ITT: Enemies that unnerve you

ITT: Enemies that unnerve you

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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Mind Flayer.gif (637x1006, 246K)

my dick lol

Attached: virginia.png (233x243, 72K)

Attached: nah.png (548x840, 567K)

Twin Victims never did a damn thing for me. Now FF1 broken neck/old monk ghosts? Those got to me a little.

Attached: broken neck ff1.jpg (200x447, 65K)

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No one here is going to remember peanus weanus, OP. let it go

the falling woman in FF2 is scarier

la creatura...

Attached: 242760_20180209180511_1.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

Attached: 1521599985483.png (1076x1105, 2.66M)

why, my peanus weenus of course :)


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)

ITT: Enemies that unnerve me - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D


el ogro...

Attached: 242760_20180209160839_1.png (1920x1080, 3.64M)

Literally the only enemies in the entire game that were even remotely spooky.

I almost shit my pants the first time it started chasing me.

Attached: Link_vs._Dead_Hand.png (1920x1080, 1.17M)

Attached: Goomba.png (220x273, 57K)

Can't these people be banned

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>hating Sup Forums culture

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As a jumpscare, yeah. Actually fighting the FF1 ghosts were a bit trickier. Broken necks would outright hide their weak points until at Fatal Frame range sometimes and old monks were their own brand of hell, I never fought those fuckers unless I was forced to.

>being new

Dragon's Dogma mimics are worse. I only ever saw one on Bitterblack Isle but I almost didn't live to tell the tale.

been here since 2002 faggot

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no fuckin way man I'm too spooked to even look

I fell into the trap hole on my first run through dark souls and got petrified. Now whenever I see these fuckers I panic even though I know how to fight them and how in later games petrification doesn't even do anything anymore.

Attached: basilisk.jpg (418x345, 31K)

This should look horrifying, but watching pewdiepie really took the piss out of it. Back when he actually fucking played games anyways.

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>Got cursed in III in my first playthrough
>oh shit, I don't have anything that removes c—
>literally respawn with full health

bab's game

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Holy motion blur batman!

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Those aren't as scary as the boxes full of fused corpses that sneak attack you after the blood moon. The giant fleas are pretty fucked too.


Maybe if it was three or five times this size.

There are concept arts with big monsters, I have no idea why we didn't even get ONE big monster.

wtf? when was Sup Forums made because i was one of the first posters. fuck you dude!!!!

*blocks your path*

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Deep Sea trivializes the fuck out of these guys.

these guys scare me shitless

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get off my case m8

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I get a good rush whenever I hear the beeping nearby

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dont bring the memories back...

Jesus, Silent Hill really gets me, especially 3.

IS this the same exact pic that was in that screencap?



What's the symbolism behind these creatures

Looks like forest, but i don't really know.

The Forest

Attached: Jew-Strategy.jpg (650x365, 50K)

why do you keep posting this? hes just the guy behind jojo

Let's just say pregnancy and birth are prevailing themes in SH3.

god fucking shit i have a virus now thanks dont open


>Fatal Frame
That closet jump scare knocked ten years off my life.

And circumcision.

Attached: Drakengard_Ending D.jpg (640x352, 24K)

I'm a virgin, please elaborate


i remember playing a game recently, not sure which one, but it had giant spiders or something, and i remember getting chils really bad... i hate spiders in general

Bretty sure spiders hover over your face while you sleep, sometimes even landing and walking around on them

>that fucking sound they made
>nigh unkillable till you learn their weakness

they were really well done enemies

They were too slow


This ugly motherfucker, I don´t know why.

Attached: acended_sleeper_by_chilkat-d36oksj.png (600x787, 702K)

The Shatening HD

Whats that from?

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TES Morrowind

why the fuck were these nasty bastards totally absent in FO4? Fuck you todd

>watch trailer
>"holy shit these looks and sound creepy as fuck, gonna have to play quiet when I run into these"
>play it
>its just fucking lighthouses that get triggered if you walk into light

Shittiest thing about the game.

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The big fucker on the bridge in 5-1 in DeS

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Shut up

Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...

Attached: SH3_splithead.jpg (480x480, 45K)

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dude its to scary to have that type of stuff in a childrens game

>Cyberpunk but with ayylmaos
These retards took me by surprise.

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Are they supposed to be like deformed bird people or are those masks?

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*stares at you*

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What does it have a vagina?


I think Infinite was alright, but it's a shame how they didn't follow up on the original trailers for Infinite looking more horror themed.

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I loved killing those space niggers

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what game is that?

Tall woman from the fatal frame 5 would recent example.
Bloomed enemies from the fatal frame 4, hope switch remake is soon,

Because it scares child and women players too much.

Silent Hill 4

weird, thought it was Siren for some reason

Guess i'm never playing SH4