Why aren't you playing Elder Scrolls Online?

Why aren't you playing the best Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall/Morrowind? Made this thread at 4AM but I couldn't answer people's questions.

>fuckhuge map covers almost all of Tamriel and we're going to Summerset Isles in May
>horizontal progression system that diversifies playstyle without "numbers going up" meaning all content is relevant at "end game" like Guild Wars
>horizontal progression means you can stop and start whenever you want and still be 100% viable
>ala carte business model, buy what you think is worth paying for (all the content is significantly less than a year of World of Warcraft/FFXIV)
>steady stream of content
>1 boxed expansion a year, 2 PVE DLCs and 2 dungeon packs a year
>Dark Age of Camelot-inspired three faction PVP w thousands of players on a single map
>moves away from the class system (somewhat)
>best combat of any elder scrolls game
>spellcrafting coming this fall
>feels like you're playing a huge TES game

Summerset Isles (newest boxed expansion) youtube.com/watch?v=sCdHwOC0lLE

Clockwork City (2017 PVE DLC)

Morrowind (2017 boxed expansion)

One Tamriel (2017 progression rework)

Dark Brotherhood (2016 DLC)

Thieves Guild (2016 DLC)

Orsinium (2015 DLC)

Imperial City (2014 DLC)

Gold Edition is $20 (base game+dark brotherhood/thieves guild/orsinium/imperial city)

Morrowind expansion can be had for $10-15

Clockwork City is $20

Summerset will be $30
Total: $85 for everything, nearly half of a yearly FFXIV/WoW subscription

Game was terrible at launch but I tried it a year later and now it's my most played game by far.
/vg/ has nice ESO threads come play with us

Free trial until Monday on Steam btw
not a shill i swear on me mum

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Other urls found in this thread:


Never gotten into mmo's (played WoW until lvl 20 and quit) do you think this will hook me? Also is now the best time to play?

There's never a best time to play, the game keeps getting better but it's kinda neat seeing the game change and get bigger over time so I'd recommend it. If you only care about Summerset, wait for Summerset. If you only care about spellcrafting, wait for spellcrafting.

I'm a sandbox fag meaning I played Ultima Online/RuneScape/EVE and it ruined all other MMOs for me. This is the only themepark MMO I've ever enjoyed because it has just the right amount of themepark elements and the right amount of sandbox elements. It's surprisingly quite a sandbox actually.

I'd definitely recommend it if you like Elder Scrolls games. There's thousands of hours of content and it's all pretty good content desu

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don't like the gameplay and the animations are kind of trash tier.

it was the last game I pre-ordered. Got the fucking imperial version for $100. Played it for 2 weeks. It was as fun as wet garbage, and a bug-riddled mess. Felt robbed, never picked it back up.

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The Gold Edition is 11€ on Amazon, should i get it even if none of my friends play it?

user I address people like you in the OP. Try it again. I loathed the game in closed beta and at release I laughed and said this would be dead within a year. Turnaround of the century.

Holy shit that's amazing. Do it. Make new friends in game. Is that the PC version? This game will outlive any of the consoles so make sure it's a PC copy. I honestly expect this to be the next Everquest where 20 years from now we have 30 expansions

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Yeah. Definitely worth it. That's like 1500 hours of content without accounting for getting into the hardcore PVP/raiding scene

OP what expansion packs should I get? I know only Morrowind is required for Warden but outside of that?

Big expansions - Summerset, Morrowind and Orsinium
Mid-tier expansions - Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild/Clockwork City/Imperial City
Dungeon Packs - Dragon Bones (two dungeons)

Shadows of the Hist (two dungeons)

The dungeon packs are only $10-$15 each. They're worth it but like I said in OP, it's ala carte so if you think it's worth it, buy it. You're not going to be "missing levels" or anything like that if you skip something that you deem not worth your money.

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Dungeon packs look pretty good but I'll be in no rush to get them. They look avoidable for at least a couple months after I start playing.

Because I've been boycotting Bethesda ever since they cancelled Prey 2.

>Clockwork City
wut. they made an expansion on some of those esoteric stuff in the series?
how is it?

