Why does no one like fighting games? They're funner to watch than team FPS and especially ASSFAGGOTS.
Why does no one like fighting games? They're funner to watch than team FPS and especially ASSFAGGOTS
No they're not, they're overly formulaic. I've been watching pro Tekken and SF since 1999. They have their moments, but the reason why they don't attract casual viewers is because they don't bother. It's as simple as that.
>Why does no one like fighting games
I like fighting games.
Shit thread OP, try again.
I love fighting games.
the same can be said about literally every other competitive genre that actually pull viewers, the difference between them is that everything else is dragged out over exponentially more time before win conditions for a match are met.
Fighting games have no sense of progression. You just play a character and master his moveset then move on. I cant imagine myself putting 50 hours into that. Give me an RPG instead.
>unga bunga chugg need big numbers turn bigger numbers to give chugg fun
Games like CS, Dota and Overwatch have way more money put into their marketing so they get more exposure. They also have major tournaments more frequently. Major fighting game tournaments where all of the big name players show up at once are much more sparse.
Also normalfags and casuals don't play fighting games as much as mobas so they aren't as invested in watching fighting games.
Guilrty geard XrD was a mistake
gotdamn dumb user you responded to the bait. I understand though I had to stop myself.
>Fighting games have no sense of progression
To difficult to play and outside of seeing flashy moves a few times viewers that don't have deep understanding of the game itself can't even actually comprehend whats happening so its boring.
Only fighting game fans consistently watch fighting games everyone else tunes out after watching 1 tournament.
Losing against players for 10 hours just isnt fun.
lmao fucking retard
It's more interesting if you know the mechanics and played the game you watched.
Casual viewer can't understand
They aren't anywhere near as deep and complex as the average moba. DotA 2 is the hardest game to play, and also the most amazing game to watch. The coordination and skill required is so advanced it makes even the hardest fighting games like Blazblue look like a Nintendo game.
Since it's 1v1, players have nobody to blame when they get their ass beat, and that gets under their skin.
Higher skill floor than something like an fps or moba.
I never thought I'd see the day where I'm reminiscent of Xrd Sign. I didn't think they could get worst with the balance in Sign 1.1 and yet here we are with Johnny, May and Sin.
I actually miss the fact that at one point in this game I didn't have to deal with Dizzy and Johnny.
The only reason the other games have a higher skill cap is due to it being a team based game though anons.
Oh people like fighting games. They just don't like losing.
I know it's bait but you're still retarded
I do but I have no one to play with, fuck playing online.
>shitters still conplaining about Sin
I swear everytime I here people talk about GG balancing it’s a different set of OP characters except for Johnny, all within the same patch. And try playing online every once in a while, I’ve never played a Johnny I felt was unbeatable, and I drop my air combos half the fucking time. Most Johnny players have shit tier defense so just pick something unga and go to town
It's really mentally exhausting to play fighting games compared to other games. That alone is a deterrent for me unfortunately.
I just played against an online friend for 3 hours straight, and his yomi is is so much better than mine. He always kicks my ass normally, but lately I've been keeping pretty even with him for longer and longer until he skyrockets ahead for 90% of the set after about 30 matches. Actually some of the most fun I have is working hard for the wins against him, even if I am losing, since every set with him I come out learning something new, an option I overlooked, or a glaring hole in my game plan.
They're also more fun to play.
>Fighting games have no sense of progression. You just play a character and master his moveset then move on. I cant imagine myself putting 50 hours into that. Give me an RPG instead.
ah the baseball dilemma, where a games fun to play but boring to watch
How good are you at Fighting Games
Good enough to hold my own in UNI[st]
Too hard for normies.
You can't blame your team for your defeat.
No big company tried to push its fighting game super hard with a lot of money like Blizzard did with SC2 for example. Closest we get is Capcom with SF but Capcom not really that rich to throw money around and mostly uses brand recognition.
Because they used to be AAA, now're they're AA. And now there're a billion other things to dedicate your time to.
>I’ve never played a Johnny I felt was unbeatable
This only means you played with shit players. Johnny is absolutely OP there's no doubt about it.
give me the name of 1 good johnny player you've fought recently
>want to learn and become decent at fighting games
>but shit at learning and have awful defeatist mentality
>can't even tell if i ever like playing fighting games in the first place
Just do it.
I don't think any other genre was hurt as hard when it came to the move to Online like Fighting Games were.
No online game has captured the feeling of being in the arcade with others. To give credit where credit is due I had a chill time with Mortal Kombat X's party room mode where you have 8 people sitting around waiting their turn to play someone. Got into some pretty funny talks with some black guys in that mode.
But beyond that you just sit there quietly until the server finds you a player, then you play quietly, then you either win or lose and then go back waiting for a new opponent. It's solitary. Communication is key to the fun of online games, that's why people love trash games like League of Legends and DOTA because you get to hang around with other people. I mean hell that's the reason we're all Sup Forums for crying out loud.
