Do you feel oppressed, Sup Forums?

Do you feel oppressed, Sup Forums?

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>us gamers are constantly under attack by the right and left wing
That's unironically true though.

I fucking hate birds

Trying to retcon all the Trump support, I see. Now he criticized violent games, it's "both sides hate us!". STFU. Most gaming forums were pro Trump and anti-SJW until that point.

Gang weeders rise up

I chuckled

none of you play video games, piss off.

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>under attack
Get a job


This image is a war crime.

Playing videogames shouldn't be your identity. If it is you deserve to be attacked by everyone for being such a faggot

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They are some weird fuckers arent they. I just ent for a smoke and seen some black shitters sitting around 80 m from my window, watching, judging. I bet they can read my mind so i stoped insulting them internally

i'd gamer all over her if you know what i am trying to convey to you

When your industry becomes bigger than Hollywood, you kinda have to let go of your standards

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what did he mean by this

The fuck?
>hurr republicans dont hate video games! based trump is flawless
Even Sup Forums hates Trump because they realised he's just a normal president and not the extreme 'defender against the SJW army' nationalist they (for some retarded reason) thought he is.

What are you talking about? Did The Joker get involved in the election?

actually I kinda do feel oppressed

don't post gang weed memes on Sup Forums, they're exclusively the property of obscure facebook pages


Cute but unrelated to the topic

Trump always hated video games, what the fuck are you talking about?

And despite what NeoGAF told you, Hillary also wanted to censor games.


but i do feel depressed

Moreso than most of my other hobbies, that's for sure.

I think it's fucking disgusting how I'm expected to support my loved ones' trivial passtimes and interests, but somehow my hobby makes me a loser or a potential murderer.

>>Right Wing: Get a job! Those violent video games will have you shooting up a school soon!

>>Left Wing: You sexist fuckpig, I can't believe you care more about that video game than about the people you're destroying by playing it!

>>Both: Why don't you try a healthy hobby, like how I do underwater basketweaving all day!

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Civilization in itself is oppresive

im here for you

>us gaymers

You only oppress yourself.

I don't know where people got the idea from. I think its becuase of being more socially isolated than we were before .OFC Sup Forums seems to be a whole world unto itself.

but why
why does it seem like every time some high profile person comes out criticizing something, or when an ideology ends up pointing fingers its like motherfucking pearl harbor ,hiroshima and nagasaki?
Are we that starved for "real conflict" that we have to blow up everything to outrageous proportions?

Yeah, I think I'm constipated or something. Must be all that gaymer fuel.

Those are called niggers

The media always shits on video games, but I only ever cared back when I was a teenager, now I'm so used to it that it doesn't really bother me, and I don't really give a shit if somebody thinks video games make murders or whatever.

I get more pissed by journalists and e-celebs, because their dumb opinions get taken seriously from time to time.

>I can't believe you care more about that video game than about the people you're destroying by playing it!

You dorks believe such weird things about the left.

>elected official accuses mlp fans as the cause of violent child rapes across the country
>why do the mlp faggs feel oppressed, they are oppressing themselves no one else is oppressing them

anyone got the one about gamers having better stamina so they can last longer in bed

mlp fags got a lot of backlash even before that happened.

more identity politics.

you associate with groups
but its YOU who are in control of your identity.
People can say whatever the fuck about you.
Its your job to prove them wrong.

They are evolving then

personally I like it when people misjudge me .
It only shows how superficial and uncaring they are.
which will
in the end be their own undoing.
I have a quiet laugh to myself, and go about my business. Because theres some that take advantage of being under or over estimated.

Video game players are treated pretty poorly. I do phones for Intuit and we bend over backwards to make sure our customers can use our product and are happy with it.
If you call up EA and complain about the shitty performance or 100gb install for a game slightly better looking than the one they released 10 years ago at 8gb they're just going to tell you to go fuck yourself, no refunds.

It's almost as if the term "oppression" has been thrown around so often and so liberally that it's lost some of it's meaning, innit?

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Oppressed? No. Like I've gotten myself way too immersed into a hobby that hasn't really led to anything good for me aside from some fun memories? Yes.

Yes. Especially now that I can't even talk shit in a rated M shooter.

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I wish I was japanese so I could still enjoy video games and not have to deal with the cesspool of current american politics

Then move to Japan.

Based Karlposter

Yes, but not because of vidya

You missed the point of what I was referring to.
Video games as media are attacked from top down and from the bottom up.
Consumers of vidya are separated into bad goyim, playing Near a tomato or talking freely in chat in corporate cuck games, and good goyim the never pirate buyfag that talks like cuck in overwatch chat and is on hormones and on his way to get his dick and balls chopped..