If I boycotted every company that did hostile takeover/shady bullshit, I'd have no games to play. Even from the smaller indie publishers like Focus and Devolver.

One of the best expansions of the bunch and they're all great so that's saying something.

>Free trial until Monday on Steam btw
oh gee thanks for telling us now

It's on the front page of Steam. I posted a thread earlier. Not my fault senpai

Just buy the Gold Edition off a key site for $20 or pre-order Summerset and get the base game+Morrowind as a bonus upon purchase

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>have to buy the base game
>and the DLCs
>and the expansion packs
>oh and there is an optional subscription that adds a load of bag space that you are going to need
>oh and there is also a cash shop where you can buy boosts and cosmetics
No thanks. I'm not playing a game that is going to shekel and dime me every step of the way.

I have the base game on xbox. I got to like level 16 with the paladin-esque class before I got bored with it. I dunno, even though it’s an mmo I still view it as an actual Elder Scrolls game, and the klepto aspect is disappointing.

Don't forget that the best race for melee classes is the one that you can only get by paying like 20 bucks

Can you play the game 3rd person?

I hate first person

I didn't really like what I played during a beta before the game launched. Has it changed for the better?

Because I lived through the birth of MMO's and I'm sick and tired of them. MMO's are my generation, as I get older I will slowly fade out of the gaming scene due to my work and family, and the MMO genre will as well with my generation.

Its all about the first person shooters and arena shooters now.


Because the game does not let me play after I get past the character creation screen. I tried to play this game twice and the same bug still prevented me from doing so.

>bitching about thousands of hours of content
You're buying 4 years of content in an MMO. You don't have to. Go play the base game and get a thousand hours of content out of your 10bux

There's no rush to buy the expansions. Like I said, horizontal progression. People actually play the base game unlike World of Warcraft where no one plays anything except the latest expansion.

$10 for the base game and how much that gives you is super fucking cheap.

$20 for the base game + Imperial City + Thieves Guild + Dark Brotherhood + Orsinium expansions is super fucking cheap for what that gives you

$20 for base game + Morrowind is super fucking cheap for what that gives you

$30 for base game + Morrowind + Summerset Isles is super fucking cheap for what that gives you

$50 for base game + Morrowind + Summerset Isles + Imperial City/Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild/Orsinium is super fucking cheap for what that gives you

You get the idea

The lack of a global market kills it for me.
I know why they did it but not having one sucks balls and is a deal breaker.

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck are you talking about. warden is the worst dps in the game

This. The game is fucking stupid with its business model.


Literally every method there is of making money in a game, they are doing it.

Are accounts tied to plattforms?
If i start playing console, can I continue with said account on PC?

Yes, turnaround of the century. Hated it at launch/beta. Now it's my most played game by far.

>he thinks the kidz are playing arena shooters
get with the times gramps

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Last I checked, Imperials had the best melee racials.

I might give it a try and play casually. So $10 for the base game is all I need to start? No sub?

I hated skyrim, and I don't know if this game is just skyrim but multiplayer

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oh race. thought you said class. imperial is useless in anything but pvp anyways though. zero place in pve

Are Pubg and Fortnite not an arena shooter? You are limited to a space with other players who fight for power upgrades and the best weapons.

Its no different than quake, except its on a larger scale.

Nope. Thank Sony and Microsoft for that.

Yep base game will get you pretty far but Warden is exclusive to Morrowind. You can get Morrowind + base game for $20

If you like the game and you want the best bang for your buck, do base game + Morrowind + Gold Edition

I'd argue nord has better passives depending on what you're going for but yeah the Imperial shit is just a remnant of back when the game used to be really shitty unfortunately. Hope they change it.

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So? Let's be real, here, the content in these DLCs and expansions is not some high-quality DLC. It's padded. It's reused assets, and takes an artificially long time to complete. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. I'm not going to complain that MMOs are a timesink. But you can't say that the "thousands of hours of content" is absolutely mindblowing and totally unique.

There are also other games that are F2P and have a better business model that offer the same quantity of content.

