What would be a good aesthetic for the next Fallout?

What would be a good aesthetic for the next Fallout?

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Boise, Idaho

Honestly I'd love a fallout like the 300 years after the bombs fell civilization is back to normal and the go to mars so that they don't get nuked again

south america

underground metro

you do realize that the most "normal" fallout has ever been is during fallout 1 wich does not even take 100 years after the bombs fell?

Cute dogs

New Orleans.

user, NV's setting is a lot more developed than 1's

New Orleans
San Fran/Chicago again


just let it die, nothing good will ever come out of it again

iam legend style new york

A Fallout that leads to the fallout as the ending of the game.

Somewhere in Europe, but i think in the Fallout lore EU got hit a lot harder by nukes than the US did so RIP that ever being a thing

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I'd be a big fan of a backwoods setting for a new Fallout. Essentially an entire game with the aesthetic of 3's Far Harbour. Maybe Colorado or Montana. Just remember how fun fucking around in the woods fighting mutant hillbillies with axes and shotguns was.

Cleveland. It will look all the same.

Island resort like Dead Island but good

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It's not that Europe got hit harder by nukes, since the primary nuclear exchange was between China and the U.S., but it's that what nukes it did get were compunded by dirty bombs and the previous conflicts between European states during the various oil wars that took place from the 2050's onwards. Most of Europe was already desolate ruins by the time the bombs fell; it would look much different than the relatively unscathed American infrastructure seen in the games so far.

Russia is not relevant in FO universe, it's all about China vs USA. Just like it's going to be in real life soon.

Something more rural

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i could go for an alpine setting such as maine or a rural country setting

honestly kind of bored of urban settings in fallout

Does Russia not exist? Are there no people there?

Get-a the fuck out of here Mario

But I want to see how Todd will try to shoehorn supermutants to contradict their lore again.

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Iowa is already a desolated place

the entire game takes place trapped inside a building and you need to create your own makeshift vault from all the junk in there

I want fallout to go back to being mad max instead of this discount stalker shit. bring back cars, bring back real settlements. forget the nu-fallout idea that every game has to be centered around a ruined city.

>"Wasteland Renaissance"
>Set in the southern US, 2320
>High medieval-ish civilization established
>A few (relatively) safe towns are established along with farming - built towns, not living in shacks
>Bombed out shitty old towns are either claimed by raiders or picked clean
>Harder to scavenge since it's been nearly 300 fucking years and it's ludicrous to imply that the whole wasteland hasn't been fucking picked clean and torn down for scraps yet
>Focus on either joining a faction or establishing your own and building up settlements
>Actual point to establishing a settlement now - can get resources to build weapons, grow food, etc.
>No super mutants, no factions from previous Fallouts
>Have a new "kinda sorta the confederacy but not really so nobody's fee-fee's get hurt" faction that serves as the south's own version of the Enclave
>New faction that's basically just Caesar's Legion but instead of "lol romans" it's "lol knights and shit"

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>lol knights and shit
Literally BoS.

Actual knights that use fucking crossbows and shields and swords and shit, not LARPing buzz lightyear fanboys with sissy lazer weapons.

but the point of fallout is to have silly 40's science science

The point of Fallout is to be a pastiche of 1950's Americana, consumerism, capitalism, jingoism, etc.

no its to be a funny 40's - 50's future vision post apocalyptic rpg
