What game hit you the hardest emotionally?
What game hit you the hardest emotionally?
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>using your dogs death for views
did they eat him afterwards
they had him in chow mein
i hope someone films me getting euthanized one day
>get a pet
>have to deal with the sadness of their death eventually
whats the point of getting a pet if you are just setting yourself up to be sad?
is that video monetized?
>Someday Maru the cat will die
Probably the ending of Little Inferno
Finding Paradise is definitely the most emotional game that I have ever played.
Final Fantasy XV is a close second.
Metal Gear Solid 3 is in third place. She was a true patriot.
Because you get several years of happiness
Because all the happy times outweigh the sadness.
>Someday Maru the cat will die
Relax, dogs don't care.
There won't be any haunting.
Can't have a high without a low. That's the point of life user.
>live life
>have to deal with death
whats the point of living life if you are just gonna die?
camt find the video link?
go fuck off, I wish you died instead of haru
Fucking SOMA or whatever the fuck I don't know why but I just cried like a little bitch when his copy made it to paradise but his own self was left down in the ocean floor.
based autist
this but unironically
To the moon successor? Havent had the chance to play yet
what if hes a dog to?
Much sadness
A dog to what?
It's fake.
Fuck you faggot shit you made me look for that obviously fake video.
Yeah, the To The Moon sequel. I'd definitely recommend it. It's a way more personal and complex story than To The Moon, a bit more subtle, but I think it pays off in a big way. Make sure to play the To The Moon DLC episodes first, though.
spoiler that shit
Family member just dumped a dog on me
>tfw my dog is getting noticeably old
reminds me of demo when he put a sticky note on his cat
>play vidya to fill the void
>have to deal with the sadness that it won't forever fill the void
whats the point of playing vidya if you are just setting yourself up to be sad?
>Putting down a pet
Fucking why? Why not just let your pet naturally die on its own?
to rember happy day
>why not let your dog suffer liver/kidney/heart failure instead of sleeping it peacefully
So they don't have to suffer.
>Let pet suffer in pain
>Put it down so it can stop suffering
I don't fucking know you idiot.
It's a nice thing to do if he's in pain and can't get better.
to stop them suffering dumbass
As much as it sucks, a quick, painless death is way better than a slow, painful one.
Besides, it's not like dogs have a concept of mortality so they don't care.
>bawww my animal died so le sad poor doge pupper
>Gabe the dog died
....or maybe just pay for the surgery?
wwho is haru
He'll go to that giant box factory in the sky
Because the pet could be in horrible pain. Unfortunately we can't ask the pet what it wants so we have to make the decision ourselves. Believe me, it's a hard choice to make.
t. someone with no friends or pets
sometimes surgery wont help
Incredible bait
>Unfortunately we can't ask the pet what it wants so we have to make the decision ourselves
you can pretty much tell when an animal has given up
>every age-related health condition can be cured with surgery with no downsides or suffering
You might actually be retarded
Would you rather live in extreme pain for months on end before you die in complete agony alone, or would you rather die quickly and painlessly in less than a few minutes around loved ones?
>mfw reading The Rainbow Bridge
My dog was already six when my sister dumped him on me and I've had him for a year
Tell that to someone that's terminally ill
Local user discovers key to immortality.
t. faggot who thinks his dog loves him
I'll come to your house every day and give him twice the food and we'll see who's good boy he is then.
the chiba inu
>you will never be this comfy
Because humans can't stand to see animals suffering, so the only logic solution is to kill it.
Doesn't matter if it still enjoys life. Doesn't matter if it limps over to you for pets. Doesn't matter if it still loves treats from the dinner table. If it's suffering then it needs to be killed by lethal injection.
There is no point. You have been born into an absurd, uncaring universe. Nothing you do or experience has any meaning or value. Whether you lead a happy life or one of anguish, once you die you will go back to being unconscious for eternity. You might as well kill yourself right this instant for all the difference it would make. The only reason you cling to life anyway is because you are hardwired to do so.
Act like a man, faggot.
>babby's first try at nihilism
heh not bad, kiddo
I've seen way too much weird shit to believe that death is the end. I know one day we'll see our loved ones again.
P3/LISA endings
but I'm a grill
My first pup was 16 when we put her down. She was having horrible seizures and we would come home to find her shivering in a corner with diarrhea everywhere. We started keeping her in a bathroom when we weren't home. We tried different medicines but nothing gave her relief, so we put her down because she didn't have a good quality of life anymore.
I was like 12 at the time and 18 years later thinking of her still makes me cry like a bitch.
But I want to be a cat
For you the pet was a small part of your life. For them you were their entire life.
>my 17 year old cocker spaniel had to be put down last year yet this mongoloid still draws breath
life just ain't fair, innit.
What have you seen?
JAV Code Please.
ah yes, i should just let my dog who has bone cancer in the jaw slowly starve to death or succumb to cancer, thats humane
>Tfw neighbor stole my cat who I've had for 10 years and probably dumped him somewhere
It's a shitty feel, because I hate imagining him by himself in the wild and I don't get what would drive someone to trap cats
I keep javelins in my backyard for wandering animals like that. Control your fucking pets.
because if you kill yourself you'll be an even bigger disappointment to your parents than you already are
also everyone will think youre a coward and someone will have to pay for your funeral/deal with all your shit
>neighbor stole my cat
why didnt you shoot him? thats what i wouldve done
You are baiting, right? Dogs don't get put down because they are limping.
Medical euthanasia is done when the dog is beyond saving. It WILL die a painful, slow and awful death is generally when they decide euthanasia.
It is not like "Old yeller is gonna be able to live for another full year, but his ass is gonna itch every now and then".
It is more like "Old yeller's organs are failing and it is gonna be in agonizing pain for a week before he DIES."
>every health related issue can be solved with surgery
Yeah why don’t those people with cancer, aids, paralysis, ALS, inoperable brain tumors and any form of incurable diseases or medical conditions just get surgery? Lmao...
You fucking dolt.
>neighbor stole my cat
Did you call the police on him or at least burn down their house?
*tips fedora respectfully towards you
Wubba lubba dub dub, my fellow enlightened one.
Most of the time dogs get put down because the owners can't or won't pay for surgery.
t. knows a Vet receptionist
You're an idiot bro.
Probably an /an/fag everytime I go there theyre going nuts about cats existing, trying to call for their extermination or they're going nuts about pitbulls.
If you just let him roam all over your neighbors yard, he was probably pissed at cat crap, liked local wildlife in his lawn, or was trying to start a garden and didn't want piss.
Does this count as CP?
I knew a girl that had a ton of rats/hamsters/other little shits like that and they would fucking die like every other month. Every time she was in a bad mood it was because one of them died. And she'd just keep getting more. It kept happening. It was like an excuse for her to be pissy. Drove me fucking nuts.
Was your neighbor black
you mean THE chiba inu?
The truth hurts, doesn't it? Shitpost away or don't, you still won't escape the void.
>ctrl f marimo
>0 results
Yeah, spend thousands of dollars so your pet can live for another few months.
And what happens when they don't get their surgery, user? Do they shrug off their condition in a week or two and live happy lives?
Or do their condition deterioriates to the point where every day is suffering?
most of the time the surgery is incredibly invasive and really only delays the inevitable by a few months
t. an actual vet
I never let him out, everyone else in the house that didn't watch the door would also
>Enticing cats with food into your traps and telling me they keep you up at night
Is fucking psycho and bullshit
I don't know faggot I don't even care about animals.
Your dog isn't a substitute for a personality by the way, you sadcase.