Should I just fucking buy it or what

Should I just fucking buy it or what

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>asking if it is ok to buy on Sup Forums

yeah it's their best console since the n64

Not like you can pirate it

Yes. Do it.

You wouldn't download a switch,,, would you user?


The only good game is zelda and its shit

Dude just pay like 4 times more and build your very own pc bro. It's exactly like Legos, not even your little brother knows the difference. You're not a poorfag are you?

Yeah, you should. I think its pretty clear anyone who doesn't like it doesn't really love video games.

I already have a PC I built desu

>Good but it's shit

Splatoon 2
Mario + Rabbids
Fire Emblem Warriors
Xenoblde 2
And thats not the good ports

>letting Sup Forums decide shit for you

Buy it if you want it, don't buy it if you don't, it's not fucking hard

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Those games are great if you have high levels of autism.

This place likes to crap on the Switch with soyboy memes, so it's probably not a good place to get a reasonable opinion on this.

What games do you play?

This was good advice before crypto miners made it so any graphics card is now being sold for 3-4x what it's actually worth. Standalone consoles are now a better value because you can't pull out their graphics chips and use them to solve math problems that get idiot venture capitalists to give you millions of dollars.

and play what?

Genuinely feel bad you'll never enjoy Splatoon, user.

He's obviously being sarcastic moron.

What video games do you play user? I'd like to hear.

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>Sup Forums
>reasonable opinion on anything


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It will be emulatable in the future though.

Im not going to buy one until the end of its life cycle. You know what games are worth playing. Get your choice of the best model. And everything for the best prices.


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Honestly depends on what you want from it. If you want a modern console with some power under the hood with great 3rd party support, no. If you have a Wii U and all is games, probably not. If you want Zelda BotW and Mario Odyssey, yes.

If you want it, go for it. If you don't, don't. Fuck, it's not that hard.

You've already decided on whether you should buy it, you just wanted one of these threads up.

What are some good gamers if you're older than 11?

>that bait

What games do you play for people older than 11?
I'll wait.

>inb4 GTA
>Call of Duty

Should I stop worrying and just update to 5.0? What's in the Kirby day 1 patch? All I ever used 3ds hacking for was my animal crossing layout

Name 7 games you want for it that are either better on the Switch or exclusive. Can you do that? Then its probably worth it.

obviously fortnite


Why wouldn't you update your system? They aren't going to continue to develop hacks for a small number of systems that didn't get the 5.0 update.

we're waiting user

Sup Forums irritates me the most when I see people posting negative bullshit that amounts to just
>Don't play video games

Dark Souls, NiER, Bloodborne, other games that aren't made for 3 year olds.

Of course they would, everything below 5.0.0 is already on schedule and most hacks for newer updates only come through if they find a way to downgrade. 5.0 also ads a few memory randomization features that make piracy significantly harder all over again, and pretty soon a revised version of the hardware is coming out as well.

Nah, they aren't gonna.

Nvidia had graphics cards in stock on their website last week. For a whole two minutes.

Wait another year.

You'll only play it for a month or so and shelf it indefinitely unless your buying lesser ports for full price.

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What a shit list.
Some of those games are just offensively bad like ARMs and FE Warriors.

I honestly think the issue is most people with common sense just think "don't play games on the Switch" because it makes the least rational sense when it has next to nothing on it worth playing.

Whoa man you are a rad dude


Yeah, probably. Shit, the 3DS has been hacked for four or five years and we're only now getting decent emulation on a few titles. If you want to play Nintendo shit (and especially if you didn't have a Wii U, since it means all the ports Sup Forums complains about will be new to you) then it's worth it. Get a Pro Controller if you want to play in console mode and don't have Trump-tier hands, and don't update to 5.0 if you intend to hack it.

>(and especially if you didn't have a Wii U, since it means all the ports Sup Forums complains about will be new to you) then it's worth it
Not even close, CEMU works better than a Wii U now.

Yeah, probably, but there are people that would rather just play a port of the game than set up an emulator - it's weird to us, but for some people that's just too much hassle. Also for games like Splatoon or Mario Kart with dead online play, emulation isn't viable.
If OP wants a Switch and didn't have a Wii U, LOL PORTS isn't going to be a problem for him.

