Why does Nintendo hate mature elements?

Why does Nintendo hate mature elements?

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Because videogames are for fun. If I wanted politics in my life I'd run for congress.

Xenoblade is pretty mature user. It deals with such themes as genocide, torture, refugees, the needs of the many vs the needs of a few, politics, race mixing, racism, immigration, and cultural differences

Attached: nintendo's target audience.jpg (500x363, 58K)

their fan base is full of autistic soyboys.

Attached: 8fc.jpg (2008x2108, 1.05M)

Don’t bother. You know that they’ll just post their shitty soy memes



>Final Fantasy
>Mature elements

You left out nature vs nurture, which is highly relevant with blades and their drivers.

>needs of the many vs the need of a few
How ironic, seeing Shulk was included in Smash even though no one knew who he was.

Why is there a sudden influx of FFXV vs XC2 threads?

I'm guessing it's him trying to start shit in a new way. I guess he got tired of fighting with the the FF and the general SE fanbase.

OP if FFXV's are direction and story were actually indicative of the art in your image I would play it. Instead you get gay K-pop shit.

FFXV fans are desperate for their game to be good

A shitposter from a previous JRPG thread got his ass handed to him so now he’s going all out.

>Going all out by shilling two JRPGs he hates

Yeah that makes sense.

>Why does Nintendo hate mature elements?


Too bad the actual storyline of Perfect Dark was more like something out of a saturday morning cartoon.

what is the point of this? You're just posting pics of guys with glasses and a beard doing a very common photograph face pull.

I can't wrap my head around this soy meme. It makes no sense at all to me.
Have we really suck this low?

That one super autist with a grudge against XC2 is trying a new tactic, I guess


It's just the new influx of memers and that's what they find "funny", just like when newfags invaded and started spamming demotivationals or rage comics, or shit like baneposting, there's always newcomers trying to fit in.

>mature games for mature people like myself
Come back when you grow out of that phase.

Play the big boy blade game.

Attached: 30vdu6s.jpg (1280x720, 337K)

>hype game up with mechs
>they simplify the combat despite taking 20+ hours to get
>ends on a cliffhanger
X tried hard, it did some great things, but holy fuck it was a stepping stone.