Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw nobody talks about Postal 2’s gameplay, only quotes
There is so much depth and so many ways to mess with the AI that have been added over the years but nope, sign my petition. fuck’s sake
>can piss on donuts and pick them up. pissed donuts get assigned to specific slots on the inventory and can be used to make cops puke when they eat them
>citizens’ chance of fearing you from carrying a gun is actually dependent on its destructive power, with POSTAL citizens only being scared by bazookas
>cops can defend you if they catch someone else harming you but not you harming them
>loyal dogs will play fetch with any inventory item you throw that isn’t food and will bring back heads you kick to you
>other citizens can go postal as well at random and try to kill everyone
>bullets are physical and can defect projectiles thrown at you like scissors, which can also be kicked back at an attacker to damage them
>different types of liquids have a different chance of making someone puke, with more puke from someone else and infected piss always making someone sick (great for fridays)
>gimp suits override “everyone hates me” and lets you use shops
>different citizens have different levels of apathy, and some will flat out celebrate when they see a cop’s head chopped off, or kick their corpses
>didn’t you just save?
I love how so many shooters don’t have the level of care and polish Postal 2 has. Just makes it stand out more
Good trips, lawful nip.
did the protestors start a fire shortly afterwards?
>tfw the world is dying for another Postal right now
Best we get is this piece of shit.
this game is incredibly similar to postal 1
>that one store that said "reopening june 2016" got updated then
You can also piss on the dev in there to make him dance, or kick the cash register to get lodsa emone
based post. the higher level difficulties where all the citizens have guns and big shootouts happen without provocation are the best way to play
First POSTAL playthrough
>wow that was terrible, but sorta interesting
Second playthrough
>I finally get how this all works. this is pretty fun
Third playthrough
>this is my life now
Why play a video game when you can have the real thing in the near future
>use cheat codes to have unlimited ammo
>throw so many scissors that my computer slows down due the number of them and the scissors hitting each other
>that one guy yelling "go back to Beijing"
Hey there would you like to sign my petition?
They're still updating Postal 2.
Fug me.
Makes me hope we one day get a good Redneck Rampage reboot.
Only my weapon understands me
go back to deus ex
Did you not know about Paradise Lost?
Well fuck me, downloading.
I literally haven't touched the game in over ten years and the closest it came to crossing my mind was watching the Uwe Boll movie.
Guess I'll be getting into it next weekend.
The AI itself is pretty deep and funny to watch in action
Poor replayability.
im gonna install this again, never finished it
>Gay jokes
i loved in share the pain banking shots around corners.
>Milo Yiannopoulos is the gay club manager in Paradise Lost
You know, postal 1 is nowhere as haunting as people claim it is. But then again I played the Redux version so maybe RWS changed something in there that made it less gruesome
Postal 1 is definitely more disturbing than Redux.
What did they change in it? I remember playing the original years ago and thinking it was pretty clunky and while I didn’t get that feeling in Redux the game was still a tad underwhelming
>the dogshit controls make you feel more vulnerable (though this is really just preference)
>postal dude's voice over was creepier in 1
>character designs, although more detailed, were more cartoony in redux
>voice over of the NPCs was done better in 1
It doesn't seem like a lot but considering Postal doesn't have much to offer in the first place it is
I love the NG+ machete in this. So much devestation.
I wanted to take a shortcut trough the sewers and I ended up in a secret Mujahedeen base with WMDs, was this from a later level or something?
iirc RWS added the complex to the sewers when share the pain was released
I should hate the so random humor but for some reason I dont
This game is still super fun.
I fucking hated the apocalypse weekend and couldn't finish it. Should I just skip it and play Paradise Lost? I heard it's open world once again.
how far did you get into AW? you're not missing out on much unless you want a full playthrough. also the intro to paradise lost explains what happens anyways
Soon after starting Sunday. I don't want to play PL it's anything like AW.
Why what's wrong with AW?
Well he's on Sunday so he's probably in the military complex getting fucked up.
Based Postal. Too bad the franchise went to total shit after 3.
Paradise lost is the real postal 3. RWS has even went so far as to shit on it in postal 2 in some of the updates. There's and achievement for pissing on a copy in the junkyard and the cashier at the game store they added even tells you don't buy postal 3.
the only diffrence is the ending, but even the original ending wasn't all that shocking. The artwork and quotes before levels is what freaked people out. Music is also eerie. Other than that, it's tame by our japanese image board standards.
i dont blame you. sunday is miserable when it comes to a postal playthrough.
paradise lost is nothing like apocalypse weekend though. it provides a new experience to paradise with all of the shit they added/changed. if you enjoyed postal 2 you will enjoy paradise lost even more
Is Eternal Damnation any good?
linear, broken, unpolished, unfun.
forwarded to the authorities, there won't be another Orlando type shooting.
If you didn't know you could piss on someone to make them puke, decapitate them while they're puking so puke comes out of their neckhole, then kick the head away so your dog will go fetch it, you weren't playing Postal 2 correctly.
>go back to Beijing
As someone who's currently petitioning for an IRL politician, it's scary how close to real life this is getting.
are you going to ban video games?
At this point I'd rather ban politicians.
I did, and loved doing it on the sloped area right by the dude’s house so the blood-puke would rain down on others as you kicked the corpse in a massive puke chain reaction, but aparently people are too busy quoting Rick Hunter to ever get creative in the game
Is there any similar game to postal 2?
Remember, it's not racist when the SJWs do it!
More like,
>it's okay to be racist towards asians!
Asians, along with Jews, cis gay males, and Slavs, have officially been moved to the "privileged shitlord" category by SJWs.
>They thought it would be Right Wing Christian nutjobs who hated books
If only they knew how bad things were
Horseshoe theory strikes again.
Funny you should mention that
>the entirety of the bank got repurposed as a DoubleFine / Tim Schafer museum of mockery
I love these fuckers
RWS are definitely one of the best game devs currently
I don't think it is in base game.
>tfw RWS hasn't made anything recently
I just wish those guys make more games.
It is. If you commit a crime people will run and bring the cops to where you were, and cops can mistake npcs for being the offender
they said a while ago they were working on a new ip
>tfw you know this left-libertarian-made satire game will eventually be taken seriously by mde/alex jones alt-rite soyboys and edamame mamis in the next couple years
Oh yeah. I forgot about that RWS are making a new IP in the future. Thanks for reminding me about that. Also, a part of me wishes that RWS would get together with the guys who made Xavier Renegade Angel and they both make a Xavier Renegade Angel vidya.
There was also the darker subtle undertone that Postal Dude was just a vessel for a demon and the voice he had was actually the demon's voice. This is most noticeable when Dude gets lit on fire, he'll scream "FIIRRRREEE," but in his actual voice, not the deep gravely demon voice. Same when he gets shot, he'll grunt in pain and very obviously not in the demon's voice.
Meant to say at the end that both those things were taken out of Redux for some reason.
Thanks user. Might get the original if I ever decide to buy the 20th anniversary collection
don’t give retards replies. it feeds them