Fighting games are trash if they are "funner" to watch you wouldn't be asking this dumb question
I love fighting games
>single mom
>five brothers
>one console
>mom could only afford a few games throughout the year
>so games had to have multiplayer
>this meant mostly fighting games since the 90's were a great time for them
>mom worked two jobs and late shifts on weekend
>that meant right after homework, it was fight night every night
>used to play on weekends until 8 or 9 in the morning
>all five of us eventually became very good at almost every fighting games and were known in our local community
Looking back, I don't know how my mom was able to do all that shit for us as a single mom when I'm barely trying to survive by myself. The best part is we grew up in a shitty neighborhood and she recognized that gaming was keeping us from going outside and doing bad shit, so she encouraged us to play games and do our best at them. Even now, she's fifty something and she'll still call me once in a while to ask what games I'm playing. Sh bought me SFV Season Pass 2 because I was broke then but I was really excited for it. Sorry for it to turn into a blog, but the point is, I love fighting games. They were such an integral part of my life. The other day my brother realized his son couldn't do a hadouken motion and he was visibly ashamed. He made him sit down and practice for half an hour until he got it.
I hit silver the last time i played SFV but now I'm in an awful loop. I lose to the people better than me and get sent back to bronze, but I can smarter than most people in bronze so I get back up to silver.
Heh, it looked like the big dog was holding the tail of the smaller dog.
I like fighting games because they're 1v1 just you and your opponent. Also TFH should be allowed on Sup Forums.
A monkey could play SF5. It's the Hearthstone of fighting games.
I like fighting games, I can just never get to a competitive level so watching them play is always enjoyable.
Pls go brony. Velvet and Oleander mains always want to fuck their character.
Quit talking like an edgy teen. I have no clue what genre you're talking about.
this is some nice bait
I'm no degenerate. I just like fireballs and big normals.
I feel bad whenever I zone people out with Oleander. I have no clue how they're supposed to get over her fireballs. She's like a more annoying Sagat.
Every character has options to deal with it. I have fought a lot of bad players that will die to nothing but fireball though.
Like with anything technical (that includes real life sports like boxing), normies can't into learning the basic rules of the genre.
That goes doubly so for not having the patience to learn each games subset of rules.
Because the culture surrounding them has become unbelievably obnoxious to the point where I don't even want to bother.
>in college a bajillion years ago
>have a pretty cool neighbor that has a GameCube, was always a pc guy but we chilled
>played melee, I liked it
>he invited me to an event involving said system and game
Never again. Wasn't even his fault, he was normie as far as I'm concerned but goddamn I really liked that game but still distanced myself as fast as I could. It seems other fighters aren't as bad but I wouldn't know, that pretty much ruined it for me. This was before memes were even a thing and dudes were still drenched in at least 5 layers of irony.
I just wish it wasn't so niggerish as it is in the US. Really offputting how I have to listen to Yipes or TastySteve spout their dumb lines while in trying to watch a match.
>But beyond that you just sit there quietly until the server finds you a player, then you play quietly, then you either win or lose and then go back waiting for a new opponent. It's solitary.
See this is my big thing. Everyone says you have to go online and this is where the challenge is. And you know they're 100 percent right about that. The online players will always be better than the computer. However it's challenge to what end? To get good? There's certainly appeal in that I suppose, but no matter how a match for me goes online I never really feel anything from it. It's challenge to what end? To beat someone I can't see or hear? Without that face, with out that in touch, real human interaction the person Im fighting who lives a country away may as well be the computer just better. I can't feel any real satisfaction in beating someone whose user name I won't remember or any reason to struggle to get good enough to beat someone Ill probably never see again on top of forgetting their user name.
Now there are certainly ways around that, healthy online communities and party chat help, but to be blunt, exceptions not withstanding, I don't see internet friends are real friends. I have real friends. Im content just to play with them or by myself to kill time or practice a bit.
A game that thrives on social interaction can't exist without social interaction. Playing in the arcade was cool because you went out, you ended up really getting to know people. You could talk to them for real. You could see the look on their faces and if you somehow managed to beat one of the older kids you where a goddamn hero. Now it's just "I beat GokuVegetaRoth17xx on PSN" and..yaaaay?
What, you're telling me you've never been to the regular UNIEL Sup Forums lobbies before?
I think these games took a dive once they became a largely online phenomenon. It was cool being the best among your elementary school friends, but once you get online you start eating shit unless you spend a lot of time and effort on the game.
>master his moveset and move on
I can't say that I have, no. Though I don't imagine my stance changing and I really don't want to buy any more games right now.
>hating on Yipes
He's one of the few good cpmmentators that puts in the effort to learn new games so he can commentate well on them.
