Space Engine 0.990

Who's fucking hyped?

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fuck off

>That's all well and good, but when are they going to actually add gameplay
They never said they would. It's just that - a realistic representation of universe.
>and have they fixed the problem where every planet is the same biome?
Surprise, 95% of planets are barren rocks

You're a moron

Not a game, doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

It's as much a game as Nu Male Sky

Except it isn't.

No man's sky has a core gameplay loop a mediocre one but still a game

You can fly a spaceship in Space Engine too and travel from planet to planet

>People shitting on Space Engine
Fucking blatant newfags.

I love space engine

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still not a game loop

It's not a game because your peanut brain needs some kind of objective to accomplish?

It's more about the definition of a game, SpaceEngine is a far better use of your time than No Man's Sky could ever hope to be, but the other anons are still right in that NMS is more of a game than SE which either barely qualifies or not at all depending on how you define a game.

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Space Engine

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I got more enjoyment out of fucking around for 1 hour in SE than I got from any AAA title from the last 5 years.

>The reworked textures and terrain generation
>The new lighthing
>Fucking nebulaes
>Autistic attention to details

I like these guys

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I'm looking forward to the nebulas

Cool to see Russianbro still working on this.

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Yeah I'm ready to be terrified once more as I realize the tinyness of my existence. No seriously this game is the best horror game of all time, first time I booted it up, and accidentally became one with the speed force, and realized the specs were no longer solar systems but whole galaxies it was a level of terror I had never once felt from a game. Felt like there was some shit behind me.

Also post your face when blackhole.

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They changed the donation system

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not touched this in years

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I read that he hired additional programmers to work on this. It's definitely going to improve the rate of progress (I hope so at least)

So what are his goals now for SE? Is he still going to make an actual game? Or has he scrapped wanting to do that?

>black holes
>gas giants
>empty space

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Na, fine as is. It's like expecting the Google Earth program to be your everyday navigation driver.

Anyone else also unsettled by this game? I find the vastness of space uncomfortable and chilling.

??? They had plans listed that showed once they reached x amount of money they would make it into a game, and further amounts of money would result in shit like multiplayer.

You have astrophobia.

No he doesn't, he's the equivalent of self diagnosed retards.

I thought he always said it's going to be free to use open world engine for games.

>But we're apart of the cosmos, maaaan

It's fine to have an existential crisis. Space around us is something that humans will not discover for hundreds of years to come. We're not leaving Earth for quite awhile yet, you and I will be dead before we have humans on Mars.

There are galaxies out there with life, different than our own. There are planets that house different, unknown reactions and chemicals than our own.

There are probably aliens having wars, or battles against one another in space, and we would never know. As what we see could already be long gone.

Even if we look lightyears out there, and we see life, that light traveling to us could mean that it's already dead.

People looking at us from lightyears away could mean that our planet is already gone.

It's pretty fucked if you ask me. We know nothing about our existence.

We know nothing of space. We are born. We die. We do not exist.

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Maybe they scrapped the idea idk

Yeah, my original post was asking if they were still doing that or if it's scrapped.

>play aurora 4x for the first time
>have fun
>partway through realize that earth will run out of resources one day

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>nothing can escape from a black hole
>not even light
Explain this then.

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>I find space unsettling.
>lole you fucking retard stop self diagnosing yourself

>We are born. We die. We do not exist.

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That doesn't make it a video game

This is an illustration of a concept called Hawking Radiation.
We have never actually observed a black hole like this

We're depleting our food resources pretty fucking quickly. Our oceans are a mess. Our forests are dying, animals are being forced into predatory zones because of city expansions.

We're killing ourselves faster than what we think. A lot of food is being artificially made now to be produced quicker due to demand.

Earth will sustain itself, but humans won't. We're fucking greedy.

Sad to say, but we don't really exist. Our lifespans are too short to notice the galactic changes around us.

We're not the tears in rain. We're the little tiny microbes inside of one drop of rain, that make up a little pixel on a microscope.


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nonexistancefags argue that we are so minuscule that we may be considered as negligible but they forget that lifeforms are the only reason the universe exists to begin with.
There can be no existence of a universe (worthy of conceptualization) without a conscious observer to conceptualize it.

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You're right, at least we can think and know enough about ourselves that we can come to terms with the concept of being alive. Right? :^)


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Yes retard. It's like some dumbass being afraid of heights but they've never been higher than a single story building.

Google maps is also a nice game

Yes, that's exactly what I said you wojak-posting retard.
People like you are fucking impossible to have a real conversation with, you're the kind of person I make fun of at parties.
You have nothing of value to add. You just belittle the opinion of others because you have no opinion of your own and you kindly hand your collar to whoever has the biggest suit, the most TV time, and the highest popular vote.
You're a fucking sheep, and you aren't even good at being a funny one.