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That type of gamer is hated for being autistic over games, look at any normal person who plays GTA/CoD and most people treat them normally. If you were a person with decent social skills and looks most people will give 0 fucks about you playing games. If you're the type of autist that uses gamer as your identity then you're pure cancer and most likely unbearably autistic.

Nah he's doing alright attacking the left wing media

The ring wing hated video games way before it was cool though.

playing these online games with others are a real lesson in team work.
also trolling has gotten weirder and has escalated immensely.

I have a feeling this whole traps, hormones, flaming homo fag talk online is just some next level troll trying to get people angry so they can get all belligeerent on their teammates.
then to add the cherry to the troll sunday they can swing the ban hammer with impunity.

but now that you bring it up the OP image says "us gamers"

consider now how much of the population plays video games.
it isn't some past time just for nerds anymore.
theres tons of people who play, and there's games to cater to every person.
So back when it was just a few people. It was all sick bantz, and ironic shitposting becuase the nerds and dregs of society were use to ridicule, and shared that among friends and comrades.

Now however the rest of the world games.
It is a major form of socialization now.
So if you aren't being "appropriate" certain measures have to be taken.
To make sure that everyone playing video games doesn't end up a shitlord, a sperg, or a neckbeard.

Given there seems to be too much of "Mom" policing online interactions with the focus too much on feminism and whatnot.

I think we need a "father" to weigh in.
so we don't all turn into limp wristed, thin skinned, submissive fags.

>next level troll
>the rest of that cuck essay
Its faggotry propaganda social engineering aimed at kids.
>bad toxic goy called me a fag in video gayme
>good goy mod banned him but the trans faggot with chopped of dick is ok so that must mean I have to be a faggot to succeed in this gayme

Thats the retarded essence of it.

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Left wants to censor my jap games with memes while the right just wants to neuter them. At this point in my life, I am all for the god damn industry to crash again.

>I do underwater basketweaving all day
That sounds fun.

>You dorks believe such weird things about the left.
The Left has certainly provided well founded fears.

you should dive into it one of these days.

Republishits never tried to insert ideologies into my video games as much as the left has.

I really am opressed. [spolier]By the lack of games.[/spoiler]

Apart from GTA was just pulled from a few shartmarts, the rest is just weebshit. Who cares? If you want tits go get a girl (lol)

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>If you want tits go get a girl (lol)

>go to Tinder
>"The first man in my life is my son!"

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No. More like irritated over no significant charms in video games these days.

I agree, I'd rather see my hobby die then either side get to change things to fit their views.
No one ever things of the creators and their wishes when it comes to games. Imagine if it was books or music that got changed and censored, how loud the outcry would be, how fast people would validate it.
But for games? Nah it's not important, let em do whatever they want, free thought and creativity be damned.

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>go on tinder
>put a couple pics of you with a good camera, one while out and one at home
>get match
>talk (I know this is hard)
>ask her out, get number
>see her, fuck
>try again with another match
Wow so hard.

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lol, that image is some of the most intellectually dishonest shit for brainlets ever.

>go on tinder
>to the left
>to the left
>swipe right for a few
>get matches
>most are catfish scammers
>meet one girl
>open the door
>bitch is on the floor
>looks like a fucking dinosaur
>looked nothing like her pic
>wanted me to fuck her while her kid was around in a small house
>walk away
>uninstall app
>keep money for my weebshit.

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im 30, boring and overweight. only an a.i. programmed for neets is going to love me. Maybe some woman would be desperate enough to go out with me, maybe, but i should really loose weight first.

I used to defend people like that, now I feel weebscum deserve their kusoge censored.

i would have fugged her

the whole social engineering part is making sure
"the kiddies play nice"
before the video games industry was only a multi million dollar industry no one really gave a shit.

now its a multibillion dollar industry,
and its a new world were, at least in 1st world countries, the government doesn't come knocking on your door and take you to be the next kindling for the witchburning.
This social engineering is just ensuring that everyone can have a fun time online.

if you want to spout racist nonsense memes by all means, create a platform where people can do that. I mean moot made Sup Forums.
and that other fag made stormfront.

>every single girl on tinder has a child
Nice assumption. It's like saying everyone that's good at sports is low iq.
How about lose some weight? A lot of fatties look like they'd be goodlooking if they lost weight, no homo. And don't worry, 30 is the new 20

if you rely on tinder to get dates then you are doing it wrong and might as well just get a diakimura and a fleshlight.

go to church

be interested in people
not in sex.

meet people through co-workers, friends, and family.
get out of your bedroom after you are done cleaning it.

Just let the normies kill themselves in the next war, then we the gamer master race will walk on their corpses and rule what remains.

Not any of the anons you responded to, bit churchgirls have had a train ran on them nigger. They "turn" religious after they become known aa a thotty. I'm not interested in girls, I just want to fuck and move on to the next one, free of charge using only my lines.