Is it 50 dollars for the base game and the DLC? Is it, though? I don't think it is. I think it's more like 200 dollars. You got any proof it's 50 bucks? Besides, when I pay 50 dollars for a game, I don't expect there to also be a cashshop filled with cosmetics and boosts, and then an "optional" subscription that makes the game pay-to-not-grind. It's so fucking stupid.

I bought it at launch I should still have an account sitting around somewhere...

Can I solo play this shit until I get my bearings?

the difference between those games is the fact that one requires skill. the other does not.

>it's like a sandbox actually
That is complete bullshit and I play the game.

Can elves actually look like that in TES? High elves are all yellow, Dunmer are dark, Wood elves are short.

if any of you niggas can find gold edition anywhere, be it physical or resellers, GET IT

seconding this, I played one character for a bit shortly after launch and I just want to be able to solo and enjoy the world

>There are also other games that are F2P and have a better business model that offer the same quantity of content.
name 'em
I guarantee you they're all shit. Different flavours of shit, but shit nonetheless. Not saying ESO is good (it's not), it's also merely a different flavour of shit.

yes. not sure why you think you wouldnt be able to. play it as you would any other elder scrolls game. the only time you actually need to hunker down and treat it like an mmo is with extreme veteran content

I'm not saying it is unique but if I were to choose between spending 100 hours of time in Oblivion or Skyrim or ESO, I'd absolutely choose ESO. Not only because it offers the persistence of an MMO, but also because the content and design is better than Bethesda's games.

Gold Edition cdkeys sell for $20-$22 and it's an incredible value.

>best combat of any elder scrolls game

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Because I'm just now getting good at turning skyrim into my personal fuck sim.
Just need to fine tune the positioning and get some pose mods and maybe a new ENB.

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>imperial is useless in anything but pvp anyways though. zero place in pve
What race is better, then?

>I'd argue nord has better passives depending on what you're going for
Really? Imperials have 12% more hp, 10% more stam, and a 10% chance on hit to restore 6% of max hp.
Nords have 20% more health recovery, 6% more stam, cold resistance, and 6% damage reduction.

12% more hp is better than 20% health recovery. 10% more stam is better than 6% more stam. 10% chance on hit is better than 6% damage reduction assuming you can get in at least 10 hits before you die. Only thing nords are better at is taking cold damage lol

Is there any reason for me to play this over Lord of the Rings Online or Path of Exile?

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It really is but question should be.... Is that saying much?

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khajiit, redguards and argonians. theres a reason they make up the large majority of their faction's races

>4 years later
>the first person mode still doesn't have a vertical FOV

LOTRO is super good but ESO is super good also. Up to you senpai.

Path of Exile is more of a supplement for a game like Warframe rather than an MMO.

such a blatant shill thread. your game is garbage

Poor rat...


Game is incredibly popular. Doesn't need me to shill for it desu senpai

I just like the game and I came from /vg/ to spread the good word :^)

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how hard is it to become emperor?

Depends when you aim for it and whether you're a good leader or not. If you have friends or a following of people that think you're worth being Emperor, you can do it in a couple hours at a fresh start of Cyrodiil.

depends on the server. honestly if you can just get like three guys to hardcore support you on some of the less popular ones, youll make it. just need a gameplan and to find a time to attack.

>name 'em
Warframe, Path of Exile, Neverwinter. If you're asking for specifically open-world MMOs, then maybe TESO isn't that bad in terms of quality and quantity game content, but that's only because the MMO market is pretty much dead.

WoW can get away with having a very similar business model (need to buy the base game, plus the latest expansion, plus pay a mandatory subscription, plus there is a cash shop) because WoW has a ridiculous amount of content compared to TESO, and has a much higher quality of content.

TESO gets away with such a shit business model because it is one of the few half-decent MMOs out there. If TESO wasn't an MMO, and was a different genre of game, people would shit all over it.