If you ever do, try scouting the threads out as they're one of the comfiest and most welcoming bunch I've met yet.
>However it's challenge to what end? To get good? There's certainly appeal in that I suppose, but no matter how a match for me goes online I never really feel anything from it. It's challenge to what end?
You are seeing the main flaw with video game competition: where it becomes something more than just a healthy, passionate thing and instead becomes a cyclical "wow, I need to get better, I need to stay competitive" burden that only a person with absolutely nothing to lose could bare.
We live in a hyper-competitive society to the point where we beat eachother in a virtual world for fun, and then get back to competing in the real world sometimes right after competing in the virtual one. This is just my opinion of course, I'm not here to preach but I have recently quit all online social media and online gaming because of this (subjective) realization I've made about my life.
He can be ok on NLBC but the bigger events he commentates he always busts out with these stupid lines like he's doing a caricature of himself and it competes with the game being played, a no no in broadcasting.
Because people wash out of playing them and mot people prefer to watch games they play. That's why games that manage to attract a casual playerbase are the most viewed (BR, League, etc) and games with high competitive depth that turn new players off don't (starcraft, most fighters)
*screams unintelligible thuggery into the microphone*
wow he sure did learn me some fightan games with his depth of knawledge
It also doesn't help that fighting games are the most latency intolerant genre out there. When you have 1-2 frame or millisecond windows to do stuff, any kind of jitter just makes it miserable to do. Even if you have a stable connection you have to get used to the latency, which then throws off your timing when you play offline because now you're buffering everything too early.
Fighting games have to be played offline or not at all.
I hate sounding like a casual but I just don't see the sense it getting all worked up over what was essentially something I do for leisure. I certainly understand the appeal of competition but I think at a certain point shit got completely out of hand. Especially now when the fans are fucking deep into the pockets of the publishers. Ive been to local tournaments and college throw downs but those where all games we chose to play and while they where (small) prizes occasionally it was mostly just us getting together to have fun. But you go online and it seems like everyone is trying to become the next big famous gamer pro and god have mercy on your soul if you don't share that drive.
Here's another thing to consider. Remember (If you're old enough) going to arcades? Well if you weren't any good you where gonna lose your quarter and you where going to lose it fast. Getting good meant you could play more. Now in online lobbies you get bumped down the list when you lost sure, but you're not losing much beyond time, which you clearly have plenty of anyways. Losing all your quarters? that meant going home or just watching till your dad picks you up or old Mr Johnson catches win that you're not spending and boots your loitering ass out.
I don't really understand what you're trying to say. Just because you play casually doesn't mean that's the way everyone should play. That sounds like it's what you're saying and I can't see any other point in your post.
You treat it as a leisure activity, and others treat it as a competitive passion. simple as that. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that. You don't see the sense in it because you don't have the same competitive spirit, at least when it comes to fighting games. In every hobby and activity in the world, there will be people who take it more seriously than others and elevate it beyond leisure status, sometimes into a life's work.
If you don't enjoy the hyper-competitive nature of fighting games then don't engage in it.
>I don't really understand what you're trying to say. Just because you play casually doesn't mean that's the way everyone should play
I didn't really mean to imply anything of the sort. You should be able to play as hardcore as you want just as much as I want to play leisurely. However the divide is become a lot more extreme and it seems like not only can the more casual players keep up but the hardcore don't even want them around or any aspect of the game to appeal to them. Look at what happened to SF5, it was launched bare bones as fuck and the big defense at the time was "Lol story mode in fighting games." Now Ill outright admit that this thread is very civil and even downright friendly but Ive been in recent threads of other games where people act like wanting these casual modes is like asking for a kidney. Even in SC6 threads people will give people shit for wanting single player content.
They're bullies
Though I agree and also think the user you replied to is saying nonsense about the part where he "puts effort" I'll play the devils advocate a bit here and say that him along with most others that have settled in the commentator position in FGs didn't really study or learn how to commentate at all and it shows.
They're clearly doing something that attacts people though. I don't know what that is since sometimes I find myself cringing at their overly hype shtick, it feels so fake when its not delivered on the right time and instead they keep doing it for the entirety of matches. I still like them a lot for the most part, maybe its a cultural thing I don't get since I'm EU but I've been watching since 08'. They have their ups and downs, its just their downs are very memorable and makes for a very bad impression.
Gathering together a bunch of morons to push one button isn't going to have a very high skill cap
Just off the top of my head:
1. Skill floor is much higher in fightan than in assfaggots or fps, so it's harder to jump in and start "having fun." For most people winning is fun and you'll win a lot less starting out in fighting games.
2. Solo game. You just have yourself which means you can't rely on your teammates (or blame them). A lot of people also play with their friends, and fps and assfaggots often allow you to do so. Fightan you can really only make lobbies and most people are already inept at doing that.