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They were literally memed in to thinking that.

the boards were already getting bad but 2016 really sealed the deal

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can I ask you what drove you to making such a sweeping conclusion on all church going girls?

>Nice assumption. It's like saying everyone that's good at sports is low iq.
the userbase of men that use tinder dwarf the percentage of women that use it, as it's not hard for women to get dates. I'm sure you'll have better luck getting matches on grindr, user.

I been with a couple and they told me about their pasts. Of course, it's not all of them but it's a coinflip. It's the same with muslim girls that I've been with. All extremely in heat and trying to """reform""". Don't get played nig.

You think the fact that you "pump and dump" thus treating women like object somehow doesn't contribute to your fears of "getting played"?

and the moment you step outside your door its a coinflip. everything is a coinflip.
you live,you learn, you try your best.

let me ask you this.
Have you ever gone out of your way to intentionally try to "corrupt" a church girl into a life of cock lust? If so how many have you done this to?

>go to church
>"instead of sticking your head in the oven, why don't you just try bobbing for french fries in that hot grease oil instead!"

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>Most gaming forums were pro Trump and anti SJW
Leave your echo chamber moron.

It's not a fear; it's just something I found with religious girls of any religion. At least half of them used to be fulltime thots, while the other half were raised well. The ones that usually respond are the former, while the latter will rarely respond.
As for the last question, I don't go for nice girls like that. I don't want to be the reason they become thots. I leave them be.

Not him but life ain't anime son, imagine being horny and easily getting your slot filled.
But no, social consequences hit, better become a good church girl.
Lots of ex sluts lusting for the dick they used to have and trust me, they have all their exes on dick stand by.

Trying to find a good woman is a waste of life my anime friend, work on yourself and maybe a girl comes along. Judge with extreme care and NEVER fuck up.

life aint a porno either
and it aint some anecdote

it is continious
>they all have their exes on dick standby

so its been a thing with both sides of the ideological spectrum.

when you are depressed. You have a habit of catastrophizing everything.
while it may help your ego.
it doesn't help with your outlook.

I agree on the work on yourself part.
but if there is someone you are curious about, or would like to talk more with.
not in the hope of having sex, but talking with.
you shouldn't let all the internet prophets of doom give you advice.

in all my years. of isolation, loneliness, depression, guilt, as well as comradery, happiness, and confidence I have learned one thing

Love is the most occult knowledge one must keep.
it is unfortunate, but it is true.
When there is love, angels seek to lift it up. but the demons also start drooling and gnashing their teeth.
And there is much evil in the world.

so you are saying that theres girls raised in the church who are good, and then theres the thots.
seems less of a sweeping generalization on church girls.

meet them at a library or your local barnes and nobel. or try to meet them at your next atheist meetup. Im sorry you are so salty.

I'm saying that your "le go to church" advice is bullshit. You'll find a nice girl anywhere. Going to church actually increases your chances of bumping into a reformed thot. Have you ever had a girl? You putting them on such a heavenly pedestal will be your downfall nigger.

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yeah fuck freedom of speech! yahoo

picking up girls at church is the dumbest advice I've ever heard

I don't hate Trump. I still think he's a better option than Hillary. But I still think that blaming videogames is fucking retarded. Not only that, but I also hate the obvious amount of newfags that this place has attracted who think that this place revolves around politics.
Bring back the times when Sup Forums was just Sup Forums 2.0

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It works if you're religious, my brother got a white mormon wife that way and we're asian

I meant that as a suggestion.
what I really mean to say is
"unglue your fucking eyes from the bright neon screen, and look at the fucking world around you"

I mean people have their standards which I can accept.
I just hope they don't post about >tfw no gf when in reality they could be banging that "reformed thot" every night.

labels and identity politics, looking at tinder profiles about "my son".
these are all fucking slogans, and represent about .01% of the real world. its just the .01% that will get your attention, negative or positive.

if you wanted to change your life around from sitting in a fucking lazyboy all day clicking away at a fucking simulated experience ment to give you instant gratification to a person who actually LIVES in the world. Wouldn't you find it a big blow to your ego, and a big incentive to be a fucking neckbeard?
God forgives.
Jesus Saves.

I support Trump less now, still anti-SJW and anti-Commie. Die in a fire, and leave video games alone.

Damn I'm the last person you should be telling this to, I appreciate your efforts, but I feel like you should try and convert anons over at /r9k/ or something. I just use tinder to collect sidepieces, nothing personal man. You're right about what you're saying though, people do need to experience the real world, and maybe I am overestimating but it's just how the world works; in extremes. It's wromg but it'll take years off your life trying to change it. Keep doing what you're doing though user.

>Most gaming forums were pro Trump

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