>Doesn't need me to shill for it desu senpai
though you are in fact shilling for it

Just posting about a good game that more people should play m8

>I'm not saying it is unique but if I were to choose between spending 100 hours of time in Oblivion or Skyrim or ESO, I'd absolutely choose ESO. Not only because it offers the persistence of an MMO, but also because the content and design is better than Bethesda's games.
I sort of agree. The game isn't bad. It's actually pretty good. But I will not get suckered into their bullshit Jew tactics. Surely it's enough that I'm willing to buy the game and all of their DLC and expansion packs? It's not. I'm at a disadvantage without the OP race, and I'll get less gold and XP than other players unless I pay. I'll have less bag space. and I'll look like a clown because I didn't buy any fancy cosmetics. I've already bought the game. I'm willing to buy the DLC. But that's not enough. I need to pay more!

If a game wants to be buy-to-play with DLC. Fine. If a game wants to be free-to-play with optional subscriptions and a cash shop. Fine. But when a game does it all, it had better be the BEST game out there. Maybe I'm just a cynical contrarian. Maybe the guys who run TESO are happy with their kike game. Maybe the people who play TESO can tolerate that level of Judaism. But I can't. I bought the base game, and when I saw all of this SHIT that I was expected to buy, I uninstalled the game and did a charge back on my credit card. I play games to have fun, not to be bogged down by like 2000 different DLCs and cash shop items and subscriptions and expansion packs.

I only like PVP MMOS. Dark Age was my jam, sell this one on me.

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Heard it was good until they started level scaling all the enemies (outside of dungeons, that is.)

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so you're admitting to shilling. it's not a good game. the game is shit, has a terrible payment model and it's terrible to play. animation canceling makes the game ugly and just watching a bunch of retarded animations. in pvp scripters run rampant.

probably heard it from retards who need their carrot on a stick

fuck off, shill. this game is nothing like daoc

Horizontal progression is shit.

I didn't say it was, learn to read.

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Khajit have added stealth, and do like 8% more damage than Imperials, but are much less tanky, have much less HP, and have less stamina.

Redguards have more stamina recovery, but less HP, and can't recover as much HP.

Argonians aren't bad in certain situations, but are just that; situational.

Yes, all of the races ARE different and have different stats, but there are some differences that mean more than others. You COULD say that 10% more stamina recovery is better than 12% more max hp. You COULD say that "lol it's just a different racial, that doesnt mean its better lol" but let's be real, fuckface. That 10% stamina recovery doesnt mean SHIT compared to 12% more hp. When you're dying and the imperial guy isn't, what you gonna tell yourself? "B-BUT MUH 10% STAMINA RECOVERY :("?

The lead designers on ESO's PVP worked at Mythic and it's the best RvRvR you'll get until Camelot Unchained comes out. I don't need to sell you on it. It sells itself.


Why would you want level gated content in an MMO? All that does is invalidates content. In a traditional MMO, only a couple zones would be made for "end game". This game? I can play with a friend that just started the game and my time with them in the opening areas of the game will be just as rewarding as if I were doing Clockwork City stuff. It's great.

Level gated content is just a symptom of power creep. Why do you want power creep in an MMO? What's the benefit of "raising numbers"? All it does is waste development resources on the inevitable rework so instead of developing new content, they rework old content so half the game isn't useless outside of leveling.

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Grinding os what's fun with an MMO. Muh unguided tour doesnt make your shit game less shit. Call of duty has a mission select does that mean it gives you 100% freedom in tackling objectives?

I hope you get paid for making these threads.
Because it would be pathetic to shill this shitty game for free

I literally saw you post this same exact shit, pictures and all this morning, what the fuck dude.
if you work for zenimax can i ask if the fact the company is full of jews and the sheer amount of money grubbing shallow purchasable content is related at all?
Also if this is an elder scrolls game why isnt hand to hand a skill?

1) the animations are shit
2) there's no late game content
3) every class plays the same
4) fucking skills tied to weapons lmao
5) all the sets look like ass
6) game scales you down to fit content

tl;dr - it's shit

hand to hand has never not been a meme

>level up
>grow weaker
Level scaling, stop calling that shit horizontal progression because it is not, invalidates the core rpg principles of growing stronger and also fucks with content pacing and progression. When you can go and eng game zone at level 1 it invalidates any sense of threat and scale.

