be wrong

But shes actually 9 billion years old, how can she be lolae?

>Art needs some form of reference material
>Japan has a huge Junior Idol craze as well
>Connecting the dots, Lolicon artist would use them as reference
>However, giving how the entertainment industry is, there is no doubt that most of these Junior Idols were probably raped/molested by Yakuza or managers
>Similar to how K Idols are treated
>Therefore, Lolicon would 2nd handedly hurt people since they need junior idols as a reference.

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I think Loli is body type.

When you put it like that it seems fucking depressing but the second had thing seems like a stretch.

As gay as it sounds loli is a body type.
>Tfw some chick at my work is like 4'11 barely and no boobs, all while being legal
It does happen, it's just stupid rare

Ideal form

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Lolis are for loving and marrying.

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This. As long as there are petite Asian girls I will never be ashamed of being a lolicon

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loli artists reference candydoll not j idol shit.

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I am not claim they intentionally do it, but I imagine some aren't dumb enough to think there isn't anything innocent going on.

You are not helping your case at all

Im just saying japs prefer russian sluts to their own kind.

>You can't draw children without raping them
You can just look at clothing catalogs

They are aesthetically pleasing.

They have MAX DPS

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love aoba

That's a potato. Stay in your potato thread

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Why does that thing look autistic

>op talks about lolis
>posts a grown woman with a vibrant career at an indie game company

People say it's a body type not age

Prove it. Post real life versions.

Because games are for children.

Because it appeals to the okatu crowd that will gobble that shit up like theres no tomorrow

Cute things are cute. Wowza

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And the young at heart :^)

Otaku on average prefer large-breasted women.

Aoi yuuki
She's 4'9"

>4'11 barely and no boobs

Imagine someone like that trying to give birth.

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That's the same shitty argument to " x killed millions. To save billions."

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How can a backpack be so sexual

>user is having a stroke
Are you okay?!

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Nah just enjoying the argument about how games aren't only for children

That's a working adult

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Aoi Yuuki is a goddess

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Body type not age same goes with this

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There's hope for lolicons to assimilate into society!!

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Because it's cute, Japanese are in love with cute things.

Don't try to trick me, in England I could be jailed for fapping to loli.

>Anime about a subject material isn't actually about that subject material but just thinly veiled pedoservice.

Why am I not surprised.

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Q&A with Nene!

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Bin that butter knife Ahmed

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become a tory, get a job at BBC or identify as a paki

>Make an 11 year old
>make her sexy
Why? Not even a lolicon.

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>I find this sexy but I'm not even a lolicon
user, I have some bad news

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There's no use fighting it.

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They haven't been infected by feminism so they can appreciate the most attractive girls.

I thought candydoll was Ukrainian.

ukraine = russia

Stop posting sexualised children, I hear the sirens from here, I don't want to get caught because you forced me to masturbate.

Cool it, Putin.

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>>Similar to how K Idols are treated
Koreans are not people

Totori is the sexiest.

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you're on the wrong chan, japanese nationalist

They chose to enter the industry

>Back in the 90's all my favorite female characters were sexually mature and fully developed women
>Now they're all lolis

What the fuck happened?

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*knock knock*
"Good afternoon sir, mind if we take a look at your internet pornography license?"

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The regression of the modern male through the estrogens in soy products.

How manhandable is Aoba

Young men get mature girls
mature men get young girls
That's how it is.

Your taste improved spectacularly

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Dan pls

What's the issue with a sikh police officer? You don't think he's muslim do you?


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I figured a non-white officer would get more (You)s.

Because Japan has problems with shut-ins wanting to diddle kids

I want to fuck tall IRL loli.

>Wow I wish I made tons of money and had tons of male attention
>wow wtf I'm getting too much male attention

What's wrong with junior idols?

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>What if loli maek vidya game
Sasuga Japan!

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sucks to be you.

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Because pedophilia is frowned upon in america

Thats no excuse Dan.

lalafells are the best

It's actually all about game development, with cute girls.

Because they have good taste

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they're ok but they can't match laura b.

No lolis here, chief.

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I bet you are a roastie post pics of your feet with timestamp to prove you aren't

I think your mistaken fine sir, haven't masturbated in my life.

When I was younger I liked pornstars with massive tits like Brandy Taylor. Now I like lolis.

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I love these JC.

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>tfw I'm a developer
>but not a cute loli
Why do I even bother coding?!!

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Is this true? You can get jailed for masturbating to fictional characters?

>Not even a lolicon.

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So you can get cute lolis, obviously

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