>the hardcore don't even want them around or any aspect of the game to appeal to them.
There are two issues here that you're confusing into one: there's the divide between casual and competitive players, and the divide between casual and competitive game design.
Nobody begrudges casual players or wants to exclude them from their hobby. In my experience with every fighting game I've played (and competitive non-fighting games), vets and competitive players have always welcomed new players and tried to encourage them to stick with the game and get good, or at the very least they enjoy having a larger casual audience to bash around for fun. I've never seen anybody who "didn't want casuals around" or anything of the sort.
The real issue is the game design, not the players. Competitive players are worried about the longevity of their hobby since recent trends in newer fighting games have tended towards simpler mechanics and a publisher focus on trying to market their games for a wide audience (which often means less competitive depth). When you see people arguing against single-player modes or other casual modes, that's what their real fear is.
It seems like you're saying that hyper-competition in gaming is the issue, but that's not true. That's always existed in video games, since the quake era if not earlier. The real issue is shifting publisher priorities now that video games now have mass market appeal and publishers want to capitalize on it.
>Fighting games have to be played offline or not at all.
Fucking this! why even bother?
No local scene is why.
This has actually "improved" somewhat due to consoles being shit. On PC you can get the same delays online as you do on consoles offline in some games as long as the connection is stable.
Still waiting for the day GGPO will be the standard.
>The real issue is shifting publisher priorities now
I suppose. A lot of publishers push their games as the new big e-sport thing to try and come off as ultra awesome hardcore because there's a lot of online noise surrounding it, because naturally the hardcore players are going to be more vocal. Problem arises though when you realize there's really not that many of them. Not for the the kind of sales numbers developers need. So you have the hardcore crowd's voice really being the only one heard when the games are sold to the masses.
Most of modern games can be played just fine with added delay.
Not being able to understand personal taste is a sign of autism.
They might be "funner to watch" for you, but that doesn't mean that other people agree with you.
I like Jack V and Ramlethal.
>funner to watch
Who the fuck cares how fun something is to watch?
>tfw forever an online warrior
living in the cold north Europe countryside is suffering
>tfw find a place that organizes video games tournaments
>it's FIFA only
Most fighting games are crap especially 2d ones.
Melty blood is pretty much the only good 2d fighting game and it's dead.
>Velvet and Oleander mains always want to fuck their character.
I main paprika but I would totally bang the smug deer
Too hard.
Cool blog post user. Nice to imagine a couple of genuine 90's kids huddled around their CRT playing some of the best fighting games ever made. Hope you and your bros still like 'em.
Thoughts on SFV now? What are you playing these days? Do you rock a stick?
Because people are not interested in games/genres they don't play. Simple as that.
Why they don't play it is another discussion entirely that we have every week.
Cause I'm absolute shit at them and can't figure out why. Dbfz of all fucking games. Why even bother with anything more complex!?
What about Oleander though?
>Losing in FPS
>"That one tryhard nolife faggot keeps obviously carrying, but at least I'm 2nd of my team and fucking X, Y and Z up"
>Losing in Assfaggots
>"Omfg why aren't you doing anything they're on my lane! Fucking slow-ass teammates with no strategic eye!"
>Losing in fighting game
>"Holy shit why can't I do anything while he keeps attacking, this game sucks!"
I would bang all of them except for the dragon, not a fan of her design.
I used to be a big fan of fighting games until I realized after years of trying to get good that it would never happen so I I just got frustrate and lost interest.
Street Fighter 5 was suppose to spike my interest again but I was foolish enough to buy at release and I dislike most if the changes in gameplay. I also tried gg Rev and rev2 for a good while but I was never able to out up a fight with people online after dedicating myself to learn and play.
Shit just feels like I've wasted my time. Why bother with it if I am never going to get good at it.
Because you can't have fun with fighting games unless you have fighter jet pilot tier reflexes
No one wants to lose everytime
I love UNI[st]
I hate Yuzu.
It's always hilarious to read the over exaggerated excuses for why people don't play fighting games. Just say you don't like them dude, you sound silly.
>Fighterz comes out
>real excited for it because I love Dragon Ball & dug P4A
>buy the game
>it actually feels more tame than P4A’s system and I can’t get into it at all
>feel sad I couldn’t like the game, but happy at least that Marvel came out & I can play that
>locals stop playing the game because not enough people show up
>at least I can still watch the pros play & learn from them
>all the pros quit to go play Dragon Ball
>at least EVO
>Wizard shitcans the game in favor of Capcom Fighting Evolution: ArcSys Edition
The impression I get from my locals now is “play Dragon Ball or don’t play anything at all”, and it depresses me to no end.
I’m not expecting a large crowd for SNK Heroines either, so I’m just hoping I can get one or two friends who actually want to play the game with me.