What does Sup Forums think of Prince of Persia (2008)?

What does Sup Forums think of Prince of Persia (2008)?

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Cool game but could have been a little bit more challenging. True ending was a nice concept, you don't usually see that in western games.

It's like they slapped the PoP name on it so it would sell. What game did ubi release after this? Cause I'm pretty sure they used the money from this to fund that.

>Prince of Persia (2008) was 20 years ago

comfy casual fun
>ending via paid dlc is a nice concept

too easy and you couldn't die
loved the art, prince was sexy as fuck and the world was nice

Probably another Assassin's Creed game.

pretty sure it was AC 2

>you couldn't die
Nevertheless you suffered consequences for failing so the only difference is the lack of game over screen

only very barely, it just reset you to before the jump

Pretty dissapointing if you've just finished with the sands of time trilogy.
The gauntlet looked cool and gave a little more variety in parkour though.

I don't.

Fun game, decent writing and banter.
Could have used more thought being put into the combat system, and the actual ending being sold apart from the game is cancerous.

Gotta go back and play it again sometimes, its a fairly pretty game, all told.

I wouldn't say so and I played it right after SoT trilogy maybe because tTT was such a pile of crap compared to this and the two previous games

I remember the real ending was some DLC they never released on PC


>2008 was 10 years ago

Attached: 1393543032283.jpg (380x250, 29K)

Great art direction, mediocre everything else.

Looked good and had no DRM from what I recall. Story was a letdown and the platforming was a joke. Overall it's pretty average.

It looks neat, but the combat is a gigantic pile of garbage and since you can freely tackle any of the areas from the get-go they all feel way too basic.

2008 prince is the cuhrayziest prince. I wish they would have taken the combat in a similar direction.

Otherwise i think the gameplay concept was tired out.

so it's like a quick save button?

Yeah, the grave consequence of the possibility of losing a trophy/achievement.
Super Meat Boy was more challenging for comparison despite having a similar mechanic due to bringing you back at the beginning of the level instead of just at the point where you died.
And combat becomes a joke because of this; you could argue that the fact that the enemy regains health if you "die" is the balance factor, but against The Warrior this is rendered completely moot.

Also the ending was so terrible the devs had to make a DLC episode trying to justify it. They did a terrible job at it and the eventual sequel of the game was confined on the Nintendo DS as The Fallen King while 2 years later Ubisoft will go back to the sand saga before not talking about the franchise anymore until now.
What a mess.

QTE masher disguised as a platformer. Anti-gaming.

>You couldn't die

This was actually completely intentional by the developer, if you listen to pretty much any of the conversations between Elika and the prince the theme of destiny vs free will is brought up and this is the game subtly weighing in on the side of destiny

Gorgeous world and environment design, amazing soundtrack, and traversing the world via parkour is great fun. But the combat is lacking, has too many QTEs, and is a bit on the easy side.

it was a fun game, got it on gog for like 3 bucks. in the end though it made me wonder if ubi was trying to make some new platformer type game and just slapped prince of persia on it at the eleventh hour.

not a Prince of Persia game
the gameplay was waaaaay to simplistic
but it defiantly is one of the most beautiful games I ever played, it´s cell shading done right and the interaction between the protagonist and the princess were great, you really got too see both of them falling in love over the curse of the game, instead of just getting one cut scene which is supposed to be enough to explain them developing feeling for another

Great visual design, but fuck QTE combat and platforming

>Art style is almost worth a $10 price tag alone
>Game lets you complete any of the 4 main areas in any order but they compensate for this by not having the Prince and Elika's relationship progress beyond what they reach at the 25% mark until the very end of the game
>The main plot twist is pretty evident at the 25% mark and gets repeated 3 times with more and more clues being dropped
>Only 1 of the 4 main bosses (the concubine) is the only other voiced character outside of the Prince, Elika, King and final boss
>Ending is actually surprisingly thought out, mature and artfully done - which it desperately backpedals on with shitty retcon dlc because the retarded fanbase wanted a 'walk hand in hand into the sunset' ending even though that was clearly never going to happen

>no game over screen means you can't die
And yet you go back to the last checkpoint every time you fail a platforming section, or the bosses regain most of their health if they manage to not kill you.

Yeah, I thought the original ending (the only one I've seen) was quite bold. It's been a long time since I played the game and it still sticks out in my mind.

Loved it both then and now. But could never compare it to actual PoP.

I think he means the non-dlc ending. Which was vastly superior.

the checkpoints are egregiously forgiving

There's a LOT of attention to detail that I fucking loved

>Credits are done rolling by the time you place Elika on the platform, the game has unofficially declared it's over and that this is a valid 'ending'
>Even though a masculine voice has always been associated with the evil god and a feminine voice has been associated with the good one, both voices are murmuring as you approach and fell the trees
>The game has been implying from the very start that the evil god's prison has been weakening and it is only a matter of time before he is released, Elika's sacrifice will ultimately mean nothing; a last stand has an absurdly slim chance of success but the other option is to give up and walk away
>The stupid cheesy 'guy dooms world to save girl' appeals to the hopeless romantic in me

low pressure comfy parkour with nice environments. I 100%ed the game on the pc and ps3 around launch, got all those mind-numbing collectable orb things and never want to play this game again. I also think Nolan North as the Prince is an awful choice. I still have to watch the Epilogue DLC on youtube.

