We all agree 3>1>2>>>>shit>>>>>everything else, right?
i have never liked any of the single player campaigns, they are so fucking slow and boring. the mp in every halo game are good thats including 5.
literal shit taste
3 > CE > 2
All I want is halo 3 on pc with steam workshop
I have no experience with 3 only 1 and 2
the stories are also fucking stupid. the first one is decent though
Anyone to disagree made the mistake of falling for the ps3 meme.
ODST was fun
3 > CE >= 2 > Reach > ODST > 4 > dogshit > 5
halo online (unofficial) and custom edition were also pretty fun
this but remove 3
1=2=3, actually,
While I enjoy all the numbered games I do agree with you.
Watch out guys, it's the Euromutt that hates Halo campaigns trying to shit up another thread again.
Do you ever wonder why we're here?
i agree with this, except i haven't played 5, but it looks shit so guess halo is dead
1&2 the best, the rest shit including that casual trash reach
for me
probably shit taste, but I didn't get to play halo 2 online at its peak and thats the main point. I fucked loved reach online,co-op and everything god damn.
ODST campaign is ok.
1 > 2 > 3
Whatever order you put 1 2 and 3, I will always respect your opinion as long as those three are above the rest.
It's CE > Reach > 3 > 2
Honestly, the problem stems from the game design of 2 and 3. The gameplay is so fucking slow and gunplay is fucking garbage, it's just niggers bxring each other or desperately watching weapon spawns with paranoia.
Ranking 3 above the others is an immediate tell that you either didn't play or didn't enjoy the Legendary campaigns, which hold basically the entire worth of the games as single player games. Multiplayer is a harder call to make; I thought 3 made some good changes but also introduced the horrible mistake that was the Spartan Laser and items were stupid
I thought Halo Reach's multiplayer was fantastic. Why do people seem to find it mediocre?
The gameplay of 2 was still better than 3, armor lock and other shit made it dumb, should've kept building off the CE/2 pacing and just scaled the gameplay up.
It was made bland by adopting a poor balance system for abilities like 3. Still fun for customs though.
I remember wanting more maps of higher quality; other than that, I enjoyed the multiplayer. Also it was a bummer when they just got lazy and began designing Forge maps instead of putting out new ones, although 343 was in charge by then so maybe it was no huge loss
There were other game types and if you couldn't figure out how to deal with armor lock you were the problem with 2 and 3. Also the pacing of 2 was fucking shit,
Halo CE
1/4th mag pistol kill
1/4th mag AR kill
1/4th mag sniper rifle kill
Halo 2,
2/3rds a mag BR kill
2/3rds a mag smg kill
Muh lunge.
That said, the funniest fucking thing about Reach is how much it made the niggers cry. For years 2 and 3 fags had called the CE fans, the ones who built this fucking temple, weak. Then when recoil gets implemented again, they cry a fucking bitch fit.
Fuck'em, 343 is what you deserve.