Find a better mech than this.
You can't.
Find a better mech than this
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*kills you from behind cover*
Easy.'s Mech has the worst mech design i've seen to date.
But it comes with a D.Va inside.
That's even worse
This is bretty cool
This however is absolute fucking trash that only braindead waifushitters will like
loki is better.
It really is pretty fucking dumb.
White Glint nigga
You gotta go with the classic Timber Wolf
>mfw Clams have a 100 ton Urbanmech called "Imp"
them silly clams m8
Always loved the Shadow Cat
Shadow Cat is pretty goat
probably not the best mech game but one of the best mech jRPG
cause it is only one which has literally perfect on foot -> mech transition
SRW is greatest
in a sense
>not your boi & mine
>tfw you sort of liked Hawken
I even understand why it failed.
I don't know much about mechs. What makes it objectively bad?
I recently bought titanfall 2 it's really good and I'm not even into mechs just what went wrong for it to be relatively dead.
>Skates around your corpse
Post good mech games.
>Lost Planet
>Lost Planet 2
3 couldn't have been THAT bad could it lads?
Does SupCom and TA count?
why is there no dedicated game for pic related?
>Loadout of an assault mech on a heavy chassis
>Iconic and aesthetic look
There's a mobile game.
There is on mobile and it's not the worst thing in the world
>inb4 thread covered in disgusting weebshit mechs
Outta the way bitches, Black Knight rolling through
My nigga, I absolutely loved the SCat back when I used to play MWO, fuck that game it was my main
No thanks
which is a railshooter with touch controls.
phones were a mistake.
I can.
Butthurt TriggerSphere
>t. a test tube babby
My superior genetics means i'm not a manlet like inner sphere dogs.
Blocks your path
>Steiner """"Scout""""
Using contractions like a filthy freeborn. And you call yourself a Mechwarrior?
S-Sorry Star Colonel
Oh, you mean
>Hey, if we pretend Battlemech wasn't ripping off Macross's ground troops for years, we're manlier than those weebs.
>destroys you're universe
people say poor marketing, and because EA released it between CoD and BF1 I think.
Akshully being a manlet would probably be beneficial for a Mechwarrior. Can cram in a couple of additional rounds of ammo in place of that meat.
Battletech, haven't played since the 2000s.
>not picking a warrior that serves even in death
Never tried, do i have to emulate it?
Damn the Vanu look like THAT?
I wish they actually did, I don't know why T-Ray went with that design, I wish he made them more bulky like in the original
Isn't stompy enough
Any good/fun mecha vidya?
There is a PC version but its unstable on modern windows, while in the epsxe you can encounter sound issues sometimes maybe its perfect in other emulators. if you dont multitask and not alt-tab frequently go for the PC version but either way, use a controller, makes things more fluid.
why are there no mech games on steam
You mean Mad Cat?
multiplayer gets boring quickly, there are far more interesting games out there
It's called a Timber Wolf dummy.
>Mad Cat MkII
>Mad Cat MkIII
It's Mad Cat user.
Yeah EA had it out for tf2, they planned a battlefield weekend during titanfall's free weekend as well as the launch timing fiasco. Basically gutted Respawn so they could buy them out & have full control of TF3
Those are technically different mechs, It's original name is Timber Wolf
>Technically different mechs
That's why they're MKII and III.
If it was Timber Wolf they would've been called Timber Wolves MKII and III.
Is there a release date for Battletech yet? And no, "April" isn't a release date.
>all this Mechwarrior stuff
>nobody posting mah boi Uziel
Look at this goofy motherfucker. How can you not love him?
I dont know, it depends on how invested you get on the movement system.
Maybe everyone here's a MWO fan.
They're called "Mad Cat" because those names were recognizable and were used as marketing for the Mk II & III. However Timber Wolf is the original name assigned to the "Mad Cat" before it ever saw light in the Inner Sphere. Hell "Mad Cat" was the name given due to Inner Sphere Targeting systems not recognizing the timber wolf because the clans had just invaded. So "Mad Cat" is nothing more than a nickname.
>They're called "Mad Cat" because those names were recognizable and were used as marketing
based Diamond Sharks
greatest ally
Welcome to Papa's Grillhouse
Clans are never right.
The first time an inner sphere pilot targeted a Timber Wolf, they're targeting recognition kept switching between Marauder and Catapult, hence where Mad Cat came from. It then stuck and that Clan Diamond Shark made assault variants of the Timber Wolf and gave them their inner sphere nickname because they openly sold and traded those variants to Inner Sphere forces, if I'm not mistaken.
It's not even goofy. Uziel is the pinnacle of aesthetics.
>bigass hunchback with spindly arms
>not goofy
Clans are never right.
I disagree, but I can't really explain why. The most I can say with regards to it being goofy, is spindly legs and arms attached to a barrel.
My earliest memories is playing one of the mechwarriors(4 I think), but the majority of my time spent with the series is MechAssault.
Doesn't matter. It's called a Timber Wolf
>It's a "You activate smart lock in a hallway with every enemy titan in front of you" episode
It's perfectly proportioned.