Pweeeaaasee port it to PEEECEEEEE

>pweeeaaasee port it to PEEECEEEEE

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>60 bucks for a shitty anime game


Who actually asked for a PC port? I didn't see anyone talk about it when the first game came out and I didn't see anyone hyped for this

The people who portbeg are literal poorfags. /vint/ showed that most of them are BRfags.

>paying more than 20 bucks for a video game

dont worry, plenty of people pirated it
remember that piracy helps sales

nobody wanted this game, the first one was dogshit

Thanks for the free game consolebro

remember piracy isn't a lost sale xD
It's not like people started buying the new assassins creed because they couldnt wait for the crack

I'll be buying it when it's closer to $30 or so.

just you wait. when it goes on sale for half it's price people will start buying it. than the mustards will brag about how much support the game got from pc gamers even though the dev made way less money from each copy sold. Same shit happened with Valkyria chronicles and nier automata.

>constant threads like this
>bawwww pc sales!
>ports keep coming

thanks for bankrolling us console cucks hahaha

>pay less
>get more
It's not fair bros.

>game nobody heard about cost 60didgeridood expected to sell
good job marketing team

but no one asked about this game tho
i bet it sold like shit on the ps4 too

Nobody fucking said that though? Nobody even gave a shit about this game until Bamco shills kept making threads about it.
I'm pretty sure the only game PC gamers want on PC right now is Bloodborne. Who the fuck gives a shit about some gay anime JRPG.

I'm not paying 60 for that shiznit

>Le steamspy face!
go go kys right now OP.

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There was no time to ask for a pc port as it was always going to come out for pc anyway

>implying steamspy is accurate within a day of release

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Revenant Kingdom? More like Irrelevant kingdom!

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it's 100% accurate with anime games because every homo who play them want to show their profile to everyone

>full priced mediocre anime weeb garbage with ghibli art
No thanks.

Reminds me of the shills who keep asking people to play Attack on Titan 2. Jesus fuck these posters need to be fucking range banned.

Valkyria Chronicles launched at a very low price point and sold very well at launch, so well, in fact, that Sega decided to keep porting console games.

Steamspy themselves say their records aren’t accurate for the first few days.

It's not unless you have actual evidence.

Except Valkyria Chronicles 4. Lmao

21000 people bought this at full price at what no doubt cost them several hundreds of dollars to port.

>piracy isn't a lost sale
well it isn't but to some extent it does decrease sales, I bought RoTB and Hitman cuz I wanted to play on launch

even after. It's a really flawed method (still way better than VGChartz, but that's really not saying much).

More like to Switch like VC4

>bought it for 40 bucks
>played it for 5 hours so far
It's fun, but nothing special. At least the combat feels way better than FFXV, but that isn't exactly hard to achieve.

>nier automata.
Well, for starters that shit game never got any proper support from Square Enix. Why the fuck would I pay full price for that?

why do you think they're charging full price? it's a niche game

This is true, but the numbers aren't really going to change. Steamspy is only inaccurate for the first day or two because it tracks game ownership at release, but only updates once every 24 hours. Really, Steamspy is accurate after about a day of a game release. The guy who runs the website is an idiot who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. He said Kingdom Come: Deliverance had a 4 day delay on sales, but it didn't and the website even showed that it wasn't four days behind. It's innacurate int he sense that it doesn't get a full days tracking on the first day because of when games are released, but the number of people who bought it is accurate.

I'm going to pirate it, I refuse to give money to Steam or any "service" like it.

Every single time
>japanese game release on PC
>if it's 60 bucks they claim it's expensive
>if it's 40 bucks it's shovelware tier
>if it's 30 bucks it's worse than early access
>if it's 60 bucks but good they say it's not selling well because online flavor of the month
the thing is ''masterrace'' wants ports because they want piratebay releases. They pretend they will buy from SE, Koei Tecmo or bandai namco but in the end the reason why they release dozens of updates (like even Accel World received 6 patches on PS4) on consoles is because they know 90% of people end up pirating

>40 bucks
where, even physical cost 60

Jap devs don't understand how pc works still. Give them time.

How is it flawed? It tracks ownership. The only time it's flawed is when a paid game had a free weekend.

Where do you even find these games?
I'm fucking serious, who plays this shit? Nobody talks about them outside Sup Forums.


>It tracks ownership.

how are the general sales, not only on pc? I'm actually curious

What? Are you fucking retarded?

>the guy who runs it and coded it doesn’t understand it

I would buy it instead of infringing on their copyright if they gave it a proper release instead of just putting it on Steam and seeing PC as nothing more than extra pay pigs that will pay more for less.

Ni No Kuni 1 was pretty popular among normalfags because of Ghibli.

It's funny because pc gamers never asked for any of those games.

>Nobody talks about them outside Sup Forums.
Maybe actually visit sites other than Sup Forums, you fucking moron?

might as well just pirate at that point

Valkyria Chronicles only sold on PS3 once its price was dropped to $20. Before that it had only 33k sales outside of Japan.


repeat after me:
>Steamspy isn't accurate.
you can do it.