Inb4 you can kill dagoth ur in 15 minutes. You can do shit like that in early tes games because of clever use of game mechanics, not because everything scaled to your level.

If that is your serious answer you are the gayest dumbest person in existence

"hur dur it's a meme"
shouldn't be an excuse on any level, but the fact you did it to excuse cutting content/playstyles to get a product out easier is laughable you obvious brainlet.

Go shill your shitty WoW clone to dried up lionhead fans,
your crappy game isnt going to get any more fans, and it ont get any better either, more "exciting lands" to visit wont change shit if it's the same boring game

Hand to hand a meme, i'm triggered by that shitty statement

>Grinding os what's fun with an MMO

grinding always has been the worst part about MMOs

i tried OP, i really tried, but i keep getting the "kicked to login screen after 5 minutes"
you know, the issue thousands of unresolved thread on the forums and reddits talk about and still no change or fix?

>i tried OP, i really tried, but i keep getting the "kicked to login screen after 5 minutes"
try again once the free weekend is over. Influx of players probably causes server issues.

Last time I played was around Clockwork City's release, but I heard they made some overhauls to the combat system since then, do I still have to get good at autistic animation cancelling to get enough DPS to be viable in vet DLC dungeons? I struggled to break 25-30k single target because I never did understand exactly how weaving works

Game's biggest flaw is that it has notoriously shit servers and that's probably happening because of the heavy load from the free weekend

When they work they work fine, but some days the game lags like fuck regardless of your connection or just kicks you off

yah ppl jump at the chance to be reminded for free how much they dont like playing the game your shilling, things will die down again when they have to pay

my own issue dates back to a few months ago and the threads i mentioned are years old
i got the game with humble bundle monthly in december and i can't play for longer than 10 minutes per session to this day

Tried it, got bored instantly.

The combat is so fucking boring.

the jews at zenimax dont want you to be having too much fun dude you might die

The gameplay is as shallow as a free to play mobile game. You master a spec within 5 minutes of picking it up and there's only so many viable builds meaning being able to make any build you want is pointless.

It's good I guess if you've never played an mmo though.

the worst thing is that the two tickets i opened copy pasted the same things, add to exceptions in antivirus, bla bla bla, fixing nothing
and they just close them as resolved, as an insult

I got into Vicec City and someone tthe of me to go kill the Queen’s Consort, some sort of Super Kwarma. But he’s kicking my ass. I waited for another guy and we tried to 2v1 him but he still beat us up. Is this a party boss? Because it’s my level but there ain’t no way I’m beating this guy.

>all posts bashing the shit game ESO

yeah he will ignore all of these, maybe abondon the thread and come back in 12 or so hours, i don't get it. if he would spend this time/resources working on features of the game to include he would actually be making the borefest a little bit better, maybe bringing in new players more efficiently?

Too big.

Finished the campaign of one faction and got tired of it.

maybe try sinking hours of time watching your character's combat animation loop, after a few days your stats and numbers will be bigger than his and you will win. :3
gosh i love playing mmos with my bros :3

Even if we assume he actually is a real shill, do you really think the chief programmer and director of an MMO being run by a AAA multimillion dollar company behind one of the biggest IPs in the industry would be the individual who goes and shills it on Sup Forums personally

World bosses in DLC zones and Morrowind are roughly on par with dungeon bosses, they're a step above the ones in the vanilla zones, even with a good build you'll probably want at least 4 people to take them down

You can share those daily quests though and people are always looking for those motifs so if you post in zone chat that you're looking for help with Queen's Consort and have the quest, you'll probably find people to help out

>I want entire zones of content to be invalid because muh numbers going up

No but bringing up the idea the shilling your games on the internet like an international spy is a bullshit waste of time/$$$ and its better to spend that effort making sure your games our good because if they are good enough people will love them so much they do the advertising for you. Not saying all advertising is bad, but i've seen enough of it on here to know the difference from fan shilling and business shilling, all in all if sperging out like i am on an online shill does anything i want it to damage ESO reputation, fuck that shitshow, if it never came to there would be WAY more pressure on todd to make an ES title, ESO is his scape goat