What does that even mean? You go back to the begining of the obstacle course/boss fight literally same as any other PoP game

>Make character look a specific way
>Write character a specific way
>Make list of potential VAs who fit your specific bill
>Start scheduling and doing tryouts to determine a candidate
>Deliver your list to the suits on the top floor on Monday morning
>"Yeah sorry user but Mr. North expressed interest in the project so none of that matters any more"

I've wanted to make games all my life but this kind of shit scares me to death

Boring as fuck.
Sands of Time remains the best PoP game to date.

Rubbish combat
Platforming left something to be desired
Nice art direction
Elika is okay
Too easy


got bored of the puzzles

>Rubbish combat
Just how rubbish?
Will it be unplayable after Bayonetta, MGR?

Is original trilogy worth getting? How has is aged?

>Is original trilogy worth getting?
>How has is aged?
Like fine wine. The parkour mechanics are still top notch and the combat improves in the 2nd and 3rd entry.

>comparing slashers' combat to any other games
Well, that's dumb

Now let's discuss I STAND ALONEEEEEEEEEEE instead

Attached: Shahdee taunts the Prince.webm (960x720, 2.77M)

>15 year old meme games
Take a wild guess.

Like a fine wine
Sands of Time is especially impressive in how it still looks and plays great, WW is okay with very cool moments, TT is shit but still enjoyable

Every boss has a preferential pattern that will use one of your 4 attacks, and stop one of those IIRC.

So its going to be repeat the same thing again and again. Also; 3 of the 4 must be pushed to the egde to maximise damage. The 4th you keep from the edge.

But its only good for the banter between the character, not the combat.

Yes, and just fine. Like, quite a bit was ahead of it's time, so you'll survive.

There's like 4 buttons and every fight is you and Elika vs 1 enemy.

What the fuck is a meme game?

I liked it, though I wish they had finished the story at some point. If felt like a three act structure the last act left far far too much plot hanging. Give the story a conclusion, give the characters more of an arc, maybe flesh the combat out a little more, and I'd consider the game easily 9/10.

meme game is Sup Forumstard speak for game (any thing really) i dont like.
see also: this game (or anything) is autistic

Attached: Two Thrones stealth.webm (853x480, 2.78M)

Aside from the shift in tone, the most baffling thing about Warrior Within is just how many things they completely ignored about the first game.
Like for example: where the fuck is Farah? Where is the dagger of time? Where did the prince get that magical chestpiece? What happened to his father, wasn't he alive once he traveled back in time and prevented most of the events of Sands of Time from happening?

They had so much potential with old concept and then we got this
I liked TT, but shit, it it really would be much better, if they did what they were trying to do in the first place

Two Thrones was objectively the best PoP

But most of this is in the game

Once I cleared a land, I really enjoyed getting to run through it uninterrupted.

>where the fuck is Farah?
In India with her father. Her Father is killed by the Vizier when you create a new timeline in Warrior Within. She seeks revenge in Two Thrones.

>Where is the dagger of time?
Back in the treasure hold where you originally got it but it remains powerless until Kaileena returns. The Vizier then retrieves it when it calls to him and takes it to Babylon in the Two Thrones. He uses it to empower himself but drops it and the Prince takes it back.

>Where did the prince get that magical chestpiece?
It's just normal armor. The medallion within it is just Farah's medallion which he took from the Bath in Sands of Time after he had sex with Farah. Farah still retains it in Two Thrones as two copies technically exist at that point.

>What happened to his father
You fuck around with time so much that the Vizier actually comes back to life and the events of Sands of Time technically never occur. The Vizier's army kills him in then new timeline.

>two copies technically exist at that point
Yea, it's like the deLorean in BttF3. The same car exists in the mine for Marty and Doc to find in 1955, as the one with the arrows in the fuel tank. It's just older.

except what platforming game has a quick save button

painfully boring, painfully easy game that was an insult to the generally pretty good trilogy that came before it.

>prince of persia
>not even remotely set anywhere near ancient persia
>don't even play a prince

what's the point

Fuck I really want to play this again now

god this did shit to my benis when i was younger
that plus cutting off the dancing girls heads
jesus christ

Pretty good, but it does get dull by the end. DLC was alright.

>don't even play a prince
It's his nickname. And he's from Persia.

What? He literally is the prince of persia?

empty world, boring combat, nice parkour and planforming but gets tedious. The only reason i finished it was because when i played it i had a cast on my leg so i was basically just sitting around with nothing to do and the ps3 had this disc inside anyways, so i just single sessioned it.

A game other people like but he doesn't.

Every few years I'll replay through them and they feel great every time.

>not Warrior Within

Love the ending, wanting more sequel...

From the moment I saw that ass in the intro WW has been my favourite

>being forced to play as shitty shadow twin
ruined the game desu

he had some fun moves but that slow death thing was annoying