Thoughts on this murderer?
Thoughts on this murderer?
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Literally an user that posts on this board
cute feet
Literally me
Her girlfriend is cute
She'd be the best CPU to have as a sibling.
The only good Nep is a Nep that deletes other Neps.
They'd all be great. Except Ram.
The creator has already said that the ending is non-canon and they wish they never done that shit.
Yeah they'd all be nice, but Nepgear is the type to bake you cookies just because she thought it'd be nice.
>and they wish they never done that shit.
Not in the megadimension universe
But in the next game, not made by the western developers, it's highly possible that Nep and friends go to find Nepgear the murderer.
Post Nepgear feet
Are pink or blue stripes better?
What's sexy about feet?
is this from a new artbook? pls gib.
I am literally going to marry Uni!
I'm glad for you user.
I just grabbed it off Danbooru. Source links to this.
Just downloaded megadimension neptunia vii, any tips before I start my first neptunia game?
Remember that Noire is the sexiest.
There's nothing missable except the true ending which required doing some reandom stuff when the game split your party in 4 and when you reunite in the last world you have to explore 4 spots right before the final fight.
I'd say do everything except those 4 spots so you can reload before the ending to get both ending pretty fast.
I wish Noire had a good quality figure that's not in her black heart form
who is the best nep and why is it Vert
Learn to accept Nepgear as your true waifu. Also, do yourself a favour and pay attention to the combo trait tutorial and you'll save yourself from the grinding.
Nepgear did it
If she could get over the little sister thing she could seriously be the coolest.
All the best girls are flat, though.
That's a boy
Not when they look 12, they aren't. You want good flat, look at Ryobi.
What said and don't neglect buffs and just enjoy the ride.
Aren't buffs kinda useless though? At least single target buffs are completely garbage. Item buffs are useful since they are AoE and don't take too much turn time, but skill buffs are usually pretty bad.
They felt worth it for me.
Buffs are insanely good in R;B1 atleast, haven't played the others to see if they toned them down.
You make a convincing argument
I'm not too concerned about missables (I tend to just play blind then replay for completion if I like it) but that's good to know.
Sounds good. Will the combo system get more dynamic later on or will I just be picking one combo to spam every battle per weapon?
Also what's the deal with this zerodimension z stuff, is this game made up of completely separate segments or will I keep the same party throughout?
Maybe I'll do another playthrough of megadimension someday, I didn't use buffs in my first one since I just labeled them as bad moves.
Not sure about Rb1, but we were talking about megadimension
but they did, and now we know what she can and will do once she gets the chance to obtain power, children included no less, the best development a character could have
You'll constantly get new combos as you level up, and changing weapons will imply in changing every combo you have, so it's pretty dynamic. The game is also divided into three arcs with separate openings, endings and title screens. The party members will cosntantly leave and join, so don't worry too much about it.
No, this is a boy.
My wife Blanc is NOT a boy.
Blanc's a boy name though
I prefer this nep.
Blanc is a beautiful young woman and is not boyish at all. Stop trying to slander her perfect name.
Blanc is a fucking miracle and we need to shut the fuck up and start sacrificing.
Blancfags have spawned everywhere. Thread is over, guys.
Y-Yes user.
t. Blake
Err, I mean Blanc
Is FFF better or worse than the best nep game (ignoring the male protagonist)?
I want to fence with that Fairy's womb
Worse, way worse. FFF is worse than most Neptunia games, including all the Rebirths, Sega neptune, vii and 4go.
>Posted 19 seconds away.
You underestimate the Faithful.
There's too many damn characters in a battle at times. You also literally experience being cucked.
Blanc has been my one and only waifu since the beginning.
wow hot bahbii
i am penice hard for this sexy dear
With you talking about marrying her every thread, why haven't you already done so?
>The creator has already said that the ending is non-canon and they wish they never done that shit.
and yet it was included in the remake AND said ending had a happy ending variant in it.
Also used as a joke in the series
Not only are feet not sexy but she obviously has flatfoot
>being this wrong
That's a shame. What a waste of character design.
Sometimes I wish I could replace gravity with Blanc.
If only
Considering that these threads always play out the same way, why the fuck don't you guys stay in the general? I like Nep, I play Nep games. But seriously, unless you're going to talk about the games just fuck off.
At least post best girl Uzume if you're going to waifupost
Blanc is trash and should be removed from his position since he isn't actually a goddess. Even Ram and Rom would be better.
Because the general is shit
>Original game is a piece of shit, but it does well enough due to the story, setting, and characters
>People keep complaining the story is too happy though
>Devs get sick of the whining, include the most edgiest ending they can
>It blows up into this weird never-ending meme that will never end
As long as you look on me like that I'll post all the Uzume you could want.
>BlancAnon has already married Blanc after writing to the devs
What the fuck is your excuse? I'm going to write an email and marry Uni myself right now, you cuck
>It blows up into this weird never-ending meme that will never end
>Never ending
>That will never end
Thank you for your wonderful insight, user
RIP loli thread;_;
I hope a black hole forms just far enough away from us to not catch us in the event horizon just so that it can form a relativistic jet to fire at us just so that this world that allowed you to exist ceases to be.
Vert needs yuri to keep herself interesting. She was at her best when she was practically dry humping IF at ever opportunity in Rebirth 1.Vert does okay on her own, but she shines when she can obsess over something or someone. Plus, ridiculously strong yuri subtext always helps character popularity. As long as you never admit Vert is gay, its fine.
Even that won't change the fact that Blanc is trash
>Meanwhile the gay thread is still up
Really getting sick of the bias.
I want to spend the rest of my life with Blanc.
Blanc's game was so trash, I couldn't be bothered finishing it. At least Nep U had the decency to be short, Blanc's game is the fucking worst.
Literally what is the difference between the general and here? Seriously, tell me. How bad could it possibly be?
It doesn't need to change anything, because Blanc is not trash. Blanc is actually perfect.
As long as I tell you to fuck off to the general you'll keep posting Uzume? Fine by me.
I want to marry and impregnate her and read to her every night until she falls asleep in my arms.
I'm aware I say this in pretty much any thread I see her in. That doesn't make it any less true.
Just fucking go there and see for yourself.
Sadly I don't post in generals much.
He's actually the worst character of the main four by a wide margin and arguably the worst character in the franchise. Hell, his Japanese VA is shit and his dub VA is Wendee "Same shitty voice for everything" Lee so he's the further thing from perfect just in voice alone.
desu the general is probably in the best state it's been in for a long time now even if it is a little deader.
Love for Blanc is love well spent. There is no error in its keeping. All that matters is that light remains lit.
Quick look through it, the general seems to talk about the Nep series in general. Not just waifus but also the games, anime, and even the spin off manga. It... wow, it seems way better than this thread actually. The only downside is that NepGen seems to move slower, otherwise I'd just ditch this thread entirely.
Hey, how many of you fucks are actually from the general and are just posting here because the general is dead right now?
I really need to get all the endings for Mega. I got the bad end and the normal one already. Only one I'm missing is the good ending and, I kinda lack motivation even though I really really want to see Uzume survive, because she's one of the best goddamn characters and I love her to bits
I humbly request your best Nep armpits
You can do it user. I'm sure you can.
I don't have much in the way of armpits sadly.
Uzume is so cool, I hope she'll be back for the next big Neptunia game