I'm sure your friends will help and care for you.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you athistic bitch?? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Vedanta, and I've been involved in numerous astral projections into the supersoul, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in deep breathing and I'm the top seer on /x/. You are nothing to me but just another soul to steal. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mages across the Milky Way and your Merkaba is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with 12 chakras. Not only am I extensively trained in kundalini, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Visnu's multi-armed form and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you piece of shit. I will shit stars all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead until you are born again and suffer the rest of your shitty karma, kiddo.

>that seam

>I make fun of at parties
How do I become an alpha like you user?

I'm not even alpha, this guy is just a delta or - even worse - an epsilon.

Oh shit! When is this releasing. My life is a torrent of shit right now and fucking off in space engine having deep existential thoughts is just what the doc ordered.

Yes. It's lessened with time, but it's still there.

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Does it have VR support?

As of the last update, SpaceEngineer is finishing up work on the terrain engine very soon. Then he'll finish work on the nebulas. Who knows how long that will take.

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Sup Forums is for video games

>Sup Forums

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those seams are on the old one, I hope...

read the dev blog
it's parallax occlusion mapping he shat out in an hour

Go back to your console war threads

what's new in the new version?

More space.

I'd like to have more visual modes, to see the universe in infrared, ultra violet, radio waves etc. To tune that to see the background radiation and so on.

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Better pic

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Who else here happy watching the world burn?

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Space is nice.

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It'd be insane if he implemented a UI element of the light spectrum with two sliders that would serve as a "filter". The light let in from the filter would be squashed into the visible spectrum, allowing for false color.
But then planets and stars, actually everything, would need procedural textures over this third dimension.

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>But then planets and stars, actually everything, would need procedural textures over this third dimension.

Blob of UV light representing the planet you're over right now would be sufficient though, it's more abou the things in the distance, and it's not less insane than the things already in space engine.

is that realtime? as in - how it would happen? Not that I believe earth wouldn't get torn to shreds from that

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Really doubt Saturn could move that fast.

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The ring would obliterate our planet

Saturn's rings are mostly dust and small bits of ice, aren't they?
I think it would just be like a really amazing meteor shower. And that's whats shown at 0:44.

>going through the supervoid

>when you travel to the edge of the observable universe

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based misanthropanon

same here

>uranium 0% recycled
doesn't need to be the case at all

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It would make for an interesting game. You, on a space ship by yourself, exploring the cosmos while enduring loneliness and the building paranoia of something being out there in space or in your ship.

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believe me, I've seen saturn up close and if it came that close to earth then there would be some real problems

Here's a few things I've done that really unnerved me
>traveled to the surface of a gas giant
>observed a black hole near the sun (it was completely random and took me completely by surprise)
>saw an earth like planet with life, except it was completely red, with red water and red skies and the surface looked like hell with volcanos everywhere
>neutron stars in general
But the worst part is when you start to pay attention at the scale of it all, for example when you see the black hole at the center of our galaxy and it's diameter is at the size of our entire solar system, you know something's really fucked up

Does it have any easter egg? A spooky easter egg?

>black holes

>mfw two black holes collide

literally anime, it amazes me everytime just thinking about it.

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There's that black hole that rotated hundreds of times per second
Does that count?

user. There's an easter egg in the center of every galaxy.

>open google maps
>create goal to reach
>create rules to reach goal by
Now its a game.

>I've seen saturn up close

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I guess

>i do not understand gravity
It isn't a fucking on/off switch, the closer you approach a black hole the stronger the gravity becomes until it becomes too great for light to escape, and that's a lot closer to the event horizon than most people realize. A fucking inch further from that and light can still move away.

Its an astrophysical jet and that's how we see quasars
Hawking radiation would give off no light (visible or otherwise) and wouldn't be confined to the polar regions.

Scarier than any horror movie. Gas giants are seriously spooky when you learn what's in that dark abyss of an atmosphere.

Yep, but Google Maps in itself isn't a game, the same way that the chessboard isn't a game.

What's in?

It transitions into an ocean as the pressure increases, an ocean that's pitch black and could swallow the Earth several times over.

We still don't know what's in that abyss only that the pressure, temperature and atmosphere is so dense and hostile, that nothing can survive it
There's theories that it's literally just metallic liquids cooked up to 10'000 C and just floating around. We don't even know if they have a surface behind it all. It all as well could just be a giant fucking gas ball for all we know.

>it's literally just metallic liquids
It can't be anything else actually considering the phase diagram of hydrogen. The main questions are about the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere and whether the center is rock or not.

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Bumping because of space

>Realize I still have some Space Engine album full of fitting music somebody put together called SPAAAACEE2
Tempted to download Space Engine again and play that shit in the background.

>we still don't know much about what's in the water which make up most of our planet
>implying we can know shit about Mars