Just bought it, what should I expect and what's your personal score/5 for it?
Gravity Rush 2
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Did you play the first game? It's more of the same, it looks cleaner, the music is great but the gameplay and story are mostly mediocre. Most side-missions are boring and don't add anything worthwhile. I enjoyed it but I would not recomend it, expected more of a sequel. Online interactivity is fun and it's gonna hurt the game once it's gone. 3/5
I did not play the first game! I'm going in blind, I don't even know what it's about.
3/5 sounds worth it for me honestly
>3/5 sounds worth it for me honestly
And it is. It's a fun game that could be even better with some tweaks. And hey! If you like cute girls, this is the game for you. Character and world design all look great, game looks beautiful and has a great score. Enjoy it, user.
>that spoiler text
Gameplay takes a while to get used to, but after it can be fun despite the flawed combat and some side mission
Art direction, characters, music are great, but the story is interesting but weird
My favorite PS4 exclusive. Game has issues but it's very unique and charming and actually afford something interesting and fresh unlike most of modern AAA games.
>I smell because I see it
Op here, no idea what the inside joke is, but I'll save this pic for when I'm done playing the game
Shit, OP* man I hate posting through my phone
I'd say it's a 7-8 out of ten.
The movement is wonderful, the combat is alright, the mission design is god awful, the story is pretty good.
If you just rush through the missions and leave it at that you probably won't like it too much. Go exploring instead.
The first game was better, I prefer the music and art style since it was a lot more focused.
what do they think of spikat
>I prefer the music and art style since it was a lot more focused.
but the 1st city returns and looks way better, plus vendecentre has actual content now
I don't really get it. Second game is literally first game plus more. You even get entire Hekseville back with new visuals.
Yeah I'm the kind of guy that explores games and their world building until I get tired of the world itself and then the time I keep playing it after that depends on how much I liked the moving system or skills to traverse the world and explore, for example I finished Second Son years ago and to this day I play it because I like the way you can move around or whatever. And the city is shit because the world design has nothing to offer, but GV2 seems like it's on a whole other level in terms of "world quality"
GR2 is pretty much a weeb infamous but you have gravity powers instead of electricity/whatever they did in the sequels.
If you don't mind some tedious missions and awkward combat (you get used to it) it's great fun. The world is great, especially after the halfway point of the game
Wasn't InFamous inspired by Prototype?
I personally would give it a 5/5. It's definitely not a perfect game but the things it does right matter to me more than the things it does wrong.
>Just bought it, what should I expect and what's your personal score/5 for it?
It does have some flaws. Many missions have some tedious parts to them and there are forced stealth sections that can get very frustrating. The story could have been better. It's told as three separate story arcs instead of a more singular story line like the first.
But the world design, art, music, and charm are all top notch. The new gravity styles improve combat and make flying even more fun. I had so much fun with just fucking around with my powers and flying everywhere, it's really great. There's a lot you can do with it. I think your enjoyment of the game will depend on how much you enjoy using the gravity shifting mechanic.
I'm not a fan of assigning scores to games. GR2 is probably like an objective 4 out of 5, but for me it's a 5 out of 5, just because I love the flying so much and there are no other games that play like it, plus the beautiful world pushes the game over the top for me.
inFamous came out before Prototype
I love the game so much it's the only game I bought their soundtrack and not pirating it
Got more webms?
>Wasn't InFamous inspired by Prototype?
They're both just Crackdown evolutions
Expect a very charming game with a great protagonist mixed with a mediocre story. I'd rate it a 4/5 If it had some tweaks to it and honestly just more things to do with the world I would enjoy it more.
Also whoever thought the amount of gems needed to level to max was a good amount needs to get necked, I 100%ed the game before I even got anywhere near max and had to grind.
I wish 3 would come out, this series was wonderful.
Any news on the manga?
>GR2 is probably like an objective 4 out of 5, but for me it's a 5 out of 5, just because I love the flying so much and there are no other games that play like it
Same, I recognize it's got flaws but I love the world and flying around it.
This is a fair review.
I adore everything but the mediocre gameplay. I don't know how they can consistently make a game about flying anywhere you want so boring, but they do.
Loved it. Sad there won't be a 3rd game though. Or Ape Escape 4
>got all the dusty coin stuff
>still feel empty inside since i'll never get White Kat
Mix both games
Anyone else bummed out completely when you finished everything? This was one of the few games I was really happy playing through and really didn't have much to get really mad about outside of maybe the deeper delvool missions.
It doesn't help that not many games have such good music.
They are all bastardized versions of the true city wrecker
If you really want you can use a save editor to get white Kat along with the green/red Kat that showed up in that one level
Dev said maybe there will. But only on ps5
Please don't remind me. I'm still upset not having the digital pre-order theme
It was really hard for me to stop playing it. Even more knowing that I wouldn't be able to replay it later because no treasure hunts and challenges will remind me of unfortunate fate of the game. I wish more games were like that - imperfect yet charming, personal and unique. It's so much different from current trend of safe samey big budget games where everything is literally the same.
Didn't know that one
>white Kat
I liked the first one more for some reason even though the second one seems more fleshed out.
I'm still mad that gravity rush started on vita and never got the sequel
1st game barely ran on vita, no way 2 would be possible at a similar scale
Expect a charming game with one of the worst cameras ever, tons of tedious stealth missions that take away the most fun part of the game which is your gravity shifting, and an incredibly stupid and rushed final half. I'd give it a generous 3/5. Also, Kat is CUTE.
D-Dusty saved them, r-right?
>one of the worst cameras ever
nice meme
>an incredibly stupid and rushed final half
t. didnt play chapter 4
>tons of tedious stealth missions
I'm so tired of this bullshit. There's only couple of these missions and there's nothing awful about them, just your usual casual stealth. Sometimes you can even get rather creative and walk under the city to avoid detection for example, it's not that bad.
GR2 was my personal GotY last year. The best thing about it is the movement which made even the standard "find x amount of things in the world" trophy that most open world games have genuinely fun to do.
Movement feels great and art style is wonderful. Gameplay is extremely repetitive. Combat feels off for some reason.
Not the same user most most missions are kinda shit. Im still playing, just got done with chapter 10 but all the side missions feels very mediocre. Just did the one where you have to find the toy for the dog and that mission went on forever.
I think that's the problem with most missions, they drag on and most of them don't make creative use of your powers. I hope I get proven wrong on the second half of the game.
i really hope they make a 3rd game, which they probably wont. I JUST WANNA FLY AROUND AS MY FAVORITE GYARU ONE MORE TIME!!
I can agree on them don't fully using the potential of your gravity powers and going very creative, yeah. Side quests are mostly some slice of a life things where you help usual citizens with your powers. I liked them, never really felt bored because the was just a simple joy to play for me. But I can totally see these things being improved.
See, I also like the slice of life format for the side missions, it makes the world feel alive in a way. I just wish the gameplay in those missions was better.