Starting this game up for the first time. Does anyone have that image guide handy that makes the rounds on EYE threads?
Also talk about the game if you want I guess.
Starting this game up for the first time. Does anyone have that image guide handy that makes the rounds on EYE threads?
Also talk about the game if you want I guess.
I remember Sup Forums recommended me this game
What a fucking shitty game. Shouldn't be used as a teaching resource on how NOT to design levels
get fucked nigger, this game is perfect
what an unmitigated clusterfuck of a game
t. broken legs
Just look up the guides on Steam. It's all there.
t. broken leg Jian
>hahaha i did it guys, i memed buzzwords
Don't have the pic but love the game; I can give you a few tips
There are two cheap starter Assault Rifles; the one that does NOT look like an AK is a good weapon. The BOSCO sniper rifle is very powerful and works the whole game; so does the starter shotgun.
Sometimes silver briefcases will drop; these unlock items in the Research menu. Decrease scientests to zero and run research cheaply; it happens fast.
Research the medkit first and always carry one.
To carry more ammo, you have to put actual magazines into your inventory. Bring enough. Pistols aren't important, consider more ammo for a primary instead.
The Damocles is very powerful.
Higher skill levels make the game more fun, but they also make you extremely vulnerable. At the highest difficulty a headshot from anything will kill you so it's important to eliminate or avoid enemies before being hit.
Get the cloak augment. Turrets are very useful, especially for the occasional defense-- consider grabbing turrets when you encounter someone named Gunther(?)
stay mad t b h
also you're a faggot
Not only the game is good, it has an insane amount of good memes, even the low effort ones are funny
Thanks, friends.
>The g-games good!
>Yet nobody says why
t. man whose legs are broken
In summary, this is a very surreal game that was clearly done by inexperienced devs; that said, it tries to do a lot of interesting things and while they don't all work, enough do that the game stays fun. The strange level design is part of the charm, and does a lot to establish the game's bizarre, unique mood. The amateurish design of everything actually creates an appealing overall strangeness.
It's not going to appeal to everybody, as a lot of replies here demonstrate, but there's more to enjoy about the game than not to enjoy, especially if you're open minded.
>people like game
>shit on game without saying why
>surprised when people don't give a fuck