But that's what he fucking said though? Nobody gives a fuck about this game outside of Sup Forums, where disgusting shills run rampant

>gave it a proper release
what do you want? cosmetics? free DLC? 70% of the game as a online only expansion?

>obscure weebshit
>no one buys it
Yeah, what's your point? Why are weebfags so delusional?

So you're telling me that Battleborn and Lawbreakers actually sold a million copies? Because Steamspy sure says those games fucking flopped.

Steamspy tracks ownership and is very accurate (though it's not perfect), you're just a butthurt idiot. Can you prove how is isn't accurate like VGchartz, then?

That's what I do with 95% of games, 100% of music and 100% of movies.

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I think he's talking about a physical release, with LEs and shit.

>So you're telling me that Battleborn and Lawbreakers actually sold a million copies?
Where did I say a such thing?
Who are you quoting?

Pretty sure it just has a bot checking all owned games for all accounts on steam. I think you can hide the games you own from the public if you want in which case the bot won't know you own a specific game

Because you're saying that steamspy isnt accurate

>Can you prove how is isn't accurate like VGchartz, then?
Ho because VGchartz is accurate now?
You are aware that vgchartz LITERALLY pull numbers out of their asses?

>watching the tele jew

Not him, but I only watch anime movies and I pirate those too

Steamspy doesn't take in consideration private account. It also doesn't take in consideration games that were never launched.

No you fucking idiot, you act like steamspyis inaccurate garbage like VGchartz, can you prove it?
>reading comprehension

>It also doesn't take in consideration games that were never launched.
Like what?

>I say that Steamspy isn't accurate
>therefore, I said that Lawbreakers is a million seller

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>Steamspy doesn't take in consideration private account. It also doesn't take in consideration games that were never launched.
Steamspy takes ownership into account, launching is irrelevant. If it's owned, it gets added to the tally. Why are you going out of your way to lie?

ok 90% of pc fags don't own ablu ray reader. They could release a physical manual/art/soundtrack + digital code
if they released on blu ray pc fags would complain it would take 15 min to install
but yet again why do masterrace care? they never buy weeb games. Never ever. Maybe FF XV reached 600k units by now but that's about it

sega europe, not japan

I never got to played the first one so why would I care about this one? Sometimes devs are fucking moronic.

20K sales is pretty damn good for a small niche Japanese game like that, especially full priced at $60.
They already made 1 million bux from PC alone.

>Steamspy doesn't take in consideration private account
It does, why do you think it has a margin of error after the ownership number?
>It also doesn't take in consideration games that were never launched
What does this have to do with Ni no Kuni 2 ownership numbers?

The steamspy website creator himself say it's inaccurate.
VGChartz themselves said they just say estimation.

>"steamspy isn't accurate it's vgchartz tier"
>"Okay, can you prove it?"
>"No, but it's not accurate fuck off retard"

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I pirate less than 1 movie per year because I'm a weeb and don't care about anything 3D.

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>small niche Japanese game like that
The first one sold well on 3ds and PS3. Easily one of the top 5 JRPG of the past 10 years

Well, I'm not that user, but I dont give a shit honestly. If it's on the internet, I just pirate shit. It's what Sup Forums taught me anyway.

The power of no denuvo

Nobody gives enough of a shit about this game to pirate it but keep trying.

Serious questions.
Is this any better than the first one (which was shit even though I platinum'd it because autism)?

If yes, is a crack already out and can I run it on a 560Ti?

>tfw the merged boards vastly improved the post quality in 100% of cases
I'll miss the short lived /fitlit/ memes

JRPGs must have a very low standards for what it considers Top 5 then because NNK 1 was just average.

>I said Lawbreakers are millions seller
playing on console really melted your brain. There is no doubt about it.

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You have to make it console exclusive, and once they start begging only then port it to PC

If you just give it to them day 1, they don't care

They want what other kids have

What's this from? I know the characters are from SnQ

And here come the delusional weebs who try to rationalize the game selling like shit.
>already #33 on amazons top 100 list and it just came out a couple days ago

>paying for a BAMCO game

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It hasn't even been a week, the creator of steamspy says its not reliable at all
I guess the console peasants really are impatient kids after all

Digital code is just as bad. The entire game should be on a disc or USB.
They could always release it on a USB or regular DVDs, that would also incentive them to actually compress their game.
Why would I buy any game when I'm seen as nothing more than a pay pig as demonstrated by them expecting me to give them money without getting anything in return.
Games are a good and should be sold as such.
I don't give a fuck either way, they just justify me playing their game for free while the mentally ill actually pay.

Or more like nobody fucking gives a shit about it.
MGSV and Dark Souls 2-3 all released along side consoles and those went to be multi million sellers.

I can't imagine this game selling well on any platform

>port the second game but not the first
>expecting people to play a sequel when they can't try the original
uh huh