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Like just walk into him until he dies nigga

I feel you brother, I googled that shist and had to backtrack for the win.


Don't say it, you fucker




It's literally possible, just a shitty final boss.

Pray to the RNG gods and persist.

>final bosses shouldn't be hard

Sup Forums was a mistake

Should I start with Ys I

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It's not hard, it's basically
for a few seconds.
Pretty underwhelming compared to what came before him.

It's just braindead rng nigga

Iirc there is 0 RNG in his pattern. Just get an optimized movement. I beat it on Nightmare, you can do it.

Git gud

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Yes, then book II and Origins. Loved the game.

you haven't truly experienced ys 1 until this happens to you

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acquire skill, as they say

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Trash boss, didn’t beat him after like 30 minutes of trying, looking at videos on how to him didn’t help so I said screw it and just started up YS 2 which was much better than YS 1, especially the boss battles.

>playing Ys I on a PSP with a bad case of ghosting
>Adol’s walk speed transcends dimensions

>that Ys 2 bullet hell boss that was hard as fuck in a screen that small

Oath in Felghana final boss was absolutely terrible

I didn’t even get to 2. Even getting to the bat was hell on earth because of screen chucklefuckery so when I realized the shit I was gonna deal with I just dropped the game. Might get it on my toaster for a proper playthrough