>I play mature games for mature gamers such as myself

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The only game for the Switch that I'm more or less interested on is Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, which is not a true sequel to NMH2, but rather a spin-off. Not that is a bad thing, but.

>Too much hassle to download two things

More than spending $300 + $60 for a game? Sounds unreasonable.

Also, CEMU can play on Nintendo servers.

>Super Mario Odyssey
>Breath of the Wild
>Mario + Rabbids
>Crash Bandicoot
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Of course.

I got one. Playing Mario kart with the kids is great. Since it's pretty much a child's toy it's hard finding games for adults but my kids love it which is cool.

>All the games I don't like are made for three year olds
>All Nintendo games are made for three year olds
Congratulations. You're a retard.

>lesser ports
>same game, but portable

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If the guy wants to play Mario Odyssey he doesn't have much of a choice even if I personally like 3D World better, when are they gonna port that.

>Same game
>Looks like shit visually
>Framerate is complete shit


Some people don't have really great PCs. I have a shitty laptop that can't emulate for shit, but I have a Switch and I really like it.
Plus I have a hacked Wii U and I like that too.


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I so badly want to, but buying a console (and it is priced at console levels) for one Zelda game and one Mario game seems dumb.

3D World is better.

So why buy a Switch? If he avoids it he can upgrade his PC and play more games.


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If you're enamored by the prospect of versatility and portability at the cost of raw power, sure. If you just want another console and nothing else, that depends on how bad you want those first party exclusives.

>Same game
>Looks just fine, acceptable framerate
>Playable anywhere you want

Yes I think I will.

Some people don't give a shit about the framerate and like the convenience of playing videogames portably. Some people prefer solid gameplay over visuals and are fine with slightly blurrier textures that you only notice if you zoom in right on them if it means they have more options with a Switch.

>excuses for shit performance
Most adults don't give a shit about portables, and playing the worst version of games is hardly ideal.

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Nigger, yes. As someone who bought a fucking GBA because it was a portable SNES, and a PSP because it was a portable PS2, fuck yes it matters.

Because maybe he fucking wants to play games on a console rather than emulate them, I don't know. There are viewpoints besides your own.

Nice cherrypicking. Meanwhile Skyrim Switch has good FPS and higher graphics than PS3/Xbox360 version, plus added waggle controls which are surprisingly fun.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't upgrading your PC like hells of expensive? Again I do not have a PC, I'm a console guy so I'm not really educated on it.

The entire ps4 collection huh? Not bad.

The what

>making shit up
>having low standards
Okay fag.

Depends. A PC can run most games at a low price, but if you want to run them well? You're looking at $2000 or so minimum for a good GPU, CPU, motherboard, RAM, etc.

When people say it's "cheaper than a console" they're blowing smoke out their ass. But for some of us it's still worth the price tag for amazing graphics and FPS.

>can't make an argument so calls names

Are you a liberal by chance?

Wow, I bet you are a fully functioning adult!

This. Surprised this thread hasn't been completely flooded with soyposting yet.

Are you fucking serious? Most games run and look like shit. I have the console faggot, even Nintendo stuff runs poorly overall.

You clearly are someone who is able to look at things from a perspective other than your own!

You've waited this long, may as well wait for whatever game you're holding out for. Personally 2018 looks bleak to me, since I've never given a shit about fighters, least of all Smash. I don't think Switch will really start to get games until 2019

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>not reverse engineering consoles on release day

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none because it has no games.

No wait for emulation
Sup Forums creamed their pants about the Wii-U and look how that useless piece of shit turned out

I can give you a pic later faggot.

How about you give me videos instead?

>The Switch is good and powerful

Can't wait till we see blighttown

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Odyssey is better than all of those. Combined.

>I'm a lying cunt

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As long as you don't mind an underpowered piece of shit for children sure wtfn

>thinking this is a problem when it's in motion

God you fags are insufferable.

I would honestly just wait until more games come out. I bought it last year for 12 hour flight and it served me well with Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 and Zelda

Don't even start

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Do you like Splatoon? If yes, buy now. If not, wait.

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Not if you're an adult. Get a PC or Xbox One X.

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Hey man, if you don't want your switch can I have it?