what are some video games where the 17th jinzo ningen dies but the comes back to life and wins the tournament of power?
What are some video games where the 17th jinzo ningen dies but the comes back to life and wins the tournament of power?
Cory In The House.
>Fooled el Grande Padre
>Kicked Jiren's ass
>Most eliminations
>Tournament last man standing
Is there anything this man can't do?
my dick, when he saw ur ugly mom my dick died but came back to life just to turn the table and fuck her.
DBZ > Super > DB > DBGT
Let's be real here. DB was boring for the most part. It only picked up during the Demon King Piccolo saga. DBGT was utter trash and the only good thing about it was SS4 and the final episode. DBZ is and will always be godly. And Super, while being retarded at times, was still very enjoyable and had a lot of callbacks to all the die hard fans
You are fucking crazy DB is miles better than Super
I liked Super's finale. Fight me
and since goku lost ultra instinct, that means vegeta is currently the strongest one
no reason he shouldn't have royal blue anymore and that was as powerful as imperfect ultra instinct
What are some games where the universe is saved by an unlikely team?
Android 17 getting his boat is the best ending
Not getting to see his family is the worst ending
>never finding out what jirens wish would be
>Zamasu and Vegetto are next instead of 17 and Cooler
The timing was perfect Arcsys and you messed it up
>Goku doesn't meet Uub
It was good enough I think to shut up GT fans insisting that their series is better.
>17 got the boat
>Jiren discovered friendship
>Freeza is alive and doing mass murder again
It was perfect.
Nah, Vegeta's Super Saiyan Kawaii Blue form was on par with Goku's Kaioken Blue.
We never saw 17 family or got to know Jiren wish
It was a little bit above that, kawaii form pushed the shit of toppo's god of destruction form
>Goku and Vegeta ditch Chichi and Bulma to have their usual sparring
I dunno, when DB got good, it got REALLY GOOD. I'd honestly say DB = Super.
Why are you fucking spic so obsessed with this garbage series that you have to make thread upon thread about it?