Left or Right?
Left or Right?
Eh, I guess right? Not really into blondes at all. But I'd rather have my pick of Kasumi or Ayane instead.
I love Nonko!
Mila is the only video game character that I got obsessed with
she is just so freakin cute
Left on right, as always.
I can't believe Sup Forums hates Tina now.
DOA didn't have attractive women before Mila.
Tina is objectively more feminine, thus superior.
far right
when was the last mainline DOA? how long can they ride off of waifufags?
They cant even ride off of waifufags.
Left of course.
The one with the biggest penis
>Short hair
>Those cute eyes
All the way right baby
Burger or Tako? Tako
>ITT retards choose le freckles le tomboy over objectively better body aryan blond goddess on left
I mean I knew you faggots were tasteless but still...